1. Anaerobic treatment of excess yeast and waste ethanol from alcohol free beer production for increase of renewable energy use in brewing industryGregor Drago Zupančič, Mario Panjicko, Goran Lukić, 2020, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: In the presented paper we have investigated how large quantities of excess yeast and periodical releases of waste ethanol influence the operation of the anaerobic treatment process in a UASB reactor. The process was tested in a pilot-scale reactor with a design organic load of 16.0 kg/m3/day of COD. Through various stages of the experiment, several possible scenarios were tested, excess yeast was added continuously with concentrations up to 3 vol. %, whereas waste ethanol was added in batches of up to 0.8 % of daily volume load several days a week. The intent was to test real conditions in the treatment process. The whole experiment lasted for 77 days, where the maximum organic load of 24.72 kg/m3/day was successfully achieved with no adverse effects on the efficiency of the reactor performance although it significantly surpassed the design load. The COD efficiency at maximum OLR was 83.1 %, whereas the average was 88.0 %. The average biogas production rate increased from 2,044 m3/m3/day to 4.927 m3/m3/day. The microbial community structure analysis showed significant shifts only in the archaeal community (25 – 30 %) as a good adaptation to the addition of substrates. Monitoring the model brewery in applying the addition of yeast and ethanol to the wastewater treatment showed a 110 % increase in biomethane production. The consequence of the increased biomethane production is that the natural gas substitute ratio could be increased from the current average of 10.7 % to potentially 20.1 %, which is a substantial step towards the goal of renewable energy use. Keywords: anaerobic digestion, biogas, brewery yeast, renewable energy, waste ethanol Published in RUNG: 10.06.2021; Views: 3513; Downloads: 12
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3. Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Ligno-Cellulosic degradation products - Wood Resin Residue from Tannin ProductionGregor Draago Zupančič, Mario Panjicko, Domagoj Eršek, Goran Lukić, Žiga Velišček, Martin Gojun, 2018, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: Tannin is a very versatile industrial material used for many applications. During tannin production, a residue is produced, which consists of 10 – 15 % sodium acetate solution with up to 10 % water-soluble wood resins by mass. Since it contains a high portion of acetate, it can be useful for anaerobic digestion to produce biomethane, whereas wood resins may exhibit inhibitory effects. In order to test the biodegradability of wood resin residue, several batch tests were performed with two approaches. In the first approach, co-digestion with corn-silage and animal waste was performed utilizing suspended biomass inoculum. In the second approach, co-digestion with pulp and paper wastewater was performed utilizing granular biomass inoculum. In the first approach, the results showed partial inhibition of degradation using mixtures of 25.6 % and total inhibition using 100.0 % of wood resin. Maximum biodegradability achieved was 83.4 %. In the second approach, the results showed partial inhibition of degradation using mixtures of 1.7 and 3.3 % of wood resin. Maximum biodegradability achieved was 64.3 %. Because the second approach enabled us to process larger quantities of wood resin (larger COD load), a pilot experiment of anaerobic co-digestion with pulp and paper wastewater was performed, utilising similar conditions to the considered full-scale treatment. The results showed COD degradation between 70.1 and 81.7 % and a potential increase in total produced biomethane of 36 – 39 %, with no significant adverse effects. Wood resin residue yielded 45 – 50 m3 of biomethane per tonne, which exhibits a good potential for biomethane production. If used for biomethane production in pulp and paper wastewater treatment, the valorisation value of the wood resin residue is between 54,500 € and 94,000 €, which makes the presented treatment also an economically viable option. Keywords: Anaerobic digestion, biomethane production, wood resin residue Published in RUNG: 11.03.2020; Views: 4168; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
4. Kružna ekonomija u prehrambenoj industriji i industriji pića, visokovrijedni proizvodi te energetsko i materijalno iskorištavanje otpada i nusproizvodaGregor Drago Zupančič, Mario Panjicko, Anamarija Havliček, Goran Lukić, 2019, published scientific conference contribution abstract Abstract: Prehrambena industrija i industrija pića su s godišnjim prihodima od 1190 milijardi € među najvažnijim granama gospodarstva u EU, koje također proizvode i značajne količine nusproizvoda i otpada. Posljednjih godina, kroz uvođenje strategija kružne ekonomije, posebna pažnja posvećuje se iskorištavanju otpadnih tokova iz kojih je moguća proizvodnja visokovrijednih proizvoda. U ovom radu prikazani su primjeri iz proizvodnje hrane i pića, u kojima je iz nusproizvoda moguće proizvoditi aktivne spojeve kao npr. Resveratrol koji ima antikancerogeni učinak, različite polu proizvode kao što su fenolni spojevi, dodaci u prehrani i sl. U radu je posebna pažnja posvećena pivarskoj industriji gdje se iz nusproizvoda (pivske komine) proizvode prehrambeni proteini te i mljekarskoj industriji gdje se iz sirutke proizvode mliječne kulture, vitamini, laktoza, laktat i proteini (npr. aktoferini, laktoperoksidaze, imunoglobulini). U smislu strategije kružne ekonomije, ostatci nakon dobivanja novih proizvoda, koji više ne sadrže vrijedne tvari, moraju se zbrinuti na odgovarajući način. Najpovoljnija i najčešće upotrebljena tehnologija zbrinjavanja je anaerobna digestija. Anaerobnom digestijom moguće je otpadne tokove zbrinuti na način da se količine otpada smanje i do 90% te da se proizvedeni bioplin upotrijebi kao obnovljiv izvor energije u samom proizvodnom procesu. Time je moguće ostvariti smanjuje emisija ugljičnog dioksida do 50%. Keywords: cirkularna ekonomija, nusproizvodi, otpad, prehrambena industrija, visokovrijedni proizvodi Published in RUNG: 11.03.2020; Views: 4242; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
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6. Določitev tehnologije dodajanja velike količine pivovarniškega kvasa in alkohola -etanola v biobed® reaktorGregor Drago Zupančič, Mario Panjicko, Anamarija Havliček, Romana Marinšek-Logar, Goran Lukić, Lijana Fanedl, final research report Keywords: Anaerobna obdelava, odpadni kvas, odpadni alkohol, bioplin, mikrobna biomasa Published in RUNG: 04.03.2020; Views: 4067; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |