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From Trajectory Modeling to Social Habits and Behaviors Analysis
Donatella Gubiani, Marco Pavan, 2016, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Opis: In recent years, the widespread of mobile devices has made easier and popular the activities of recording locations visited by users and of inferring their trajectories. The availability of such large amount of spatio-temporal data opens new challenges to automatically extract information and get valuable knowledge. The many aspects of this issue have aroused the interest of researchers in several areas, such as information retrieval, data mining, context-aware computing, security and privacy issues, urban planning, and transport management. Recently, there has been a strong interest in understanding how people move during their common daily activities in order to get information about their behaviors and habits. In this paper we describe considerable recent research works related to the analysis of mobile spatio-temporal data, focusing on the study of social habits and behaviors. We provide a general perspective on studies on human mobility by depicting and comparing methods and algorithms, highlighting some critical issues related to information extraction from spatio-temporal data, and future research directions.
Ključne besede: Trajectory modeling, Social habits and behaviors, Spatio-temporal data, Data mining
Objavljeno v RUNG: 18.11.2016; Ogledov: 5286; Prenosov: 0
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Tidal Disruption Events from different kinds of astrophysical objects: a preliminary analysis
Aurora Clerici, Andreja Gomboc, 2016, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

Ključne besede: črne luknje, zvezde, plimska sila
Objavljeno v RUNG: 17.11.2016; Ogledov: 4991; Prenosov: 0
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The Problem of the Representation of Women Authors in Slovenian Secondary School Literature Textbooks
Zoran Božič, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper is based on empirical research on the share of women authors in Slovenian secondary school literature textbooks between 1850 and 2000. The highest share (about 15%) of women authors was achieved after the Second World War and in contemporary textbooks. However, this share occurred in only one of three competing books, one which offers a considerably larger selection of authors than that required by the curriculum. The research showed that the share of women authors depends on the scope of the approach: the fewer authors that are included, the smaller is the likelihood of women authors being represented. With a very strict selection of nationally representative authors, the female gender is not represented at all. The gender of the selector(s) may influence the inclusion of women authors, but not necessarily: a textbookʼs editor may be a woman, yet still fail to include a single woman author. A comparison between textbooks and literary-historical selections shows that women authors in textbooks are less represented (due to limitations of the scope as determined by the included literary texts), and the selection criteria may also differ.
Ključne besede: Canonization, Didactics, Women authors, Literary history, Slovenian secondary school textbooks
Objavljeno v RUNG: 17.11.2016; Ogledov: 5245; Prenosov: 220
.pdf Celotno besedilo (506,38 KB)

Development of a simple method for the extraction of pharmaceuticals from fish
Topić Jelena, Klančar Anita, Trontelj Jurij, Roškar Robert, 2016, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

Opis: Pharmaceuticals are considered as emerging pollutants of particular concern due to their continuous release into the environment and the potential impact on aquatic organisms. The selection of the target compounds for evaluation in fish tissue was based on physico-chemical properties, bioaccumulation potential and the results of the screening of pharmaceuticals in the effluent of WWTP Sevnica in March 2015. We chose tramadol, risperidone, desipramine, carbamazepine, irbesartan, naproxen, valsartan, atorvastatin, triclosan, simvastatin and diclofenac. The method was developed on muscle tissue and is based on the tissue homogenization with stainless steel beads, followed by extraction with acetonitrile, centrifugation and sample clean-up with solid-phase extraction (SPE). The instrumental analysis was performed with LC-MS/MS. The best and the most reproducible recoveries were observed for the samples that were diluted to 25 mL with 50 mM phosphate buffer pH 7. The method was validated and the linearity range was established, which was in the range of 0.1 – 1000 ng/g, depending of the compound. The recoveries for the target pharmaceuticals were in the range of 24.0 – 108.5 %, with good reproducibility as the relative RSD values for all compounds were below 7.5 %. LOQ values for the compounds were in the 0.1 – 50 ng/g range. We applied the method to the fish tissue samples from the river Sava and from the aquaculture establishment. We chose muscle, liver, skin and kidney tissue samples. The results showed presence of tramadol and carbamazepine in some tissue, but the concentrations were below the LOQ.
Ključne besede: pharmaceuticals, fish, SPE, LC-MS/MS
Objavljeno v RUNG: 16.11.2016; Ogledov: 6439; Prenosov: 0
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Opazovanje delcev iz najmočnejših pospeševalnikov v vesolju z observatorijem Pierre Auger
Samo Stanič, 2016, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci (vabljeno predavanje)

Opis: Kozmični žarki ekstremnih energij so delci, ki potujejo skozi vesoljska prostranstva z več deset milijonkrat večjimi energijami, kot jih dosegajo delci v pospeševalnikih na Zemlji. So izjemno pomemben vir informacij o najbolj energijskih procesih v vesolju, kjer je naše razumevanje naravnih zakonitosti še vedno zelo omejeno. V naravi so zelo redki: v povprečju v zgornje plasti Zemljine atmosfere prileti le nekaj delcev z energijami nad 1 EeV na kvadratni kilometer na stoletje, zato za študij njihovih lastnosti potrebujemo dovolj velik detektor. Trenutno največji je observatorij Pierre Auger, z mrežo 1.660 talnih detektorjev Čerenkova in 24 detektorji fluorescenčne svetlobe razprostira po 3.000 km2 argentinske pampe, kot kalorimeter pa uporablja atmosfero nad observatorijem z volumnom 45.000 km3. Vpadne smeri in energije kozmičnih žarkov pa določa na podlagi meritev plazov relativističnih sekundarnih delcev, ki nastanejo kot posledica trkov med kozmičnimi žarki in atomskimi jedri v zgornjih atmosferskih plasteh. Prispevek predstavlja raziskovalni potencial observatorija, ki izhaja iz njegove nadgradnje, ter najnovejše rezultate, pri katerih so raziskovalci iz Slovenije igrali ključno vlogo.
Ključne besede: kozmični žarki, ekstremne energije, Observatorij Pierre Auger
Objavljeno v RUNG: 16.11.2016; Ogledov: 5263; Prenosov: 0
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