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Laser ablation-single-particle-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry as a multimodality bioimaging tool in nano-based omics
Dino Metarapi, Johannes Teun van Elteren, Martin Šala, Katarina Vogel-Mikuš, Iztok Arčon, Vid Simon Šelih, Mitja Kolar, Samo B. Hočevar, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Advanced data processing and visualization techniques were applied to laser ablation-single particleinductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-sp-ICPMS) data obtained from imaging of roots of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) which were exposed to ionic silver (Ag+). Highly multiplexed images with tissue level resolution were generated, showing the uptake and transformation of Ag+ to silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in whole root cross-sections, and revealing that the size of biosynthesized AgNPs is predisposed by the reducing power of particular root compartments. Various Ag+ and AgNP visualization strategies are shown with special emphasis on spatially resolved information associated with the number and spherical-equivalent size of individual AgNPs in user-selected root cross-sectional regions, including statistical analysis of the AgNP distribution. Normally, this multimodality information can only be obtained by combining the results of techniques from several complementary platforms.
Ključne besede: Laser ablation, Ag XANES, bioimaging
Objavljeno v RUNG: 03.06.2021; Ogledov: 3360; Prenosov: 51
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Effect of the Morphology of the High-Surface-Area Support on the Performance of the Oxygen-Evolution Reaction for Iridium Nanoparticles
Leonard Moriau, Marjan Bele, Živa Marinko, Francisco Ruiz-Zepeda, Gorazd Koderman, Martin Šala, Angelija Kjara Šurca, Janez Kovač, Iztok Arčon, Primož Jovanovič, Nejc Hodnik, Luka Suhadolnik, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The development of affordable, low-iridium-loading, scalable, active, and stable catalysts for the oxygen-evolution reaction (OER) is a requirement for the commercialization of proton-exchange membrane water electrolyzers (PEMWEs). However, the synthesis of high-performance OER catalysts with minimal use of the rare and expensive element Ir is very challenging and requires the identification of electrically conductive and stable high-surface-area support materials. We developed a synthesis procedure for the production of large quantities of a nanocomposite powder containing titanium oxynitride (TiONx) and Ir. The catalysts were synthesized with an anodic oxidation process followed by detachment, milling, thermal treatment, and the deposition of Ir nanoparticles. The anodization time was varied to grow three different types of nanotubular structures exhibiting different lengths and wall thicknesses and thus a variety of properties. A comparison of milled samples with different degrees of nanotubular clustering and morphology retention, but with identical chemical compositions and Ir nanoparticle size distributions and dispersions, revealed that the nanotubular support morphology is the determining factor governing the catalyst’s OER activity and stability. Our study is supported by various state-of-the-art materials’ characterization techniques, like X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopies, Xray powder diffraction and absorption spectroscopy, and electrochemical cyclic voltammetry. Anodic oxidation proved to be a very suitable way to produce high-surface-area powder-type catalysts as the produced material greatly outperformed the IrO2 benchmarks as well as the Ir-supported samples on morphologically different TiONx from previous studies. The highest activity was achieved for the sample prepared with 3 h of anodization, which had the most appropriate morphology for the effective removal of oxygen bubbles.
Ključne besede: electrocatalysis, oxygen-evolution reaction, TiONx-Ir powder catalyst, iridium nanoparticles, anodic oxidation, morphology−activity correlation
Objavljeno v RUNG: 04.01.2021; Ogledov: 3595; Prenosov: 0
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Staranje nitrogvajakola pod vplivom sončne svetlobe
Ajda Delić, 2020, magistrsko delo

Opis: Nitrogvajakoli so rumeno obarvane spojine, ki prispevajo k absorpciji rjavega ogljika v ozračju. Na podnebje vplivajo z absorbiranjem svetlobe v bližnjem UV in vidnem delu spektra, saj po absorpciji sproščajo toploto, kar vodi v ogrevanje ozračja. Poleg tega imajo škodljiv vpliv tudi na ekosistem. Prisotnost v ozračju in njihovi mehanizmi nastanka so že raziskani, mehanizmi razpadanja v vodni fazi ozračja pa so malo znani. V tem delu smo raziskali, kako sončna svetloba vpliva na staranje nitrogvajakolov v ozračju. Z uporabo fotospektroskopije smo najprej proučili spektroskopske lastnosti vodnih raztopin gvajakola, 4-nitrogvajakola, 5-nitrogvajakola in dinitrogvajakola ter kako nanje vpliva pH. Preiskovani nitrogvajakoli v vidnem delu spektra močno absorbirajo le pri visokih pH, dinitrogvajakol pa zaradi nekoliko nižjega pKa absorbira tudi že pri rahlo kislih pH vrednostih. pH raztopin 4-nitrogvajakola in 5-nitrogvajakola različnih koncentracij smo pred fotolizo prilagodili na vrednost atmosferskih vod (pH okoli 5), nato pa smo jih izpostavili sončnemu simulatorju z močjo enega sonca. Produkte fotorazgradnje smo ločili in identificirali s tekočinsko kromatografijo sklopljeno s pretočnim spektrometrom in tandemskim masnim spektrometrom (LC-UV/Vis-MS/MS). Fotorazgradnja nitrogvajakolov poteka zelo počasi. Najdeni produkti imajo ohranjen aromatski obroč in eno ali več nitro skupin (dinitrogvajakol, 4-nitrokatehol). Zaključimo lahko, da so nitrogvajakoli v vodni fazi ozračja obstojni, absorbirajo v širokem območju pH vrednosti in s svojimi absorpcijskimi lastnostmi skupaj s produkti fotorazgradnje prispevajo k vplivu rjavega ogljika na podnebje.
Ključne besede: Rjavi ogljik, nitrogvajakol, fotorazpad, spektroskopske lastnosti, vpliv pH, identifikacija produktov, LC-UV/Vis-MS/MS
Objavljeno v RUNG: 03.06.2020; Ogledov: 5097; Prenosov: 140
.pdf Celotno besedilo (1,62 MB)

Electrochemical dissolution of iridium and iridium oxide particles in acidic media : transmission electron microscopy, electrochemical flow cell coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and X-ray absorption spectroscopy study
Primož Jovanovič, Nejc Hodnik, Francisco Ruiz-Zepeda, Iztok Arčon, Barbara Jozinović, Milena Zorko, Marjan Bele, Martin Šala, Vid Simon Šelih, Samo B. Hočevar, Miran Gaberšček, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Iridium based particles as the most promising proton exchange membrane electrolyser electrocatalysts were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and by coupling of electrochemical flow cell (EFC) with online inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). Additionally, a thin-film rotating disc electrode (RDE), an identical location transmission and scanning electron microscopy (IL-TEM and IL-SEM) as well as an X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) studies have been performed. Extremely sensitive online time-and potential-resolved electrochemical dissolution profiles revealed that iridium particles dissolved already well below oxygen evolution reaction (OER) potentials, presumably induced by iridium surface oxidation and reduction processes, also referred to as transient dissolution. Overall, thermally prepared rutile type IrO2 particles (T-IrO2) are substantially more stable and less active in comparison to as prepared metallic (A-Ir) and electrochemically pretreated (E-Ir) analogues. Interestingly, under OER relevant conditions E-Ir particles exhibit superior stability and activity owing to the altered corrosion mechanism where the formation of unstable Ir(>IV) species is hindered. Due to the enhanced and lasting OER performance, electrochemically pre-oxidized E-Ir particles may be considered as the electrocatalyst of choice for an improved low temperature electrochemical hydrogen production device, namely a proton exchange membrane electrolyser.
Ključne besede: Iridium Oxide Par-ticles, Electrochemical Dissolution of Iridium, Ir L3-edge XANES
Objavljeno v RUNG: 23.08.2017; Ogledov: 5115; Prenosov: 0
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Atomically resolved dealloying of structurally ordered Pt nanoalloy as an oxygen reduction reaction electrocatalyst
Andraž Pavlišič, Primož Jovanovič, Vid Simon Šelih, Martin Šala, Marjan Bele, Goran Dražić, Iztok Arčon, Samo B. Hočevar, Anton Kokalj, Nejc Hodnik, Miran Gaberšček, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The positive effect of intermetallic ordering of platinum alloy nanoparticles on oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activity has been well established. What is still missing is an understanding of selective leaching of the less noble metal from the ordered structure and its correlation to longterm ORR performance. Using a combination of kinetic Monte Carlo simulations and advanced characterization techniques, we provide unprecedented insight into dealloying of intermetallic PtCu3 nanoparticles a well-known binary alloy. Comparison of ordered and disordered samples with identical initial compositions and particle size distributions reveals an unexpected correlation: whereas the copper dealloying rates in the ordered and disordered counterparts are almost the same, in the ordered structure Pt atoms are surrounded by 15−30% more Cu atoms throughout all the stages of acid leaching. This more convenient Pt−Cu coordination explains the statistically significant increase of 23−37% in ORR activity of the ordered structure at all stages of alloy degradation.
Ključne besede: ORR activity, fuel cells, platinum alloy, nanoparticle stability, intermetallic ordering, kinetic Monte Carlo, dealloying, in situ ICP-MS
Objavljeno v RUNG: 27.09.2016; Ogledov: 6805; Prenosov: 0
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