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32. TrsTVanja Mervič, 2019, artistic work Abstract: Video, ki je nastal v povezavi s štirimi literarnimi spomeniki v povečani resničnosti v Trstu. Dela, na katera se video nanaša: Marisa Madieri "Verde acqua", Boris Pahor "Kres v pristanu", Fulvio Tomizza "Materada", Irena Žerjal "Kreda in hijacinte". Video je del projekta Literarna pešpot/Itinerari leterari/Itinerario letterario; produkcija Raziskovalni center za humanistiko, Univerza v Novi Gorici in projekt EDUKA2: Čezmejno upravljanje izobraževanja/Governance transfrontaliera dell'istruzione. Zasnova literarnih pešpoti v Trstu: Narvika Bovcon, Ana Toroš, Aleš Vaupotič. Glasba Stefano Schiraldi "Sufia la bora". Keywords: povečana resničnost, Trst, literatura na stičišču, silos slovenski Narodni dom, Pomol sv. Karla Published in RUNG: 20.05.2019; Views: 4413; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
33. Artist Talk : Predstavitve in diskusije o umetnosti v širšem družbenem kontekstuTilen Žbona, Iztok Šušteršič, Narvika Bovcon, Maja Smrekar, Aleš Vaupotič, other performed works Abstract: Okrogla miza o umetnosti v širšem družbenem kontekstu. Galerija Loža, Koper, 11. 4. 2019. Del cikla "SPEKULA - Na prelomu upodobitve/At the edge of the depiction", raziskovalno, kulturno-umetniških dogodkov, ki jih organizira Pedagoška fakulteta Univerze na Primorskem.. Keywords: novomedijska umetnost, umetnost in znanost, digitalna humanistika, angažirana umetnost Published in RUNG: 15.04.2019; Views: 4276; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
34. Teaching women writers with NEWW Virtual Research EnvironmentKatja Mihurko, Narvika Bovcon, Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Viola Parente-Čapková, Amelia Sanz, Suzan Van Dijk, Aleš Vaupotič, 2018, published scientific conference contribution abstract Abstract: The underrepresentation of women in cultural historiography has challenged a number of feminist responses in the form of supplementary female canons since the 1970s. The DARIAH Working Group Women Writers in History (https://www.dariah.eu/activities/working-groups/women-writers-in-history/) takes this task a step further, and investigates historical sources until 1930 to find out whether female authors were read in the past. The objective of the DARIAH Working Group WWIH is: to carry out research about female authorship in history, the international reception of women’s writing and the connections between women authors. Evidence of readership, translations and commentary is contained in the digital repository NEWW VRE (Virtual Research Environment) http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/womenwriters, which serves as a collaborative research tool for the above mentioned working group. Keywords: digital humanities, literary history, women writers Published in RUNG: 15.04.2019; Views: 5083; Downloads: 121
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35. Transmedia Adaptation : A Dialogue of Genres and Communication MediaNarvika Bovcon, Aleš Vaupotič, 2018, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Abstract: This essay is composed of two parts. The first chapter reflects on the genesis of film language, and in this context, considers the reception of Dickens’ works. Next the text turns to borderline cases of adaptation: genre/media hybrid, deep remixability, and allusion. The notions of genre and media are considered as only quantitatively different, not qualitatively, both instances of discourses and apparatuses considered by the theory of discourse (Bakhtin, Foucault etc.). The second part of the text presents an artistic inquiry—concepts and ideas used in production of artworks by the authors of this essay—that sheds light on the possible methods of studying adaptations. Two aspects are foregrounded: the ideas of the transformation of the source text into an archive of fragments that are subsequently put in new meaningful constellations, and the use of Shakespeare’s works in the role of a mediator in the understanding of the language of new media art. Keywords: adaptation, intermedia, new media, post-media condition, deep remixability, artistic inquiry Published in RUNG: 15.04.2019; Views: 4467; Downloads: 39
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37. Vprašanje realizmaAleš Vaupotič, 2019, scientific monograph Abstract: Z nalogo pokazati, da je realistični diskurz aktualen mišljenjski model
tudi v današnjem času, besedilo sledi krožni poti, ki jo predstavlja diagram
treh tem iz izhodiščnega raziskovalnega vprašanja po današnji aktualnosti realističnega
diskurza v luči literarnega realizma in novomedijske umetnosti.
Prvi del razprave pregleda področje raziskav literarnega realizma, kot ga
stroka razume v historičnem smislu za literarne pojave po letu 1830. Na
kritičen način so predstavljene osrednje razlage realizma v literaturi. Izhodišče
realističnega diskurza je kriza dejanskosti. Drugi del besedila osvetli
problematiko sodobne umetniške ustvarjalnosti na prelomu 20. v 21. stoletje
na področju novomedijske umetnosti. Tretji del razprave išče stične
točke med literarnozgodovinskimi raziskavami in teoretskimi ter poetološkimi
modeli sodobne umetnosti. Pristop, ki združuje na videz zelo različne
pojave – literaturo in (praviloma računalniško podprte) nove medije – je
v raziskovanju literarnega realizma novost. Prek prizem literarnega realizma
in novomedijske umetnosti raziskava poišče rezultat, razlago realizma.
Preprostega odgovora glede aktualnosti, npr. zgolj literarnega realizma v 21.
stoletju, besedilo pravzaprav ne ponuja, skonstruira pa uporaben realistični
način mišljenja sveta, v katerem živimo. Keywords: realizem, literarni realizem, novi mediji, elektronski mediji, intermedijska umetnost, umetnost in znanost, teorija arhiva, pragmatizem, pragmaticizem, Hans Vilmar Geppert Published in RUNG: 12.04.2019; Views: 5001; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
38. Theory of Discourse and Semiotics : Foucault, Bakhtin, PeirceAleš Vaupotič, 2019, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Abstract: The paper begins with an analysis of a news article reporting
on scientific discovery. The scientific methods are considered from
the point of view of Peircean semiotics and the structuralist semiology.
The usefulness of the Peircean approach in literary scholarship is demonstrated
in the case of the realist novel as it is construed by Hans Vilmar
Geppert. By considering Geppert’s alignment of Bakhtin’s theory of the
novel with Peirce’s sign-theory the similarities and differences between
the discourse-theoretical (considering also Foucault’s work) and semiotic
approaches is outlined. In the second part of the text two cases of artistic
research are presented, the first one, the Friedhof Laguna project from
2003, being realised in the discourse-theoretical frameworks, and the
second one, 3-D visualizations of the NEWW Women Writers database
from 2017, being grounded in the Peircean semiotics. Keywords: C. S. Peirce, semiotics, F. de Saussure, semiology, M. M. Bakhtin, theory of discourse, H. V. Geppert, realist novel, scientific research, archive, artistic research, information visualization Published in RUNG: 12.04.2019; Views: 5289; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
39. Arhiv v umetnostiAleš Vaupotič, 2018, original scientific article Abstract: Beseda arhiv vedno bolj zaseda sam center pojmovnega aparata
sodobne humanistike.. Njen pomen se širi tudi na področju umetniške
produkcije. Arhiv je predmet izjavljanja tako na ravni oblike
kot tudi na ravni (zunajumetnostne) snovi, s katero se komunikacijski
artefakt, npr. umetnina, sooča. V nadaljevanju bodo predstavljene
nekatere izmed danes relevantnih arhivskih perspektiv
na dejanskost: »arheologija vednosti« kot teoretski model, primeri
novomedijskih del kot digitalnih arhivov, umetnostnozgodovinski
pogled na »estetiko arhiva« kot pojav 20. stoletja, pahljača sodobnih
rab koncepta arhiva v umetnosti ter rekonceptualizacija dejanskosti
sáme prek modela arhiva na mikro (pravzaprav nano) in
makro ravni. Pred obravnavo teorije alegorije Walterja Benjamina
v drugem delu razprave, ki je vez med teorijo arhiva in teorijo
tehničnih medijev, bosta predstavljena dva značilna primera rabe
izraza realizem na področju fotografije (Allan Sekula) in na področju
novih medijev (Lev Manovič), ki sta povezana z vprašanjem
reprezentacije in arhivskega zbiranja. Keywords: sodobna umetnost, arhiv, arhivska umetnost, novi mediji, Walter Benjamin, Srečo Dragan Published in RUNG: 12.04.2019; Views: 5288; Downloads: 1 This document has many files! More... |
40. Advertising Strategies and New MediaAleš Vaupotič, unpublished conference contribution Abstract: The new media introduce new communicative constellations in all fields of human life (e.g. the increasing presence of Internet connection potentially facilitates dialogue over enormous distances). However, the human receptive capabilities are limited. The presentation shows a number of themes and communicative strategies that have been used in real advertising campaigns to point to possible approaches to creating new channels of communication.
Predavanje v sklopu “prenosa znanja” v projektu “Po kreativni poti do znanja 2016/2017: UVAJANJE SODOBNIH PRISTOPOV PRI SPODBUJANJU MLADIH K INOVATIVNOSTI IN PODJETNOSTI”, 31. maja 2017, ob 9.00. uri na Univerzi v Novi Gorici (Vipavska 13, Rožna Dolina). Keywords: novi mediji, oglaševanje, internet Published in RUNG: 07.03.2018; Views: 5714; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |