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Ela Šegina, 2019, doktorska disertacija

Opis: The intriguing spatial variability of surface features on Krk Island has stimulated the research of this karst area located in the coastal zone of the Dinaric karst in Croatia. Field inspection, ortho-rectified aerial photos (0.5m resolution) and a topographic map (1:5,000) were used for the detection and delineation of detectable karst surface features appearing on the island with the area of 405.5 km². This method resulted in the identification of several yet undefined types of surface features occurring on karst, requiring the revision of the existing classification and re-establishment of a new classification system compatible with the particular field reality. Several morphologic and distributive parameters that had been calculated for each re-classified type of surface feature provided insight into the surface features elementary characteristics, their spatial variability and the correlation to the other types of surface features and to the recent karst relief. This analysis based on a large, accurate dataset, contributed to the general knowledge on karstic surface features, the conditions of surface features in Dinaric karst and to the understanding of the karst surface evolution on Krk Island.
Ključne besede: karst geomorphology, GIS, spatial analysis, Krk Island, Dinaric karst, Adriatic Sea
Objavljeno v RUNG: 13.09.2019; Ogledov: 6204; Prenosov: 229
.pdf Celotno besedilo (17,12 MB)

Prepoznavnost izbrane zavarovalne družbe in trženje njihovih storitev v Upravni enoti Ajdovščina
Luka Česen, 2019, diplomsko delo

Opis: Konkurenca na področju zavarovalništva je velika in trg zahteven. Zavarovalnice med seboj tekmujejo za prepoznavnost svojih ponudb in storitev. Zavarovanje pomeni varnost pred določenim dogodkom ali dejstvom. V trženjskem smislu je zavarovanje prodaja obljube zavarovalnice na zavarovalnem trgu z namenom, da v primeru škodnega dogodka nadomesti finančne posledice, poškodbe ali izgube z odškodnino. Na enega ključnih dejavnikov, ki odločajo o sklenitvi zavarovanja pri izbrani zavarovalnici, vpliva profesionalni zavarovalni zastopnik. Življenjska zavarovanja so dolgoročna zavarovanja, saj se večinoma sklepajo za zavarovano obdobje daljše od 10 let. Stranka se z odločitvijo o sklenitvi življenjskega zavarovanja sreča lahko le enkrat v življenju. Za sklenitev življenjskega zavarovanja se odločimo, ker želimo zagotoviti varnost družini v primeru smrti, dodatna sredstva k pokojnini ali dodatno zavarovanje za poplačilo kredita, ki smo ga najeli v primeru naše smrti. Zavarovalnica Adriatic Slovenica d. d. nudi strankam svoje storitve v stabilni, razvejani tržni mreži tudi na območju upravne enote Ajdovščina. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge smo predstavili zavarovanje na splošno, oblike življenjskih zavarovanj, trženje zavarovalnih storitev, dejavnost, trg in položaj Skupine AS (Adriatic Slovenica d. d.). V analitičnem delu smo analizirali prepoznavnost Adriatic Slovenica d. d. in trženje zavarovalnih storitev na območju upravne enote Ajdovščina. Z analizo o prepoznavanju Skupine AS in trženjskih zavarovalnih storitev smo prišli do sklepov in ugotovitev, ki bi morda pomagali podjetju, da bi z večjim marketinškim vložkom bolj pritegnili potrošnike.
Ključne besede: Adriatic Slovenica d. d., zavarovalnica, zavarovalništvo, trženje zavarovalnih storitev, prepoznavanje, analiza, sociodemografski vpliv
Objavljeno v RUNG: 03.04.2019; Ogledov: 5301; Prenosov: 213
.pdf Celotno besedilo (1,85 MB)

Determination of organochlorine pesticides adsorbed on plastic pellets
2015, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

Opis: In the past years, several studies have revealed the presence of organic contaminants at concentrations from sub ng g–1 to mg g–1 on/in plastic pellets found in coastal environment worldwide [1,2,3]. Plastic pellets are actually industrial raw material, typically in the shape of small granules with a diameter of a few mm. They are categorized as microplastics (< 5 mm). They can be unintentionally lost in the environment during manufacturing and transport. They can subsequently reach the marine and coastal compartments. Due to their environmental persistence, they are widely distributed in the oceans and on beaches [1]. Organic pollutants associated to pellets are either additives (e.g. PBDEs) that are incorporated into plastics during production processes or hydrophobic chemicals (e.g. PCBs, organochlorine pesticides) which adsorb from the surrounding environment (e.g. seawater). Among these chemicals, some are recognized as POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants) because of their persistence, bioaccumulation and potential adverse environmental and health effects. Thus, in order to better assess the impact of plastic pellets in coastal environment, it is necessary to determine the level of associated organic pollutants. The present study was carried out in the frame of DeFishGear project, which focuses on marine litter and microplastics issues in Adriatic region. This investigation aimed at developing an experimental protocol allowing the quantification of 11 organochlorine pesticides. Plastic pellets, sampled on beaches located in the Adriatic region, were first sorted by colour. Pesticides were extracted from the plastic matrix (c.a. 0.5 g) in a pressurized fluid extractor (50°C, 100 bar). Prior to evaporation, the extract was cleaned on Florisil sorbent through solid-phase extraction (SPE). The concentrated extracts were quantified on gas chromatography equipped with a micro electron capture detector (GC-μECD). Preliminary results revealed the presence of DDT transformation products.
Ključne besede: organochlorine pesticides, microplastics, pellets, Adriatic region
Objavljeno v RUNG: 15.02.2016; Ogledov: 5619; Prenosov: 0
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