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Condensations and Extensions : A Responsive Text between Artefact, Experience and Contex
Aleš Vaupotič, Narvika Bovcon, 2017, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

Opis: Every reading of a text follows a complex mechanism, which is outlined in phenomenological terms in Roman Ingarden's Das literarische Kunstwerk (1930) and later in reader-response criticism. Also Roland Barthes's explorations of intertextuality point in a similar direction of the text as heterogeneous and open texture. The complex mechanisms that allow the reader to gain meanings and construct represented objects etc. are scrutinized to emphasize the importance of the reader's collaboration in the readerly act and the transformations to the textual experience that depend on historical circumstances, on cultural and personal experience of the reader. Considering these critical traditions, any text is always interactive, an ad hoc construct, it comes to life only in contact with alien contexts whereby it virtually looses its supposed lasting identity. In Theorising the Digital Scholarly Edition (Literature Compass 7.2, 2010) Hans Walter Gabler attempts to provide a conceptual framework for a critical scholarly edition, a text genre which is supposed to preserve the original documents and the texts and/or works. However, Gabler rejects the ideology of preservation of memory in the »pure« form and argues for a relational and contextual idea of edition as a »knowledge site«. In addition, he states that the digital medium and the print medium can coexist since they serve different purposes, the printed edition is used for reading and the digital one for »use« and study purposes. The so-called old scholarly editions (pre-positivist) had a strong emphasis on the commentary, which added to the authorial function of the editor as the mediator between the vast textual archive and the receptive abilities of the addressee. Text-edition as a dynamic and collaborative »knowledge site« is sometimes introduced by the characteristics of a particular text. Dora García's art project and video installation The Joycean Society (2013) documents with a video (53 min.) and by exhibiting artefacts the reading process of the mysterious Finnegan's Wake (1939) by James Joyce, the multiple readings within a single heterogeneous reading group of the same book for 30 years. The second case study is the artist's book by a Slovenian net.artist Teo Spiller Znakovnost novih medijev (Semiotics of New Media, 2011). The printed illustrated pages are intended to be read in parallel with browsing the online versions of the art projects presented. Another key dimension of such book-projects is the swift change and disappearance of the on-line part of this plural reading-interface. The third example considered are the projects by Jaka Želaznikar, a Slovene digital poet, that relate to the works of one of the main Slovenian poets Tomaž Šalamun (1941-2014). Among them Železnikar's on-line project Izbris Šalamun (Deletion Šalamun, 2015), which is an on-line edition of two poetry books by Šalamun, Letni čas (Season, 2010) and Ta, ki dviga tačko, spi (The one, who rises the paw, sleeps, 2015), enables the reader to selectively delete the words from poems. The text will examine the reader's reception of the poems in the printed version and in the on-line interface. In this case, too, the context of the edition will be considered (the link with the publishing house and the printed edition, the role in promotion activities of the on-line edition in respect to the printed one).
Ključne besede: cybertext, digital media, electronic edition
Objavljeno v RUNG: 30.08.2017; Ogledov: 4364; Prenosov: 0
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Vključevanje nanotehnoloških raziskav v likovno umetnost : Polimorfni odtis Uršule Berlot
Aleš Vaupotič, 2017, recenzija, prikaz knjige, kritika

Ključne besede: Uršula Berlot, nano tehnologije, nano umetnost, tehno-slike
Objavljeno v RUNG: 30.08.2017; Ogledov: 5082; Prenosov: 0
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Prostor, vržen iz tira : Pogovor s Srečom Draganom
Narvika Bovcon, Aleš Vaupotič, Srečo Dragan, 2017, intervju

Opis: Prostor, vržen iz tira, razstava Sreča Dragana, likovnega umetnika, videasta, konceptualista in novomedijskega umetnika, tudi energičnega univerzitetnega profesorja, mentorja ter producenta in organizatorja odmevnih dogodkov in sodelovanj, pokriva pet desetletij umetniškega delovanja in ustvarjanja. V zasnove in izvedbe včasih tehnično izjemno zahtevnih projektov so bili vpleteni mnogi sodelavci in ustvarjalci. Do leta 1987 je Srečo Dragan umetniško deloval v tandemu z Nušo Dragan. Razstava se v naslovu navezuje na Draganovo retrospektivo v Moderni galeriji v Ljubljani leta 2000 z naslovom Čas, vržen iz tira: 1968–2000, ki privzema del Hamletovega verza: »The time is out of joint.« Takrat je razstavo pospremil programski zapis: »Inštitucija tehno-modificiranega pogleda kot primarnega okolja Draganovega medijskega ustvarjanja je od vseh, ki smo to predstavitev pripravljali, zahtevala spremembo klasične pregledne razstave v obliko kot-darazstave. To je bil osnovni model-ideja, ki omogoča polje za testne in problematične transferje za nove tehnologije, tehno-znanosti in elektronske, še posebej pa kibernetične umetnosti. / Trije interaktivni razstavni prostori-teritoriji, ki jih zasedajo nematerialne strukture kot-da-umetniška dela, predstavljajo aktivne točke komunikacije« (black.fri. Tako kot na prelomu tisočletja se tudi letošnja retrospektiva vzpostavlja iz avtorskega urejevalnega in reaktualizirajočega postopka. Dela niso preprosto dana na ogled, ampak na novo aktivirana prek preteklih in sodobnih kontekstov. Naslov namiguje, da se nekaj zanimivega tokrat dogaja s prostorom. Pomembno vlogo igra pet stopenj rekonceptualizacije projektov, označene so bile z napisi na tleh galerije: konceptna tabla 1.0 vsebuje izvirni koncept, rekonceptualizacija 2.0 je instalacija-dokument dela kot novo avtorsko delo, tabla 3.0 rekonceptualizira kot modul za razstavljanje zgodovinsko kontekstualiziranih projektov na skupinskih razstavah, 4.0 konceptualizira robotsko vodenje obiskovalca po razstavi in končna faza 5.0 – to je živa podatkovna baza komentarjev obiskovalcev Draganovih razstav ter udeležencev v njegovih projektih.
Ključne besede: Srečo Dragan, "Prostor, vržen iz tira", novomedijska umetnost, intervju z umetnikom
Objavljeno v RUNG: 30.08.2017; Ogledov: 5213; Prenosov: 0
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A Network of Themes : A Qualitative Approach to Gerhard Richter’s Text
Narvika Bovcon, Aleš Vaupotič, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Gerhard Richter's books Text – a collection of painter's verbal statements about his artistic method – and Atlas – 783 sheets with images, mainly photographs and visual notations – are two archives that complement the understanding of his diverse artistic practice. The paper presents a textual model that experimentally simulates a possible ordering principle for archives. Richter's statements in the book Text are cut up and used as short quotations. Those that relate to multiple aspects of the painter's oeuvre are identified as hubs in the semantic network. The hubs are organized paratactically, as an array of different themes. The paper presents a methodological hypothesis and an experimental model that aim to connect the research of real networks with the paradigms of humanistic interpretation. We have to bear in mind that the network is a result of the researcher's interpretative approach, which is added to the initial archive included in the book Text. The breaking up of Richter's poetics into atoms of quotations is an experimental proposal of a new textuality in art history and humanities, which has its own history. In comparison to digital archives with complex interfaces that often tend to obscure the content, the elements in our experiment appear as specific configurations of the semantic network and are presented in a limited number of linear texts. The method of listing of quotations gathers the fragments into a potential “whole”, i.e. a narrativized gateway to an archive according to the researcher's interpretation.
Ključne besede: artistic archive, narrativization, networks, author's poetics, Gerhard Richter
Objavljeno v RUNG: 11.07.2017; Ogledov: 4871; Prenosov: 246
.pdf Celotno besedilo (400,90 KB)

How to Study Literary Realism as Archive Art? : The Case of Charles Dickens' Later Novels
Aleš Vaupotič, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The paper proposes to approach the issue of literary realism through the prism of archive art, i.e. the artworks that are archives of objects, documents, statements, even other artworks by other artists etc. The preservation of the otherness of an entity, which is subsequently taken up and kept in an archive, is one of the key challenges involved in such projects. The second task of an archival artwork is to construct—in fact add—an encompassing totality that correlates with the authorship and gives significance to the archive-artwork as a whole. The paper scrutinizes possible links between the archival approaches to art production in the 20th and 21st centuries and the practices of realist writing beginning in the 19th century.
Ključne besede: archive, realism, archive art, Charles Dickens, the avant-garde
Objavljeno v RUNG: 22.06.2017; Ogledov: 5727; Prenosov: 223
.pdf Celotno besedilo (179,90 KB)

Visualization of the WomenWriters Database: Interdisciplinary Collaboration Experiments 2012 – 2015
Aleš Vaupotič, Narvika Bovcon, 2017, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Opis: In the exploration of visualization methods in the WomenWriters database and consequently, the creating of interactive diagrams and other graphical interfaces that are presented here, the Research Centre for Humanities and the School of Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica collaborated with the University of Ljubljana. The visualization prototypes were realized by the students at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, as part of Introduction to Design and Graphic Design courses, supervised by Narvika Bovcon, PhD, assistants Jure Demšar and Tadej Zupančič. The work spanned from 2012 to 2016. More then three hundred students were involved in the process. In the end, the most interesting visualizations were selected from the results and are presented in this article.
Ključne besede: information visualization, digital humanities, comparative literature, project management, interdisciplinary collaboration
Objavljeno v RUNG: 19.05.2017; Ogledov: 6064; Prenosov: 214
.pdf Celotno besedilo (10,46 MB)

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