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12. Porosity engineering in cellulose-chitosan composites via sporopollenin incorporation for wound healing applicationsMohanachandran Nair Sindhu Swapna, Petra Makorič, Dorota Korte, Chieu D. Tran, Mladen Franko, 2023, published scientific conference contribution abstract Keywords: cellulose, chitosan, composite, wound healing, photothermal beam deflection, porosity Published in RUNG: 16.10.2023; Views: 1875; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
13. EditorialMladen Franko, Mauro L. Baesso, G. Paltauf, V. Spagnolo, 2023, other scientific articles Abstract: This is an Editorial to the special issue of Photoacoustics, which presents a collection of selected papers from the
field of photoacoustics, presented at the ICPPP21 - The 21st International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena, which took place in Bled, Slovenia, from 19 to 24 June 2022. Keywords: photoacoustics, ICPPP21 Published in RUNG: 21.08.2023; Views: 2208; Downloads: 8
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15. Non-contact and self-calibrated photopyroelectric method for complete thermal characterization of porous materialsMohanachandran Nair Sindhu Swapna, Carmen Tripon, Robert Gutt, Alexandra Farcas, Marcel Bojan, Dorota Korte, Irina Kacso, Mladen Franko, Dorin Dadarlat, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: photopyroelectric calorimetry, thermal parameters, porous materials Published in RUNG: 04.08.2023; Views: 2527; Downloads: 6
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18. Trajnostni biokompozitni materiali iz naravnih polimerov in njihova neporušna karakterizacija z optotermičnimi tehnikamiMladen Franko, other performed works Abstract: Predstavljene so osnove zelene sinteze novih biokompozitnih materialov iz kombinacij celuloze s hitosanom ali keratinom in sporopoleninom ter njihove protimikrobne lastnosti in adsorpcijske sposobnosti za čiščenje vode. Pomembna lastnost biokompozitov z vidika njihove uporabnosti je tudi poroznost, ki jo lahko določamo neporušno in nekontaktno s tehniko optotermičnega odlkona. Ta omogoča določevanje toplotne difuzivnosti materialov ter preko nje poroznosti, kot tudi globinske porazdelitve v material vgrajenih snovi, ki izboljšujejo njegove lastnosti. Keywords: Biokompoziti, celuloza, hitosan, keratin sporopolenin, toplotna difuzivnost, poroznost, optotermična spektrometrija Published in RUNG: 11.05.2023; Views: 3052; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
19. Improved photopyroelectric (PPE) configuration for thermal effusivity investigations of porous solidsCarmen Tripon, Mohanachandran Nair Sindhu Swapna, Nicoleta Cobirzan, Dorota Korte, Robert Gutt, Marcel Bojan, Mladen Franko, Dorin Dadarlat, 2023, original scientific article Keywords: photothermal techniques, photopyroelectric calorimetry, thermal effusivity, porous solids, building materials Published in RUNG: 12.04.2023; Views: 2796; Downloads: 30
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