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iPTF16geu: A multiply imaged, gravitationally lensed type Ia supernova
Ariel Goobar, Rahman Amanullah, S.R. Kulkarni, Tanja Petrushevska, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: We report the discovery of a multiply-imaged gravitationally lensed Type Ia supernova, iPTF16geu, at redshift z = 0.409. This phenomenon could be iden- tified because the light from the stellar explosion was magnified more than fifty times by the curvature of space around matter in an intervening galaxy. We used high spatial resolution observations to resolve four images of the lensed supernova, approximately 0.300 from the center of the foreground galaxy. The observations probe a physical scale of ⇠1 kiloparsec, smaller than what is typical in other studies of extragalactic gravitational lensing. The large mag- nification and symmetric image configuration implies close alignment between the line-of-sight to the supernova and the lens. The relative magnifications of the four images provide evidence for sub-structures in the lensing galaxy.
Ključne besede: lensed supernova, strong lensing, galaxy lens, multiply-lensed supernova
Objavljeno v RUNG: 23.01.2018; Ogledov: 4343; Prenosov: 0
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Rahman Amanullah, Ariel Goobar, Joel Johansson, D.P.K. Banerjee, V. Venkataraman, V. Joshi, N.M. Ashok, Yi Cao, Mansi Kasliwal, S.R. Kulkarni, P.E. Nugent, Tanja Petrushevska, V. Stanishev, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The wavelength dependence of the extinction of Type Ia SN 2014J in the nearby galaxy M82 has been measured using UV to near-IR photometry obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope, the Nordic Optical Telescope, and the Mount Abu Infrared Telescope. This is the first time that the reddening of an SN Ia is characterized over the full wavelength range of 0.2–2μm. A total-to-selective extinction, RV 3.1, is ruled out with high significance. The best fit at maximum using a Galactic type extinction law yields RV = 1.4 ± 0.1. The observed reddening of SN 2014J is also compatible with a power-law extinction, Aλ/AV = (λ/λV ) p as expected from multiple scattering of light, with p = −2.1 ± 0.1. After correcting for differences in reddening, SN 2014J appears to be very similar to SN 2011fe over the 14 broadband filter light curves used in our study.
Ključne besede: dust, extinction – galaxies: individual (Messier 82) – supernovae: individual SN2014J
Objavljeno v RUNG: 22.01.2018; Ogledov: 5976; Prenosov: 0
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