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Prihodnji scenariji rabe tal na celotnem območju Parka Škocjanske jame z uporabo prostorskega modela DynaCLUE
Klemen Cotič, 2019, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Spremembe rabe tal, kot posledica naših dejavnosti, imajo pomemben vpliv na različne okoljske prvine, kot npr. raven biotske raznovrstnosti in erozijo tal. V tem delu se ukvarjamo s spremembo rabe tal v prihodnosti na širšem območju Regijskega parka Škocjanske jame, z uporabo geografskih informacijskih sistemov, statistike in prostorskega modeliranja. Najprej smo z uporabo zbirke različnih lokacijskih dejavnikov (nadmorska višina, naklon reliefa, ekspozicija tal, oddaljenost od cest, naselij, pedološke profile tal itd.) statistično analizirali prostorsko razporeditev rabe tal s pomočjo logistične regresije. Njivske površine se pojavljajo predvsem na območjih psevdoglenih distričnih tal, trajni nasadi pa niso odvisni od tipa tal. Zaraščene površine in gozd se pojavljajo na celotnem območju, brez močnega vpliva posameznih spremenljivk. Na podlagi različnih dokumentov in uradnih statistik smo zatem razvili tri različne scenarije rabe tal do leta 2035. V prvem se travniške in kmetijske površine obnovijo na raven iz leta 1985, drugi se osredotoča na širitev poselitvenih in industrijskih površin, tretji pa upošteva smernice trajnostnega razvoja. Po simulaciji z modelom DynaCLUE lahko ugotovimo, da se posamezne rabe tal, neodvisno od velikosti scenarija pojavljajo na podobnih mestih. Ne glede na to dejstvo razviti scenariji pomagajo določiti območja, kjer je večja verjetnost za širjenje naselij ali pa kjer je večja verjetnost opuščanja kmetijskih površin.
Keywords: prihodnji scenariji, raba tal, Park Škocjanske jame, logistična regresija, DynaCLUE
Published in RUNG: 17.10.2019; Views: 5776; Downloads: 163
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Klemen Cotič, Matej Pogorelc, Matjaž Reya, Barbara Šavli, Nika Feigina, Merisa Kapić, Ӧzkan Karaçam, Mariya Perepelytsya, 2017, other monographs and other completed works

Abstract: The need of wood for building and heating, the extensive grazing and population growth in the 18th and 19th centuries led to turning the Karst area in Slovenia into a bare land. In the 19th century organised reforestation started which was successfully performed with Black pine (Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold). Later on, the reforestation was replaced by the process of spontaneous afforestation. The successfulness of reforestation with Black pine also made it possible for the native tree species to grow. The abandoning of the use of agricultural land also contributes to the spontaneous afforestation. In this project we determined the changes in forest cover through time. We used aerial photographs from the years 1957, 1975, 1985 and 2015. By drawing polygons on the maps in the QGIS programme on the areas that are covered with forests, are overgrown or are used for agricultural purpose we compared the areas from the maps of different years. We found out that the area covered with forest had increased by more than 50 % from the year 1957 to 2015. The increase in the area of forest cover due to afforestation provides new habitats for fauna and flora to live in.
Keywords: Karst, afforestation, new habitat, Black pine, human impact
Published in RUNG: 07.11.2017; Views: 5634; Downloads: 0
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