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2. SBE-algebras via intuitionistic fuzzy structuresTahsin Oner, Hashem Bordbar, Neelamegarajan Rajesh, Akbar Rezaei, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: The study introduces the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy SBE-subalgebras, ideals, and filters, along with level sets of intuitionistic fuzzy sets within the framework of Sheffer stroke BE-algebras. These concepts are shown to be crucial for understanding the behavior of intuitionistic fuzzy logic in this algebraic structure. The study further establishes a bidirectional relationship between subalgebras, ideals, filters, and their respective level sets on Sheffer stroke BE-algebras, demonstrating that the level set of an intuitionistic fuzzy SBE-subalgebra, ideal, or filter is itself a subalgebra, ideal, or filter on this algebra, and vice versa. Keywords: BE-algebra, Sheffer stroke BE-algebra, BE-ideal, intuitionistic fuzzy SBE-subalgebra, intuitionistic fuzzy SBE-ideal Published in RUNG: 06.01.2025; Views: 276; Downloads: 3
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3. Matematika za gospodarski inženiringIrina Elena Cristea, Hashem Bordbar, Alessandro Linzi, 2024, reviewed university, higher education or higher vocational education textbook Keywords: linearna algebra, funkcije, limite, zveznost, diferencialni račun, integrabilnost, funkcije več spremenljivk, diferencialne enačbe Published in RUNG: 09.12.2024; Views: 460; Downloads: 2
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4. Ordered algebraic structure in a linear codeHashem Bordbar, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: In this article, we initiate an exploration of the algebraic structures
within coding theory. Specifically, we focus on the potential for an ordered al-
gebraic structure, known as a BCI-algebra, within an arbitrary linear code
C. We demonstrate that any binary linear code C of length n, where n is
a positive integer, can be equipped with a BCI-algebra structure between its
codewords. This structure is called BCI-algebra over the code C and denoted
by (BCI)C -algebra. To establish this structure, we define an operation ∗C be-
tween the codewords and investigate its properties. Additionally, we introduce
the concept of subcodes within a code and examine the relationship between
these subcodes and the ideals of a BCI-algebra over code C. Furthermore,
we define a binary relation among codewords and prove that code C, under
this relation—referred to as the (BCI)C -order—forms a partially ordered set.
Lastly, we show that the generator matrix of a binary linear code C contains
the minimal codewords of C with respect to the (BCI)C -order. Keywords: BCI-algebra, binary linear block codes, subcodes, partially ordered set, lexicographic order Published in RUNG: 05.12.2024; Views: 506; Downloads: 3
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5. Preface to the special issue "State-of-the-art mathematical applications in Europe"Irina Elena Cristea, Patrick Siarry, Gintautas Dzemyda, Yuriy Rogovchenko, 2024, other scientific articles Keywords: mathematical physics, navigation algorithm, commutative ring, hypercompositional algebra, differential equation Published in RUNG: 10.07.2024; Views: 1174; Downloads: 8
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6. Sheffer stroke Hilbert algebras stabilizing by idealsTugce Katican, Hashem bordbar, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: This manuscript aims to provide a new characterization of Sheffer stroke Hilbert algebras due to their ideals and proposes stabilizers. In the setup of the main results, we construct particular subsets of Sheffer stroke Hilbert algebras and we propose important properties of these subsets by investigating whether these sets are ideals or not. Furthermore, we investigate whether the introduced subsets of Sheffer stroke Hilbert algebras are minimal ideals. Afterward, we define stabilizers in a Sheffer stroke Hilbert algebra and obtain their set theoretical properties. As an implementation of the theoretical findings, we present numerous examples and illustrative remarks to guide readers. Keywords: Hilbert algebra, Sheffer operation, ideal, stabilizer Published in RUNG: 31.01.2024; Views: 1588; Downloads: 8
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