21. On the cost of scalar implicatures : an eye-tracking studyGreta Mazzaggio, Anne Colette Reboul, Jean-Baptiste van der Henst, Anne Cheylus, Paolo Lorusso, Penka Stateva, 2022, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci Ključne besede: scalar implicatures, experimental pragamtics, eye-tracker, quantifiers Objavljeno v RUNG: 08.08.2022; Ogledov: 2277; Prenosov: 25
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23. Razvoj slovničnih in kognitivnih zmožnosti večjezičnih otrok v primerjavi z enojezičnimi : magistrsko deloFranc Vaupotič, 2021, magistrsko delo Opis: Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na primerjavo med enojezičnimi in dvojezičnimi otroki, ne da bi se ozirali na njihovo jezikovno zmožnost in delovni spomin. Predstavljam rezultate eksperimentalne študije, ki obsega dve vrsti testov. Glavni cilj raziskave je odgovoriti na vprašanje, ali obstaja povezava med jezikovnim razvojem in delovnim spominom ter ovrednotiti vlogo dvojezičnosti v tem kontekstu. Zanima me, ali obstaja razlika v slovničnih in kognitivnih sposobnostih med enojezičnimi govorci slovenskega in zgodnje slovensko-italijanskega dvojezičnega jezika. V eksperimentu so sodelovali otroci, stari 10, 12 in 14 let. V tem delu sem sledil modelu preučevanja dvojezičnega razvoja otrok, uporabljenega v štirih študijah: Bialystok in drugi (2010), ki primerjajo besedišče večjezičnih govorcev z enojezičnimi; Stateva in drugi (2021), ki preiskujejo vpliv dvojezičnosti na pragmatične sposobnosti; Antonio in Katzos (2017), ki raziskujeta potencialni vpliv večjezičnosti na razumevanje posledic ter Stepanov in drugi (2020), ki proučujejo vpliv dvojezičnosti na delovni spomin. Rezultati dela kljub nekaterim dvomom kažejo številne prednosti večjezičnosti. Ključne besede: večjezičnost, enojezičnost, usvajanje jezika, pragmatika Objavljeno v RUNG: 19.10.2021; Ogledov: 3978; Prenosov: 111
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24. The case of scalar implicature processing : an eye- tracking studyGreta Mazzaggio, Anne Colette Reboul, Chiara Caretta, Mélody Darblade, Jean-Baptiste van der Henst, Anne Cheylus, Penka Stateva, 2019, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci Opis: Implicatures like ‘Some politicians are smart’ (interpreted as ‘Some but not all politicians are smart’) are defined scalar implicatures. A heated linguistic debate has focused on how we derive those implicatures: some authors consider the computational process as linguistic in nature (Levinson, 2000), others as pragmatic in nature (Sperber & Wilson, 1995). A growing body of research, prompted by pioneering work by Bott and Noveck (2004), focused on the computational cost related with the computation of scalar implicatures. The present study addresses such topic through the use of different experimental techniques. With Experiment 1 (N = 57) we replicated the third experiment of Bott and Noveck (2004), the first study that identified a cost related to a pragmatic response. With Experiment 2 (N = 58), using a pseudo-word paradigm, we excluded the possibility that the computational cost is due to an experimental artifact, such as an increased difficulty in moving up in the conceptual hierarchy (e.g., ‘Some elephants are mammals’) than in moving down (e.g. ‘Some mammals are elephants’). In Experiment 3 (N = 54), with a Sentence Evaluation Task, we collected reading times, reaction times and eye gaze data. Results showed that the cost of the computation disappears when there is contextual support. Overall, our results seem to support the idea that scalar implicatures are not automatically computed with context playing an important role. Ključne besede: scalar implicatures, eye-tracking, experimental pragmatics, reaction times Objavljeno v RUNG: 22.09.2021; Ogledov: 2907; Prenosov: 9
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25. Developmental aspects of Maximize Presupposition : a view from SlovenianPenka Stateva, 2021, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci (vabljeno predavanje) Opis: In this talk I present the results of an experimental study of young children's acquisition and use of the principle Maximize Presupposition (MP) in the context of the propositional attitude predicates (equivalent to) know and think. MP operates in the domain of pragmatics in order to distinguish among semantically equivalent propositions which have different presuppositional load in a given context (Heim 1991, Sauerland 2008). Given its nature, demonstrating a speaker’s sensitivity to MP is contingent on knowledge about presuppositional content within a relevant set of alternatives. We use a felicity judgement task to test the ability of 5- and 7-year-old Slovenian-speaking children to derive the factive presupposition of know and the pragmatic inference trigerred by think in accord with MP. The older group of children outperformed the younger group in both conditions manifesting a ceiling performance, while the younger group showed a more mixed pattern. Our results suggest that the anti-factivity inference is mastered on a par with the ability to derive the presupposition of factivity, as predicted by contemporary pragmatic theories. The discussion will also include questions about the influence of bilingualism on developing pragmatic abilities, negative transfer in the domain of pragmatics and its dependence on cross-linguistic morpho-syntactic variation among translational equivalents. Ključne besede: Maximize Presupposition, implicated presupposition, early bilingualism, language acquisition, attitude verb Objavljeno v RUNG: 15.09.2021; Ogledov: 3133; Prenosov: 51
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26. Theoretical and experimental aspects of numerosity and quantification in Lebanese Arabic : dissertationAli Al Moussaoui, 2021, doktorska disertacija Opis: A question that is receiving an increasing attention in linguistics research concerns the language components of counting. This topic is approached from syntactic, semantic and pragmatic points of view. While some accounts advocate for purely syntactic or semantic approaches of countability, other adopt hybrid accounts in which labor is divided between syntax and semantics. At the same time, research finds that there is a pragmatic component enriching the interpretation of countability and numerosity in language. This dissertation attempts to contribute into the lines of research concerned in the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic aspects of countability with a focus on Lebanese Arabic (Henceforth LA), a language that has received little attention in the literature of counting.
In this dissertation, a broken agreement pattern in LA between the cardinal numerals and the post-numeral counted noun phrases is examined on the basis of a syntactic-semantic model of countability developed by Stepanov and Stateva (2018). We argue that the current existing model can be used to account for the countability broken agreement pattern in LA when necessary modifications are applied to it. The
success of this model in accounting for the numeral-noun-phrase agreement in LA is added to its success in similar missions in countability in Russian (Stepanov and Stateva 2018) and previously in Japanese (Watanabe 2010).
The pragmatic component of countability in LA is also examined from the angle of pragmatic strengthening. The traditional difference between singular nominals and plural nominals which makes a distinction between domains of atoms
and domains of sums is seriously challenged by current semantic and pragmatic research. The plural is found to be more complex than a simplistic view of more than one, and its interpretation has a pragmatic component which involves enriching the meaning of plurality against singularity. In our dissertation, we intend to examine an enriching pragmatic process of plural against duality in LA, a language that still preserves special morphological marking for duality. So, our research investigates the pragmatic strengthening of the plural morphology in LA against the dual morphology which results in at-least-three meaning of the plural.
On the assumption that pragmatic reasoning contributes to the interpretation of plural nominals, we extend our research to the area of bilingual LA speakers who can be an ideal environment to look into the cognitive processes involved in the interaction between two linguistic systems that have diverging features pertaining to a given linguistic phenomenon, which is countability in our study. We predict crosslinguistic variation in the interpretation of plural morphology. If languages like English associate plural with an at-least-two meaning as a result of pragmatic enrichment with an anti-singularity inference, then, in languages that
morphologically differentiate among singular, plural and dual number, the morphological plural is predicted to correspond to an at-least-three meaning. In this study, we ask whether the predicted variation in the interpretation of plural
morphology among the non-dual and dual-featuring languages is a locus of negative pragmatic transfer of features from LA as a mother tongue and English/ French as foreign languages. Ključne besede: countability, numerosity, Lebanese Arabic, countability model, negative pragmatic transfer, and foreign language exposure Objavljeno v RUNG: 16.07.2021; Ogledov: 4330; Prenosov: 144
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28. Bilinguhildren's use of the Maximiza Presupposition PrinciplePenka Stateva, Sara Andreetta, Anne Reboul, Arthur Stepanov, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This article reports the results of an experimental study that examines the influence of bilingualism on the acquisition and use of the Maximize Presupposition principle in the context of speakers’ choices among propositional attitude predicates (equivalent to) know and think. We compared the performance of monolingual Slovenian- and
Italian-speaking school children to that of age-matched early bilingual children speaking both languages. Our findings suggest that while all children demonstrate adherence to Maximize Presupposition in an adult-like manner, bilingualism may enhance performance in pragmatic tasks that bear on this principle, and therefore constitutes a potential advantage in the relevant area. Ključne besede: Maximize Presupposition, implicature, presupposition, Italian, Slovenian, bilingualism Objavljeno v RUNG: 12.07.2021; Ogledov: 3166; Prenosov: 55
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