1. Astrotop_X : razstavaNejc Trampuž, Dorotea Dolinšek, Peter Purg, Andreja Gomboc, 2024, razstava Opis: Medtem ko je velik del vesoljske industrije pa tudi družbenih ambicij in pripovedi usmerjen na iskanje življenju prijaznega planeta, se skupina umetnic_kov in znanstvenic_kov v projektu Astrotop_X sprašuje, kdo ali kaj je (ali so) subjekt(i), ki išče(jo) drugi dom v vesolju in kaj določa dejavnike, ki kozmično krajino opredelijo kot krajino ‘B.’ Izbrani ekosistem v kapsuli s pomočjo senzorske tehnologije ter računalniškega algoritma upira pogled v globoko vesolje, brska po podatkovni bazi eksoplanetov in presoja, kam – in če sploh – bi se kazalo preseliti v prihodnosti. Skrbno izbran del kraškega ekosistema v kapsuli Astrotop_X preko sporočanja stanja temperature in cirkadialnega ritma v realnem času analizirala bivanjski potencial na eksoplanetih.
Po premierni predstavitvi na pričujoči razstavi bo kapsula potovala v umetniško-znanstvenem laboratoriju xMobil, avtomobilski prikolici na sončne celice, ki predstavlja del zaprtokrožnega sistema, značilnega za vesoljska plovila. Tako se bodo v kapsuli naseljevali različni drugi prizadeti ekosistemi, medtem pa bodo teleskopi vsak dan odkrivali še kak morebitni planet B – ki pa bo seveda zmeraj predaleč, da bi tja tudi zares odpotovali ljudje. Morda pa bo to kdaj uspelo vsaj rastlinam?
Z vidika botanike je kraško rastlinstvo nedvomno že prilagojeno na trde življenjske pogoje, navajeno je na stres: zimski mraz, padavine, sušo, pomanjkanje zemlje in pregrevanje tal, sončno sevanje, burjo. Podobno, najbrž še huje bi bilo na eksoplanetu. Moralno-ekološka dilema: ali ne bi bila takšna rastlina, ki obišče ali se preseli na tuj planet preprosto invazivna vrsta? Tehnični problem: kako naj rastline preživijo tako dolgo pot? Prav možnost preživetja v takih razmerah je izziv tudi za raziskovalce, zato je izbor rastlin za potovanje prva, morda najpomembnejša odločitev. Poleg živih rastlin bi v tako kapsulo lahko dodali tudi t.i. “semensko bombico” ki potrpežljivo čaka na konec medzvezdnega potovanja…
Projekt Astrotop_X nasprotuje antropocentrističnemu dojemanju okolja in poudarja medsebojno soodvisnost vsega živega. V skladu z mislimi Donne Haraway in njenega “chthulucena” poziva k sobivanju večvrstnih skupnosti, kjer so nepremočrtna prepletenost in soodvisnost ključni za prihodnost Zemlje in njenih ekosistemov. Le na takšnem globokem sobivanju pa lahko temeljijo tudi tvorne spekulacije za prihodnost. Ali lahko rastline brez človeškega posredovanja postanejo zares avtonomni protagonisti medzvezdnih potovanj in
Skupina Astrotop_X:
Nejc Trampuž & Dorotea Dolinšek, umetnika
Andreja Gomboc, astronomija (UNG FN / CAK)
pETER Purg, znanost-umetnost (UNG FH/AU, GO! 2025)
Programiranje: Saptashwa Bhattacharyya (UNG FN / CAK)
Botanika: Jože Bavcon ter Blanka Ravnjak (Botanični vrt, UL BF)
Tehnične rešitve: Dmitry Morozov
Grafično oblikovanje: Nejc Trampuž
Fotografiranje rastlin: Nejc Trampuž
Asistent fotograf: Jure Gubanc
Fotografija dogodkov: Gašper Rebernik (UNG AU)
Ekologija: Peter Trontelj (UL BF)
Skrb za jamo in okolje: Jamarski Klub Temnica
Produkcija: GO! 2025, Xcenter, Mojca Stubelj Ars
Astronomska opazovanja: Andrej Guštin, Eduardo Concepción
Produkcija GO! 2025 (Mojca Stubelj Ars, Xcenter) v okviru projektov PostMobilnost in xMobil (pETER Purg)
V sodelovanju z:
Univerza v Novi Gorici (ung.si), Fakulteta za naravoslovje (FN), Fakulteta za humanistiko (FH), Akademija umetnosti (AU)
Univerza v Ljubljani (uni-lj.si), Biotehniška fakulteta (BF) in Botanični vrt UL
Zavod Cosmolab
presežejo naše (človekove) fizične, fizikalne in nenazadnje geopolitične omejitve? V tem kontekstu Astrotop_X kritizira nenietzschejansko prečloveški tehnoeskapizem, ki poganja distopične fantazije kolonizacije vesolja. Opozarja na krhkost tuzemskih ekosistemov, ki so pogosto neupoštevani v dominantnih narativih o vesolju, tamkajšnjih vojaških in ekonomskih prestižih ter sci-fi pravljicah o lepi prihodnosti tam-nekje, vstran od grde in izčrpane krajine A. V algoritem kapsule je vključena podatkovna gesta, ki naposled priznava – da smo tukaj pravzaprav le ljudje (sami).
Tudi rastline so večplastne in nomadske enote, zato opirajoč se na posthumanistično misel Rosi Braidotti Astrotop_x spodbuja premik izven človeškega subjekta, s tem pa na novo opredeljuje in v fokus postavlja voljo ne-človeških dejavnikov. Četudi skozi nemara vendarle prečloveški umetniško-znanstveni pristop, kapsula Astrotop_X omogoča, da narava sama postane aktivna raziskovalka kozmične prihodnosti, s čimer razbija hierarhično ločnico med človekom in ne-človekom. Poziva k preučevanju ne le našega vpliva na planet, temveč tudi, kako lahko (tudi močno prizadeti) ekosistemi kot je (pred kratkim od ognja opustošen) Kras sami navigirajo skozi kompleksne čezresničnosti, kjer Zemlja morda ni več edino ali primarno domovanje živih bitij. Ključne besede: znanost-umetnost, intermedijski, antropocen, medijski, astronomija, botanika, ekologija, interdisiplinaren, vesoljsko potovanje Objavljeno v RUNG: 11.11.2024; Ogledov: 243; Prenosov: 2 Povezava na datoteko Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
2. Bad blue humanity : an exploration of extremes at the beachPeter Purg, 2024, druga izvedena dela Opis: Closing in on the sea, the workshop explores tensions and spaces between more-than-human body and media technologies. Participants discuss their relationships with water in its manifold manifestations (a.k.a. Blue Humanities), ranging from environmental debates and natural-science considerations to philosophical, historical and literary pondering – and not least body/media contact with the sea as such. Between the studio and the beach – where water, earth, air and fire create both cosy comfort and contrasting confrontation – either individual or group artistic works and interventions emerge. Ključne besede: workshop, blue humanities, water, happening, body art Objavljeno v RUNG: 16.10.2024; Ogledov: 380; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
3. BLUE YE WINDElizabeta Sitņikova, Inga Šlangena, Eliza Cipruse, druga izvedena dela Opis: Inspired by Rosi Braidotti's posthumanist theory, this collective artwork, born from a blend of human and non-human creative forces, ventures beyond the human subject. It reveals unexpected artistic materializations where machines, like invasive species, permeate the natural environment. As the workshop particpants resonated with the disenfranchised maritime landscapes, they now take the audience along to question the boundaries between their nature and the blue expanse. Through sensory engagement that deprioritizes the visual, the audience is invited to reframe their perception and interaction with the sea, and their consistency of and with water. Ključne besede: performance, happening, artwork, posthumanism, blue humanities Objavljeno v RUNG: 16.10.2024; Ogledov: 328; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
4. Dreamer : live coding, algorave and the artistic exploration of dreamsLazar Mihajlović, 2024, magistrsko delo Opis: Observing the developments and intersections between music, graphics, video, code and club culture in the music scene around the year 2010, primarily based in England, a new cultural movement known as ”Algorave” has emerged, reshaping the boundaries of new artistic expression. While the practices of live and creative coding had been present on the global stage for some time, the “Algorave” scene emerges as a unique blend of these artistic directions, combining various elements and offering a distinctive sound-visual artistic expression. Unlike traditional music performances, artists of this movement openly share their live coding processes with the audience, guiding them through the entire process of the performance. By utilizing live coding as the primary artistic tool and integrating it with artificial intelligence, the work Dreamer demonstrates a fusion of these two approaches. It visually explores dreams using images generated by AI technology. These images are then manipulated through live coding techniques, creating a visual narrative that is accompanied by ambient-electronic sounds. The sound complements the visual elements, achieved through the use of various synthesizers, samplings and granular synthesis, a technique that fragments sound into small grains to create complex sound textures. Beyond its practical execution, Dreamer addresses dreams as something unknown and undisclosed. It raises the question of whether dreams can be considered insights into our parallel lives, or are they merely products of our imagination? Should we explore them rather than just observe them? Based on these questions, the work examines dreams through programming and technology, seeking new possibilities for artistic expression. Ključne besede: code, sound, algorithm, visual art, algorave, technology, master's thesis Objavljeno v RUNG: 03.10.2024; Ogledov: 451; Prenosov: 5 Celotno besedilo (2,90 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
5. The solar share : Xcenter, Nova Gorica, 9. maj 20242024, razstava Opis: Produced by: GO!2025 (PostMobilnost / PostMobilità / PostMobility)
Kurator / Curatore / Curated by: pETER Purg
Conception and realization: / Koncept in izvedba: DISNOVATION.ORG
Co-designed with / Sooblikovanje: Katharina Ammann
Co-produced with / Koprodukcija: with IFT Paris
Co-commissioned by / Sonaročnik: Hac Te
Supported by / S podporo: ICFO & STARTS program ( European Union / Evropska unija) Ključne besede: umetnost, post-rast, odrast, ekologija, solaren Objavljeno v RUNG: 17.07.2024; Ogledov: 890; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
6. Disruptive avant-garde art of today : shaping post-growth imaginaries for symbiotic futuresKristina Pranjić, Magdalena Germek, Peter Purg, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci Ključne besede: imaginary, conviviality, symbiosis, cosmopolitics, defuturing, posthumanities, intermedia art Objavljeno v RUNG: 02.07.2024; Ogledov: 871; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
7. To know a tree : symbiotic mutualism and artistic exploration against anthropocentric sciencePeter Purg, Kristina Pranjić, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci Opis: In order to develop new symbiotic relationships and different imaginaries, it is first necessary to critically restructure the representations of forms of cooperation, which in their positive, desired version usually represent a certain romantic idea of nature and human, and the possibilities for a harmonious model and holistic structure of reality. This can be seen in both eco art and activist ecological agendas, which often play on feelings of harmony and mutual reciprocity, and actually further contribute to a distorted and extremely one-dimensional image of reality. Using the concepts of conviviality and cosmpolitics, the article aims to offer new concepts of symbiosis and symbiotic futures that face today's process of defuturing. The second point of the article is to develop a convincing and solid alternative to the neoliberal view of market-driven models based on competencies and the logic of growth. Therefore, the actual task for disruptive avant-garde art of today should be understood as the decolonization of our imaginaries that perceive nature through the logic of growth and the harmonious model in the direction of shaping post-growth imaginaries for symbiotic futures. Ključne besede: imaginary, conviviality, symbiosis, cosmopolitics, defuturing, posthumanities, intermedia art Objavljeno v RUNG: 02.07.2024; Ogledov: 956; Prenosov: 6 Celotno besedilo (151,64 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
8. The rupture and the connection : nonrepresentation and participation in art for socio-ecological changeKristina Pranjić, Peter Purg, 2024, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci Opis: Exploring the relationship between the rupture caused by non-representation on the one hand and the connection fostered through active participation on the other, this contribution in environmental humanities seeks to consolidate an ecocritical perspective that includes posthumanism, new materialism, and ecological theory, particularly within the field of art and art history. The first part lays its theoretical groundwork by focusing on the concept of non-representation as developed in formalist discourse and avant-garde artistic experiments. By examining the radical defamiliarization of nature and objects, the article shows how this process enables the redefinition of normative standards and the formation of an ecological epistemology rooted in non-hierarchical perspectives as critical for achieving tangible and meaningful change. On the other end of the artistic spectrum, presented in the second part, two cases of artivist and participative practices are revealed as examples of implementing change through intersubjective experience within artistic frameworks. The recent shift in community artistic practice towards enabling subjects’ participation and reacting to societal demands includes geographical peripheries and marginalized groups. A new aesthetics of interconnectedness may show that reality is not our mirror image, but rather a gradual embracing of the manifold entanglements that need to be addressed through artistic eco-imaginaries and posthumanist inclusivity. Ključne besede: community art, avant-garde art, abstraction, social change, ecocriticism Objavljeno v RUNG: 02.07.2024; Ogledov: 1016; Prenosov: 8 Celotno besedilo (15,72 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
9. Taming the forest : embracing the complexity of art-sci research through microhistory, bioeconomics and intermedia artNikita Peresin Meden, Kristina Pranjić, Peter Purg, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: An ongoing collaborative project between art and science, Taming the Forest (2022) was implemented by a team of students, artists and researchers charting an interdisciplinary project among bioeconomics, environmental history, policy and artistic practice. In this article, the project acts as a case study for researching the conflicting narratives of history and economics about biodiversity in general, and specifically about forests. It shows how different blends of methodologies in artistic-cum-scientific research can become relevant for both realms, opening new creative pathways and pedagogical registers while repeatedly returning to a specific forest’s microhistory. Moreover, the article stresses the need for a new sensibility and complex knowledge, moving beyond an objective study and becoming attentive to different dimensions of research and its outputs that emerge through the introduction of artistic thinking and methodologies. This kind of transdisciplinary approach becomes necessary in order to tackle the manifold large-scale problems such as the climate and biodiversity crises, which call for both acting decisively and transforming radically, above all with regard to how humans perceive, relate to and manage nature. Ključne besede: biodiversity, climate crisis, environmental history, forest management, Karst, transdisciplinary, artistic thinking, artistic research Objavljeno v RUNG: 01.07.2024; Ogledov: 812; Prenosov: 8 Celotno besedilo (1,80 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
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