1. Optimiziranje materialnega toka v procesu logistike podjetja ETA Cerkno : diplomsko deloŽan Slabe, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V diplomskem delu je obravnavan problem notranje sledljivosti pakirne embalaže in ulitkov ter obročev v podjetju. Motivacija za delo je bilo izboljšanje natančnosti zalog in sledljivosti materialov, kar je ključnega pomena za učinkovito delovanje podjetja. Namen dela je bil analizirati obstoječe procese in predlagati rešitve za boljšo notranjo sledljivost. Pri raziskavi smo uporabili metode opazovanja in analize trenutnega stanja z izvedbo inventur in sodelovanja z različnimi oddelki. Predlagali smo postavitev skenirnih tabel, opremljenih s črtnimi kodami materialov, kar omogoča boljšo sledljivost med skladišči in proizvodnimi obrati. Predlagali smo tudi optimizacijo proizvodnih kosovnic in s tem izboljšali točnost zalog v sistemu SAP, kar predstavlja originalno rešitev problema. Ugotovitve kažejo, da bodo skenirne table in optimizirane proizvodne kosovnice močno izboljšale sledljivost materialov in zmanjšale napake pri zalogah. Praktična vrednost diplomskega dela se odraža v optimiziranem upravljanju zalog, kar prispeva k večji učinkovitosti in zmanjšanju stroškov v podjetju. Keywords: diplomske naloge, pakirna embalaža, ulitki, proizvodna kosovnica, črtna koda Published in RUNG: 24.09.2024; Views: 624; Downloads: 9
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2. Geotourism in Arcos-Pains Karst Region, Minas Gerais, Brazil : dissertationMariana Barbosa Timo, 2021, doctoral dissertation Abstract: Knowing the geological evolution of Earth surface allows identifying various natural attractions (biotic and abiotic). It makes possible the use of the most differentiated resources for the practice of tourism. The Arcos-Pains Karst Region has excellent potential for geotourism use. Examples of geosites include the Santuario and Brega Caves, the Dry Valley in the Corumbá region, and the Mastodonte Cave, where fossils of the Haplomastodon waringi mastodon species were found. However, public investment policies aiming at the environmental preservation of this heritage are still minimal or absent. The region also suffers tremendous anthropic pressure due to the extraction and processing of limestone, agribusiness, urban expansion and informal tourism. The process of inventorying and quantifying geosites is an essential tool for defining geoconservation strategies since it is not possible to protect all the geodiversity of the planet. The attributes analysed should integrate several criteria that take into account the intrinsic characteristics of each geosite, its potential use and the level of protection required. Regarding this research, the objective is approaching karst and speleological heritage, intending to define geosites for scientific, educational and tourist use at the Arcos-Pains Karst Region. The purpose of the inventory is to develop a geotourism project that provides essential information for better territorial management. It is also intended to assist environmental agencies in the enterprises’ environmental licensing processes installed in the region. Among the thirty-five (35) sites evaluated, eleven (11) presented above-average use-values in all categories analysed. Also, they presented national relevance and were classified as geosites. In addition to these, another sixteen (16) sites scored sufficiently to be categorised with national relevance. Within the geosites, one (1) was of international relevance: the São Francisco River Canyon. Considering the results, it is essential to deepen the research regarding karst dynamics to equalise geodiversity preservation while allowing its use to benefit society. Keywords: Geodiversity, Geotourism, Geosites, Arcos-Pains Karst Region, Karst, Speleology Published in RUNG: 22.10.2021; Views: 4293; Downloads: 181
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3. Regional biodiversity and seasonal dynamics of the bacterial communities in karstic springs of SloveniaMaja Opalički Slabe, 2019, doctoral dissertation Abstract: Information on groundwater’s natural bacterial communities is important for evaluating pristine groundwater’s quality, as environmental changes potentially lead to alterations in bacterial community structures. In four seasons, 15 hypothetically pristine springs across five karst eco-regions in Slovenia (Central Europe) were analysed during their low discharge, and their basic physical and chemical parameters were recorded. The diversity of bacterial community structures was assessed with a terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting method. Total cell counts as bacterial abundance and electron transport system activity as bacterial respiratory activity were used for quantitative evaluation of bacterial communities. To detect anthropogenic pollution, spring water was tested by the cultivation of coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli (E. coli).
Results indicate distinct regional differences in environmental parameters, bacterial respiratory activity, presence of coliforms and E. coli, bacterial abundances, and qualitative bacterial community structures, but there were no regional differences in the numbers of operational taxonomic units and biodiversity indices (Shannon-Wiener’s and Simpson’s diversity index, Buzas and Gibson’s evenness). The analysis of seasonal environmental parameters showed significant differences in dissolved organic carbon and pH, and also significant changes in bacterial respiratory activity and abundances, as well as differences in bacterial community structures, the numbers of operational taxonomic units, and biodiversity indices. No seasonal variations were shown for coliforms and E. coli.
Despite seasonal oscillations, regional differences prevailed among five karst eco-regions and indicate a significant influence on the qualitative and quantitative aspects of groundwater bacterial community structures. The study confirmed both regional and seasonal differences in groundwater bacterial community structures, which should be included in further sustainable management plans of the aquifers. Keywords: karst springs, bacterial community structure (BCS), terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP), total cell counts (TCC), electron transport system activity (ETSA) Published in RUNG: 26.06.2019; Views: 5180; Downloads: 196
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