1. The ideal woman: As seen through the turbo-folk music genre in Serbia and the ex-Yugoslav regionUna Savić, 2023, undergraduate thesis Abstract: The purpose of this work is to research the (self)representation of women as a sociocultural and political phenomenon through the popular media in the ex-Yugoslav region from the 1990s to today (2023).
The key research point will be Turbo-folk - the dominant musical
expression of contemporary Serbian society. The construction of the ˝ideal woman˝ is seen in the early stages of the genre and can be defined through the observation of its first prominent
representatives. The society‟s attitude towards women becomes apparent by analyzing popular media outlets, which had the establishment of gender roles as one of their imperatives, while at the same time scrutinizing female perfomers through sexist and obscene tabloid articles. Through careful research, it becomes evident that women are used as a tool for promoting a certain idealogy and gender-desirable behaviour through their media presence. Alternatively, the unbothered women of turbo-folk play along to secure personal capital but eventually re-invent themselves as self-sufficient women who resist the derogatory value system that the genre represents. Such instances are observed and analyzied with the goal of determining the position, role and influence of the genre‟s leading performers and dismantling the archetype of the ˝female singer˝. The encouraged gender-desirable behaviour, promoted through the ˝icons˝ of turbo folk will be studied and used in the construction of my graduation film protagonist. Keywords: Turbo-folk, Balkan, Svetlana Raţnatović (Ceca), patriarchy Published in RUNG: 01.12.2023; Views: 1975; Downloads: 17
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2. SAFICA 2018: an example of collaboration with the Western Balkan : Slovenian e-seminar organized by Dr. Stojan Sorčan, our National Contact Point Pre-seminar to European Commission MSCA e-seminar “EU – Western Balkan” to be held Mar 24-25, 2021Katja Džepina, unpublished invited conference lecture Keywords: Dr. Stojan Sorčan, Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije, EU Horizon2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant No 101028909, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Western Balkan Published in RUNG: 13.06.2021; Views: 3052; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
3. Zenitistični koncept barbarogenija kot kritika zahodnoevropske kultureKristina Pranjić, 2020, original scientific article Keywords: jugoslovanska književnost, literarna avantgarda, zenitizem, Micić, Ljubomir, barbarogenij, imagologija, Evropa, Balkan, kulturna identiteta Published in RUNG: 19.11.2020; Views: 3686; Downloads: 121
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4. Magični realizem v filmih Wesa Andersona in Emirja KusturiceMateja Nikolić, 2018, undergraduate thesis Abstract: V diplomskem delu je najprej opredeljen magični realizem, izpostavljeni so njegovi vplivi in pod-žanri. Sledi opis rabe tega žanra v literaturi, televiziji in filmu, nato pa zgodovina neodvisnega filma in pomen filmskega avtorstva ali auteurstva, ki se povezuje z umetniškimi deli režiserja Wesa Andersona. Po kratkem opisu njegove filmske kariere sledi predstavitev Emira Kusturice; njegove avtorske biografije in prakse. Kratka razprava predstavi kako so politični nemiri vplivali na jugoslovanski film in posledično na filmske zgodbe Kusturice. Sledi primerjava dveh filmov obeh avtorjev, kjer so izpostavljene podobnosti v strukturi podajanja zgodbe in njenih elementov na eni ter kadriranja na drugi strani. Po zaključku teoretičnega dela sledi opis procesa nastajanja mojega študentskega filma in kratka kritična analiza tega dela. Keywords: Film, magični realizem, absurdnost, teatralnost, nadrealizem, Anderson, auteur, Kusturica, Jugoslavija, Balkan, filmografija, stilizacija Published in RUNG: 12.04.2018; Views: 6129; Downloads: 270
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