1. Factors influencing collected quantities of municipal solid wasteSlavica Schuster, 2019, doctoral dissertation Abstract: The first part of the survey, using the survey (enclosed with the annexes), tried in various ways to identify samples and facts by which we could predict the amount of waste collected according to some social and economic indicators of all municipalities of the Republic of Slovenia. Data were collected through surveys to determine the way we work and think about the collection of waste and landfills. For my research I have selected the Republic of Slovenia and its 212 municipalities. It is precisely Slovenia that in many respects represents a bright spot in waste management and management.
In the second part of the research we used statistical methods to find the factors that influence the increase of waste. From the results we have proved our hypotheses and one of the most important is how the average age of people influences the increase of waste. We did the research over a period of 6 years (2012-2017). Where, by comparison, we find that they do not change significantly in structure by age, but of course socio-economic indicators such as average age change.
In the last section, we compared the growth of waste collected with GDP growth. We show that with the growth of GDP, the amount of waste collected also increases. The research is also based on the Republic of Slovenia and beyond. In the second part of the last survey we also included data for EU Member States (28 of them). Keywords: waste, waste management, amount of waste, socio-economic impacts, Slovenia, wild-landfills, GDP Published in RUNG: 02.10.2019; Views: 5277; Downloads: 235
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2. SWOT analiza potenciala slovenske gozdno-lesno predelovalne verigeHenrik Gjerkeš, Slavica Ilc, 2016, professional article Abstract: Ključna slabost slovenske gozdno-lesno predelovalne verige je visok delež izvoza neobdelanega, okroglega lesa in nizek delež izdelkov iz lesa v celotni količini izvoženega lesa. To je posledica, ki je lahko tudi latentni vzrok za prekinjeno gozdno-lesno predelovalno verigo v Sloveniji, kar je mogoče identificirati tudi s primerjalnimi analizami materialnega toka lesa v sosednjih državah.SWOT analiza je pokazala, da je višja stopnja predelave lesa v izdelke z (naj)višjo dodano vrednostjo skupni imenovalec priložnosti za slovensko gozdno-lesno verigo. To so lahko nišni izdelki v tradicionalni lesni in pohištveni industriji, kot novi izdelki za druge sektorje. Nujno povezovanje ni mogoče izvesti na hitro, zahteva temeljito oceno politik, širše zasnovano vizijo in vključevanje novih področij, kot so energetika, gradbeništvo in kemijska industrija. Keywords: SWOT analiza, lesno-predelovalna veriga, dodana vrednost Published in RUNG: 26.10.2016; Views: 7039; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
3. Izhodišča za trajnostno oživitev gozdno-lesno predelovalne verige v SlovenijiHenrik Gjerkeš, Slavica Ilc, 2016, professional article Abstract: SWOT analiza je pokazala, da je višja stopnja predelave lesa v izdelke z (naj)višjo dodano vrednostjo skupni imenovalec priložnosti za slovensko gozdno-lesno verigo. To so lahko nišni izdelki v tradicionalni lesni in pohištveni industriji, kot novi izdelki za druge sektorje. Nujno povezovanje ni mogoče izvesti na hitro, zahteva temeljito oceno politik, širše zasnovano vizijo in vključevanje novih področij, kot so energetika, gradbeništvo in kemijska industrija. Zato se za uspešno implementacijo strategije zdi horizontalna povezava med različnimi sektorji pomembnejša od vertikalne integracije v panogi. Keywords: Gozdno-lesna veriga, materialni tok lesa, SWOT analiza Published in RUNG: 26.10.2016; Views: 6659; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
4. ASSESSMENT OF THE DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL OF FOREST-WOOD PROCESSING CHAINSlavica Ilc, 2016, master's thesis Abstract: Slovenia is the third most forested country in Europe. Nevertheless, in the last twenty five years this natural wealth did not get the adequate role in national development strategies, which unnecessary reduced their sustainability potential and lead the Slovenian forest-wood industry in a very bad situation. The forest-based sector in Europe is in a period of profound structural changes, which requires reassessment of the wood-chain products outlook.
In the master’s thesis, the importance of integration of forestry and wood industry has been evaluated with the meaningful connection of different analytical methods: material flow analysis (MFA), SWOT analysis and life cycle assessment (LCA). With comparison of the roundwood and sawnwood material flow in Slovenia, Italy and Austria, the critical points in the Slovenian forest-wood chain were identified. In contrast to Austria and Italy, where wood is intensively reworked, Slovenia exports large amounts of untreated roundwood. As a consequence, the gross value added (GVA) per employee of wood sector in Slovenia reaches only 40 % of GVA in Austria and 50 % of GVA in Italy. Not only MFA, but also the SWOT and LCA analyses show, that wood processing into finished products is important both in terms of the value added and the environmental impact, as well as for more decisive shift of the economy towards a low-carbon society.
Slovenian economy could take advantage of its sustainable development potential to a great extent by increasing the level of raw material self-sufficiency and energy independency. It is essential to re-establish forest-wood processing chain, to rework wood at home into products with the highest added value, and to use wood residues as renewable feedstock in green chemistry industry and for transformation into energy with novel technologies. Slovenian vision of sustainable economy has great potential, but requires enhanced cross-sectoral integration of forestry, wood processing, construction, chemistry and energy. Keywords: sustainability, forest-wood processing chain, development potential, material flow analysis (MFA), SWOT analysis, life cycle assessment (LCA) Published in RUNG: 30.09.2016; Views: 9313; Downloads: 288
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