31. “Monolingual and bilingual use of the maximize presupposition principle”Penka Stateva, invited lecture at foreign university Abstract: This talk is an experimental investigation of the status of Maximize presupposition as an operative pragmatic principle that regulates speakers’ preferences among semantically equivalent attitude reports. We present results from two acquisitional studies. The first study explores sensitivity of 5 and 7-year old Slovenian-speaking children to the principle from a developmental perspective. The second study examines the influence of bilingualism on the use of this principle by comparing monolingual Slovenian and Italian children to early bilingual children acquiring both languages. The results suggest that while even the youngest children demonstrate adherence to Maximize presupposition in an adult-like manner, bilingualism affects performance in pragmatic tasks and constitutes a potential advantage in the relevant area. Keywords: bilingualism, pragmatic ability, implicated presupposition, Maximize presupposition, attitude verbs Published in RUNG: 10.05.2021; Views: 3265; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
32. Developmental aspects of Maximize Presupposition: a view from SlovenianPenka Stateva, invited lecture at foreign university Abstract: n this talk I will present the results of an experimental study of young children's acquisition and use of the pragmatic principle Maximize Presupposition in the context of the propositional attitude predicates (equivalent to) know and think. We use a felicity judgement task to test the ability of 5- and 7-year-old Slovenian-speaking children to derive the factive presupposition of know and the pragmatic inference trigerred by think in accord with Maximize Presupposition. The older group of children outperformed the younger group in both conditions manifesting a ceiling performance, while the younger group showed a more mixed pattern. Our results suggest that the anti-factivity inference is mastered on a par with the ability to derive the presupposition of factivity, as predicted by contemporary pragmatic theories. The discussion will also touch upon questions about the influence of bilingualism on developing pragmatic abilities, negative transfer in the domain of pragmatics and its dependence on cross-linguistic morpho-syntactic variation among translational equivalents. Keywords: Maximize Presupposition, language acquisition, attitude verbs, Theory of Mind Published in RUNG: 06.05.2021; Views: 3287; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
33. Ezikov transfer v oblastta na pragmatikata : predavanje na Inštitutu za bolgarski jezik, Sofija, Bolgarija, 28. 1. 2021Penka Stateva, 2021, invited lecture at foreign university Abstract: n this talk I will present work in progress that aims to explore a previously uncharted area of multilingual language acquisition, which concerns negative linguistic transfer in the domain of pragmatics. The research is part of a larger program in experimental pragmatics which aims to identify points of cross-linguistic diversion that affect meaning. We investigate the impact of language variation on bilingual acquisition of grammatical number in pairs of languages like Lebanese Arabic and French, and Slovenian-Italian, in which the interpretation of plural morphology within each pair is different depending on whether the number paradigm also includes dual number or not. Keywords: negative transfer, plural interpretation, anti-duality, pragmatic enrichment Published in RUNG: 29.01.2021; Views: 3684; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
34. The role of working memory in children’s ability for prosodic discriminationArthur Stepanov, Karmen Brina Kodrič, Penka Stateva, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: Previous research established that young children are sensitive to prosodic cues discriminating between syntactic structures of otherwise similarly sounding sentences in a language unknown to them. In this study, we explore the role of working memory that children might deploy for the purpose of the sentence-level prosodic discrimination. Nine-year old Slovenian monolingual and bilingual children (N = 70) were tested on a same-different prosodic discrimination task in a language unknown to them (French) and on the working memory measures in the form of forward and backward digit span and non-word repetition tasks. The results suggest that both the storage and processing components of the working memory are involved in the prosodic discrimination task. Keywords: multilingualism, working memory, phonology Published in RUNG: 10.03.2020; Views: 3701; Downloads: 98 Full text (1,13 MB) |
35. Scalar Implicaturesscientific monograph Abstract: Scalar implicatures have enjoyed the status of one of the most researched topics in both theoretical and experimental pragmatics in recent years. This Research Topic presents new developments in studying the comprehension, as well as the production of scalar inferences, suggests new testing paradigms that trigger important discussions about the methodology of experimental investigation, explores the effect of prosody and context on inference rates. To a great extent the articles reflect the state of the art in the domain and outline promising paths for future research. Keywords: Scalar implicature, Lexical scales, Scalar variability, Cross-linguistic variation, Production, Comprehension, Prosody, Context Published in RUNG: 06.11.2019; Views: 4280; Downloads: 121 Full text (15,33 MB) |
36. LE IN SAMO KOT SPROŽILCA POMENSKIH PREDPOSTAVK: EKSPERIMENTALNA ŠTUDIJA V SLOVENŠČINIZala Zbičajnik, 2019, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V svojem diplomskem delu se ukvarjam s posebno vrsto pomenskih predpostavk in njihovimi sprožilci. Uvod se osredotoča na pragmatične in semantične značilnosti predpostavk. Pregledane so teoretične in eksperimentalne raziskave o pomenskih predpostavkah in njihovem sprožilcu only (samo/le) ter med nekaterimi njenimi tujimi ustreznicami. V svojem delu predstavim rezultate eksperimentalne študije, posvečene slovenskima ustreznicama angleške besede only, le in samo. Preučujem, kako materni govorci slovenščine sodijo o obeh sprožilcih pomenske predpostavke s pragmatičnega vidika. Študija odgovarja na vprašanje, ali sta besedi sinonimni, katera beseda je rabljena pogosteje ter kako sta uporabljeni v določenih slovenskih dialektih. Bolj nazorno, študija predlaga, da slovenski ustreznici besede only v prevodu pripadata skupini trdih sprožilcev, ki jih določi Abusch (2009), ti pa so opredeljeni kot sprožilci v pomenskih predpostavkah, ki ne morejo biti preklicane. Keywords: Pomenska predpostavka, sprožilec, only, le, samo, pragmatično procesiranje Published in RUNG: 04.09.2019; Views: 5492; Downloads: 167 Full text (1,08 MB) |
37. On the Cost of Scalar Implicatures : An Eye-Tracking StudyGreta Mazzaggio, Anne Reboul, Chiara Caretta, Mélody Darblade, Jean-Baptiste van der Henst, Anne Cheylus, Penka Stateva, 2019, published scientific conference contribution abstract Keywords: scalar implicature, reaction time, eye-tracking, sentence evaluation task Published in RUNG: 02.09.2019; Views: 4145; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
38. Editorial: Scalar ImplicaturesAnne Reboul, Penka Stateva, 2019, other scientific articles Abstract: In 1975, Grice introduced the notion of implicature, arguing that it was more appropriate to account for a class of apparent lexical ambiguities through pragmatic processes than by multiplying lexical meanings (Modified Ockham's razor: Do not multiply meanings beyond necessity; Grice, 1975). For the past 20 years, experimental approaches have superseded purely theoretical ones, with mixed results. Paradigms using verification tasks on infelicitous sentences, with rate of pragmatic answers and reaction time as measures, have generally concluded in favor of the post-Gricean views (Bott and Noveck, 2004; Noveck and Reboul, 2008). However, some recent studies discuss additional factors affecting implicature processing and have introduced new paradigms which suggest a different conclusion (Katsos and Bishop, 2011; Breheny et al., 2013; Degen and Tanenhaus, 2015; Foppolo and Marelli, 2017; Bill et al.; Jasbi et al.; Sikos et al.). In addition, current research has shown that lexical scales may play a role in the process in keeping with neo-Gricean views. This Frontiers topic is a collection of 12 contributions in experimental pragmatics focusing on different aspects of child and adult processing of implicatures, factors affecting their rate, relevance of testing paradigms, scale diversity, cross-linguistic differences, and variation in triggers. Keywords: scalar implicature, experimental pragmatics, neo-Gricean pragmatics, post-Gricean pragmatics, grammatical theory of implicatures Published in RUNG: 31.07.2019; Views: 4321; Downloads: 98 Full text (181,24 KB) |
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