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22. The Current Relevance of Realist DiscourseAleš Vaupotič, 2018, original scientific article Abstract: The paper focuses the idea of realism by explaining the evident situation that the realist approach is the oldest of Western art practices, which –running in parallel to other currents – has extended into the second half of the twentieth century and even further. The discussion expands beyond literature to other arts. The starting point is the notion of literary realism after 1830 as used in literary history linked to the “great” novelistic tradition. In the twentieth century, the status of literary realism with its varieties of late and “neo-” realisms turns problematic. The reconsidered idea of realism unequivocally renounces links with the scholarly traditions explaining realism as “representation” or “reflection” etc. of the objective reality. The “debate on expressionism” in the 1930s and the avant-garde movements –in some of its tendencies –are an extension of the realist movement. The reconsidered view on realism is founded on the concept of the archive, increasing in importance on the theoretical level and in various poetics throughout the twentieth century. (However, Walter Benjamin's theory of allegory, though it could be considered a variant of the theory of archive, falls outside the limits of realism.) The paper argues for the discursive definition of realism, advanced by Hans Vilmar Geppert on the ground of Peirce's pragmaticism, avoiding the pitfalls of traditional approaches to realism. Keywords: realism, realist discourse, Hans Vilmar Geppert, Charles Sanders Peirce Published in RUNG: 06.02.2020; Views: 3791; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
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24. Comparative literature and digital humanitiesAleš Vaupotič, 2019, published scientific conference contribution abstract Abstract: The "Comparative literature and digital humanities" paper was part of the panel "Postdigital Comparatism: New methods, new frameworks, new questions?", organized by Amelia Sanz (Complutense University of Madrid), Aleš Vaupotič (University of Nova Gorica), and Silvia Ulrich (Universita di Torino). This panel tries to describe and to evaluate the headway the Comparatism made at a time when cultures, literatures and criticism can be considered inevitably post-digital: after the digital revolution dealing with cultural habitus in the 21st century. Looking forward, what difference does it make? The point is the following: are digital archives, electronic devices, and tools modifying our disciplinary field just with regard to new available sources and dissemination strategies? Or are they creating any specific epistemological modeling? Is there any comparatist condition to be satisfied by digital methodologies? Are the digital humanities and the digital literary studies (still) distinguishable from general literary studies? Can electronic technologies and digital methodologies become hegemonic, even hypercolonial, over any epistemological sovereignty? How are the comparatists coping with the interdisciplinary constellations involved in using computer technologies in research? What is the difference between digitized literatures, and digital arts and literatures from a comparatist point of view? We should reflect on the use of the communication models from new-media art as a source for the emerging digital humanities genres. Why do comparatists seem so suspicious and skeptical towards digitization process and digital arts, whereas they are used to cross over cultures, oceans and media? Keywords: digital humanities, comparative literature, methodology Published in RUNG: 13.12.2019; Views: 4044; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
25. Literarne pešpoti/Itineraris leterarisNarvika Bovcon, Aleš Vaupotič, Ana Toroš, Borja Bovcon, 2019 Abstract: Povečana resničnost — inačica, ki temelji na geolokacijah zanimivih točk — usmerja pozornost na pomenske odtenke sveta, ki nas obdaja, ti pa so pogosto navzoči le implicitno, različno za različne skupnosti. Spomeniki v povečani resničnosti delajo te »plasti« vidne in širijo našo zaznavo okolice. Na področju med Goriško, Tržaško pokrajino in Furlanijo so nastale tri literarne pešpoti. Povečana resničnost je nastala na podalgi beril iz projekta EDUKA2 ("Literatura na stičišču 1", ISBN 978-88-7636-311-5 in "Literatura na stičišču 2", ISBN 978-88-7636-313-9). Keywords: obogatena resničnost, literarne pešpoti, literature na stičišču Published in RUNG: 13.12.2019; Views: 4623; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
26. Literarne pešpoti : Instalacija na festivalu Pixxelpoint 2019 – 20. mednarodni festival sodobnih umetniških praksBorja Bovcon, exhibition Abstract: Literarne pešpoti/Itineraris leteraris (2019). Povečana resničnost — inačica, ki temelji na geolokacijah zanimivih točk — usmerja pozornost na pomenske odtenke sveta, ki nas obdaja, ti pa so pogosto navzoči le implicitno, različno za različne skupnosti. Spomeniki v povečani resničnosti delajo te »plasti« vidne in širijo našo zaznavo okolice. Na področju med Goriško, Tržaško pokrajino in Furlanijo so nastale tri literarne pešpoti.Za nastanek geografsko določene povečane resničnosti je potrebno (1) zbrati in oblikovati vsebine, ki smiselno dopolnjujejo dojemanje življenjskega prostora; (2) jih shraniti v podatkovno zbirko; (3) zasnovati uporabniško izkušnjo prek (čim lažje) dosegljivih tehničnih rešitev. Projekt je razdeljen na tri povezane segmente: literarnovednega, arhivskega in uporabniškovmesniškega. Prvega je vodila Ana Toroš, nastali sta dve berili v več jezikih o literaturi na stičišču da-našnje Slovenije in Italije. V sodelovanju z informatiki sta Narvika Bovcon in Aleš Vaupotič zasnovala integracijo 2. in 3. točke, realizacijo spomenikov v povečani resničnosti prek platform Layar idr. Za projekt je ključno to, da so tako vsa večpredstavnostna gradiva (3D objekti, videi, spletne strani z besedili idr.) kot informacije o postavitvi 3D skulptur v realni prostor Tržaške in Goriške na strežnikih Univerze v Novi Gorici (licenca CC-BY), kar omogoča večkratno uporabo gradiv v novih projektih. (3D modeli in literarne pešpoti: Narvika Bovcon, Aleš Vaupotič. Urednica besedil: Ana Toroš. Programiranje: Borja Bovcon. Sodelujoči študent: Anej Žagar. Instalacija v Mestni geleriji Nova Gorica v ovirih festivala Pixxelpoint 2019: Preverejena resničnost - 20. mednarodni festival sodobnih umetniških praks, 13.-23. nov. 2019, Nova Gorica, Gorica. Produkcija Raziskovalni center za humanistiko, Univerza v Novi Gorici in projekt EDUKA2, Program sodelovanja Interreg V-A Italija-Slovenija s sredstvi Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj, vodilni partner: Slovenski raziskovalni inštitut iz Trsta - SLORI.) Keywords: povečana resničnost, izobražavanje, projekt EDUKA2, literarne pešpoti, literature na stičišču, Trst, Gorica, Devin Published in RUNG: 13.12.2019; Views: 4434; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
27. Augmented Reality and Chronotopicality : Literary Itineraries in Gorizia, Trieste and DuinoNarvika Bovcon, Aleš Vaupotič, unpublished conference contribution Abstract: The reality-virtuality continuum (Paul Milgram et al., 1994) establishes a foundational
mixed reality as a spectrum of intermediate options. The ICT based databases are
increasingly superimposed on and integrated in our life-world. The new media art –
and contemporary media in general – can be seen through two points of view: the
technical aspect where the reality is supplemented by (3-D, networked) computerbased
data. Secondly, the augmented reality can be construed as a real
superimposition of different realities, that is foregrounded using Mikhail Bakhtin’s
notion of chronotopicality.
The MAST symposium (18. & 19.11.2019, ex-Daimond (xD), Nova Gorica, Slovenia), Pixxelpoint 2019. Keywords: augmented reality, literary history, literatures in contact, EDUKA2 Published in RUNG: 18.11.2019; Views: 4620; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
28. Digital Humanities and Fine Arts Studies at the University of Nova GoricaAleš Vaupotič, unpublished conference contribution Abstract: In the occasion of release of the book about manifestation Real Presence will be held between 3rd and 8th of October series of events, including talks, presentations, performances, workshops and exhibitions in which will take part international and Serbian artists. Friday, 4.10.2019 - 3 - 6 pm - in the Belgrade City Library, Knez Mihailova Street 56 - Present Academy symposium. Participants: Alberto Gianfreda, Associate Professor, Brera Academy, Milan; Alessandra Saviotti, PhD candidate - Liverpool John Moores University & Tutor - ArtEZ University of the Arts, Arnhem; Christian Sievers, Associate Professor, Academy of Media Arts Cologne; Nemanja Nikolić, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Fine Arts, Belgrade, Saša Tkačenko, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Novi Sad, Aleš Vaupotič, acting head of the Research Centre for Humanities / University of Nova Gorica; Narvika Bovcon, Associate Professor, Faculty of Computer and Information Science / University of Ljubljana; Milenko Prvački, Senior Fellow - Office of the President - LASALLE College of the Arts - Faculty of Fine Arts; Jacob Tonski, Associate Professor, School of the Art Institute of Chicago. The book: https://issuu.com/maximilianmauracher/docs/realpresence_2019_2 Keywords: digital humanities, art, science, pedagogy Published in RUNG: 08.10.2019; Views: 4106; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
29. Literarne pešpoti in literatura na stičišču v projektu EDUKA2Aleš Vaupotič, other performed works Abstract: Prodestavitev projekta EDUKA2 - Čezmejno upravljanje izobraževanja, ki ga je financiral Program sodelovanja Interreg V-A Italija-Slovenija s sredstvi Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj. Predstavitev berila za osnovne šole v Sloveniji in prvostopenjske srednje šole v Italiji (slovenska, furlanska in italijanska verzija) ter beril za srednje šole v Sloveniji in drugostopenjske srednje šole v Italiji (slovenska in italijanska verzija). Nastale so tudi digitalne literarne pešpoti po Devinu, Gorici in Trstu, ki so namenjene obogatitvi pouka književnosti. V tri okolja so postavljeni „literarni spomeniki“ prek določitve geografskih koordinat, nanje pa so povezane pojasnjevalne spletne strani. Del predavanja je bil tudi zgodovinsko-teoretski uvod v raziskave povečane resničnosti. Keywords: povečana resničnost, literatura na stičišču, literarne vede Published in RUNG: 30.09.2019; Views: 3489; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
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