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Hell thunders : how sound influences the film narrative
Milan Bajčetić, 2024, magistrsko delo

Opis: This master thesis deals with the theoretical and practical part of my short film “Hell Thunders”. In the theoretical part, the topic is about the usage of sound and how it influences the understanding of the film narrative, where my film was used as an example. In the practical part, I will describe the process behind the pre-production phase, where I will also explain how and why I made specific sound choices that helped create the film.
Ključne besede: film, sound, music, narrative, information, metaphor
Objavljeno v RUNG: 09.10.2024; Ogledov: 687; Prenosov: 9
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European Film Co-productions with a Focus on Southeastern Europe
Boris Matić, 2022, magistrsko delo

Opis: In this master thesis I shall deal with European film co-productions with an emphasis on the functioning of this form of film production in 6 countries of Southeast Europe. Starting from defining the concept of co-productions and their types, short history, agreements that provide the legal framework for their establishment all the way to sources of funding from European public national and supranational funds, broadcasters and production incentive systems. In other words, in this thesis I explain how this joint production adventure works in Europe, as well as in the surrounding countries where I myself work as a film producer. The starting point of the paper is that the authors and producers hail from countries with low audiovisual capacity, and due to high film production prices and lack of funding sources in these countries, they are almost forced to turn to international co-productions for more ambitious film projects. Through the analysis and production study of Father, I speak about the application of the co-production model in filmmaking and the use of almost all types of available European sources of financial closure, which is a successful example of cooperation between producers and filmmakers and collaborators from several European countries. In the practical part of my master’s thesis, I briefly deal with the making of my short fiction film Thursday.
Ključne besede: film, production, co-production, southeast Europe, region, agreements, sources of funding, funds, national, supranational, budget
Objavljeno v RUNG: 01.09.2022; Ogledov: 2961; Prenosov: 108
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Films in the closet : exploring the problematics of LGBTQ representation
Carolina Silveira, 2022, magistrsko delo

Opis: Prvi del magistrskega dela raziskuje zgodovino reprezentacij LGBTQ skupnosti v filmu in medijih, s ciljem postavitve avtoričinega praktičnega projekta v kontekst, da bi ugotovili, na katere načine se le-ta vključuje v stereotipe in v katerih primerih se nahaja zunaj njih. Osredotočeno večinoma na ameriški in delno tudi na evropski film, pričujoče magistrsko delo ne predstavlja izčrpne študije teme, temveč gre za subjektivno izbiro določenih vrhuncev, ki so označili LGBTQ reprezentacijo v zgodovini filma ter pomembnih tem v odnosu do praktičnega projekta. Magistrsko delo izpostavi filme skozi desetletja in dogodke gejevskega gibanja z namenom kontekstualiziranja reprezentacije skupnosti v njenem družbeno-političnem presečišču. V svojem drugem delu avtorica razloži ustvarjalni proces filma (s)election, ki predstavlja praktični del magistrske naloge. Na koncu se oba dela povežeta.
Ključne besede: Homoseksualnost, LGBTQ, Film, Reprezentacija, Razkritje, Zgodovina LGBTQ Filma
Objavljeno v RUNG: 08.08.2022; Ogledov: 4612; Prenosov: 134
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Winning wars with films : (storytelling for artistic activism)
Sagar Gahatraj, 2021, magistrsko delo

Opis: This study mainly examines the prospect of utilizing the power of cinema to resolve humans’ conflicts. The research begins by analysing the psychology of human brain; how human brain functions, how belief systems are created, and most importantly, what is the cause of human disputes. The thesis then investigates the possibilities and pattern of psychological change. After uncovering how psychological change works, the research paper dives into comparing human psychology with the psychology of storytelling. The findings from this comparison are used to determine if storytelling can induce psychological change. At this point, the study is confronted by historical evidences, where the power of storytelling was exploited to control and manipulate people. However, upon further investigation on this issue, the duel power of storytelling is discovered, which suggest that story can be both propaganda and cure for propaganda. With these findings in hand, the research continues on its main pursuit; finding out if films can resolve conflicts. To do so, the thesis presents the history of film-making and its association with storytelling from its beginning. The research also looks into the power of film-making, and question if the power of film-making can be combined with the power of storytelling for artistic activism. The first part of thesis concludes by summarizing the findings of the study. The second part of the thesis analyses a short film, In The Nation Of Car Lovers, which was a practical part of the Master’s thesis. Finally, the thesis concludes by comparing the findings of the theoretical part to its utilization in the practical part of the thesis.
Ključne besede: Human Brain, Psychological change, Storytelling, Propaganda, Film-making, Activism
Objavljeno v RUNG: 13.10.2021; Ogledov: 3859; Prenosov: 135
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Zvijačnost Uma : magistrsko delo
Nataša Lanieri Shakespeare, 2019, magistrsko delo

Opis: Kipar Jakov Brdar upodobi Slavoja Žižka kot eksplozivno napravo meteor. Nebesno telo pridrvi v atmosfero, zagori in zasveti z bleščečo svetlobo. Usmeri se v izbrano tarčo z namenom, da jo raztrešči. Vse v skladu z Lacanom: vsaka simbolna struktura mora vsebovati element, ki uteleša trenutek nemogočega, okoli katerega je nameščena. To je hkrati nemogoče in realno. Metafora meteor poantira Žižkovo intelektualno prodornost, njegov eksplozivni levičarski aktivizem, njegovo napoved novega komunizma.
Ključne besede: eksplozivna, naprava, meteor, Lacan, Žižek
Objavljeno v RUNG: 11.03.2019; Ogledov: 6136; Prenosov: 182
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Otroci v slovenskem celovečernem filmu
Mery Gobec, 2018, magistrsko delo

Opis: Magistrsko delo Otroci v slovenskem celovečernem filmu obravnava razvoj otroškega in mladinskega slovenskega filma. Pri tem se sprašuje predvsem, v kakšni vlogi nastopajo otroci, katere ideološke misli podajajo in na kakšen način je njihova umestitev v zgodbo indikator političnega, socialnega in družbeno-kulturnega stanja v našem prostoru. V magistrsko delo je vključen tudi kronološki pregled otroških in mladinskih filmov, ki veljajo za najpomembnejše v slovenski kinematografiji. Ugotavljam, da se je idejna sporočilnost slovenskih celovečernih filmov z otroki spreminjala glede na ustaljen politični sistem. Če so obravnavani filmi vse od 50. let dalje pogosto podajali misel o partizanskem junaštvu in pomembnosti protiokupatorskega boja (nekateri obravnavani filmi pa izražajo idejo kvarnega vpliva tujcev in drugačnih, do česar v magistrski nalogi zavzemam kritičen odnos) so v 70. in 80. letih že izražali kritično misel o tedanjem sistemu. S prihodom 80. in 90. let (in »nove dobe«) je očiten vse pogostejši vpliv ameriške pop kulture in hollywoodskega filma. Seveda ne v vseh primerih, a vendar je očitno, da se mnogi filmi tovrstnega žanra še vedno držijo manj in bolj opaznih kompleksov, ki se jih slovenski otroški in mladinski film očitno še ni uspel popolnoma znebiti.
Ključne besede: Otroci, otroški film, mladinski film, konstrukt otroške čistosti, individualizem, kolektivizem, družbene vrednote, humanizem, kapitalizem, socializem, izobrazba, medgeneracijski nagovor, futurizem, eskapizem v ameriško kulturo, otroci – odrasli, moški – ženska, pristno slovensko
Objavljeno v RUNG: 29.11.2018; Ogledov: 5842; Prenosov: 184
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Post Colonial Dilettantes : The Aesthetics Of Anti-Imperialism
Rajat Sharma, 2018, magistrsko delo

Opis: The thesis begins a discourse into a need of an Indian film theory by exploring and analysing the plenitude of relevant western theories. In order to do so it lays down certain concrete relationships between ideologies, terminologies and their effect; as in what exactly post colonial means, why it is important to understand the impact of colonisation on culture and thus on one of the most mass consumed medium in India; films. The thesis explores the depths and complexity of the relationship of these two and the other influences that sprout from it for example the intensity of colonisation as a cultural project and its influence on the social reality of the people, artists, thinkers (and in our case specifically filmmakers) , who in turn reflect on this culture through various mediums including films. The thesis examines the western plethora of film theory in order to accentuate the contrast between film and cinema in the west and east and thus the subsequent need to bring forth a new ‘Eastern Film theory’.
Ključne besede: Post Colonialism, Cultural genocide, Cinematic Apparatus, Baudry, Political cinema, Brecht, Counter Cinema, Feminist film theory, Laura Mulvey, Douchet, Lacan, Anti Imperialism, Third Cinema, Solanas and Getino, Third Manifesto, Indian Cinema, Satyajit Ray, Consumerism
Objavljeno v RUNG: 19.11.2018; Ogledov: 5459; Prenosov: 170
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TV-serije : prihodnost filma?
Urška Djukić, 2014, magistrsko delo

Ključne besede: magistrske naloge, TV-serija, serialnost, televizija, film, kino, mediji, prihodnost, spletne serije, mini serije, transmedijske serije
Objavljeno v RUNG: 22.01.2015; Ogledov: 7450; Prenosov: 298
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