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13. The Structure of the Block Code Generated by a BL-AlgebraHashem Bordbar, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Inspired by the concept of BL-algebra as an important part of the ordered algebra, in this paper we investigate the binary block code generated by an arbitrary BL-algebra and study related properties. For this goal, we initiate the study of the BL-function on a nonempty set P based on BL-algebra L, and by using that, l-functions and l-subsets are introduced for the arbitrary element l of a BL-algebra. In addition, by the mean of the l-functions and l-subsets, an equivalence relation on the BL-algebra L is introduced, and using that, the structure of the code generated by an arbitrary BL-algebra is considered. Some related properties (such as the length and the linearity) of the generated code and examples are provided. Moreover, as the main result, we define a new order on the generated code C based on the BL-algebra L, and show that the structures of the BL-algebra with its order and the correspondence generated code with the defined order are the same. Ključne besede: BL-function, BL-code, binary linear block codes, coding theory, BL-algebra Objavljeno v RUNG: 07.03.2022; Ogledov: 2502; Prenosov: 58
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14. Codes generated by ordered algebraic structuresHashem Bordbar, 2021, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci Opis: Error-control codes are used to detect and correct errors that occur when data are trans-mitted across some noisy channel or stored on some medium. The study of error-control codes is called coding theory and emerged in 1948 by Claud Shannon's paper which demonstrated that by proper encoding of the data, errors induced by a noisy channel can be reduced to any desired level without sacrificing the rate of information transmission. Some algebraic structures, includes the study and discovery of various coding schemes, are used to increase the number of errors that can be corrected during data transmission. One of the classes of logical algebra is ordered algebras which were introduced by Imai and Iseki in 1966. In this note, I study the codes generating by the ordered algebraic structures such as BCK-algebras and BL-algebras. For this goal, symmetric rela-tions on these ordered structures facilitate us to design the correspondence codeword. Moreover, I show that the structure of ordered algebra and the code generated by it will be the same. Ključne besede: coding theory, BCK-algebra, BL-algebra Objavljeno v RUNG: 20.08.2021; Ogledov: 3097; Prenosov: 152
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16. Načrt in prilagoditev e-platforme za izobraževanje študentov tehniških ved z mobilnimi tehnologijamiEva Battistel, 2021, magistrsko delo Opis: Uvedba e-izobraževanja s pomočjo sodobne informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije, ki so jo še pospešila aktualna dogajanja v družbi zaradi pandemije covid-19, prinaša univerzam številne prednosti: manjše stroške, hitrejše in učinkovitejše učenje, urjenje spomina in pridobivanje kompetenc z večpredstavnimi pripomočki. Hkrati prinaša tudi nekaj slabosti: pomanjkanje neposrednega stika in dvosmerne komunikacije z udeleženci, negotovost začetne faze testiranja in uvajanja novih metod dela in poučevanja, povečanje potrebnega časa pred zaslonom.
Namen magistrskega dela je predstaviti področje spletnega izobraževanja v sodobni družbi in pokazati njegovo konkretno uporabnost pri izbranem študijskem predmetu. Motivacija za izbiro te tematike izhaja iz osebnega zanimanja za področje, pa tudi iz potrebe po tečaju za hitro in učinkovito izboljšanje osnovnega znanja in kompetenc iz linearne algebre, ki so jo zasledili na ameriški univerzi iz Los Angelesa.
Delo je potekalo po fazah: izbira ustrezne platforme za e-izobraževanje za predmetne vsebine, sestava tečaja in priprava vsebin, sestava evalvacijskih anket za merjenje uspešnosti programa in analiza povratne informacije študentov o tečaju. Pri izdelavi učnih vsebin za mobilno spletno aplikacijo v okolju Moodle smo uporabili različne metode, ki pritegnejo pozornost uporabnika pri izvedbi tečaja in izboljšajo komunikacijo študent-učitelj. Razvito aplikacijo e-učenja, ki je preprosto uporabna na pametnih mobilnih napravah, smo testno preizkusili na manjši skupini študentov. Na podlagi analize njihovih odgovorov na anketni vprašalnik smo ugotovili, da so študenti z uporabo aplikacije pomembno izboljšali poznavanje osnov iz linearne algebre in opravili tečaj z visoko motiviranostjo in zadovoljstvom. Ključne besede: e-izobraževanje, mobilne tehnologije, Moodle, linearna algebra, univerza Objavljeno v RUNG: 01.03.2021; Ogledov: 4279; Prenosov: 148
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17. Double-framed soft set theory applied to hyper BCK-algebrasHashem Bordbar, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The notions of double-framed soft hyper BCK-algebra and double-framed soft (strong) hyper BCK-ideal of a hyper BCK-algebra are introduced, and related properties are investigated. Characterizations of double-framed soft hyper BCK-algebra and double- framed soft hyper BCK-ideal are considered. Relations between double-framed soft hyper BCK-ideal and double-framed soft strong hyper BCK-ideal are discussed. Conditions for a double-framed soft set to be a double-framed soft strong hyper BCK-ideal are provided. Ključne besede: double-framed soft hyper BCK-algebra, double-framed soft (strong) hyper BCK-ideal. Objavljeno v RUNG: 31.08.2020; Ogledov: 3395; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
18. Soft set theory and hypercompositional algebrasHashem Bordbar, 2020, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci Opis: Some applications of soft set theory and fuzzy soft set theory (as a generalization of the soft set theory) in the decision-making problem were investigated by Maji et al. in [1].
The aim of this manuscript is to apply the concept of (fuzzy) soft set theory in some hypercompositional structure and especially hyper BCK-algebra. Some notations related to our hyperstructure are introduced and some examples are provided. Ključne besede: Soft set theory, Hyper BCK-algebra, Fuzzy soft set theory. Objavljeno v RUNG: 08.07.2020; Ogledov: 3505; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
19. Symmetry in Classical and Fuzzy Algebraic Hypercompositional Structures2020, znanstvena monografija Ključne besede: symmetry, hypergroup, hyperring, hyperfield, fundamental relation, rough set, fuzzy set, multiset, soft set, hyperhomography, BCK-algebra, multiautomatom, artificial neuron, hypergraph Objavljeno v RUNG: 27.03.2020; Ogledov: 3697; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
20. SEMI-PRIME CLOSURE OPERATIONS ON BCK-ALGEBRAHashem Bordbar, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: In this paper we study the (good) semi-prime closure oper- ations on ideals of a BCK-algebra, lower BCK-semilattice, Noetherian BCK-algebra and meet quotient ideal and then we give several theorems that make different (good) semi-prime closure operations. Moreover, by giving some examples, we show that the given different notions are independent together, for instance, there is a semi-prime closure operation, which is not a good semi-prime. Finally by given the notion of “cf-Max X”, we prove that every member of “cf-Max X” is a prime ideal. Also, we conclude some more related results. Ključne besede: BCI-algebra, BCK-algebra, closure operation, finite type closure operation, semi-prime closure operation. Objavljeno v RUNG: 01.12.2019; Ogledov: 3765; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |