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Christianization and Love of Homeland in Prešeren and Bevk : A Comparison of Motifs and Values in The Baptism on the Savica and Umirajoči bog Triglav (The Dying God Triglav)
Zoran Božič, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: Both texts were created during pivotal moments of Slovene history: Prešeren’s poem at a time of German political, economic, and cultural supremacy and newly emerging demands for a united Slovenia, and Bevk’s during the time of Italian fascism and the occupation of the Slovene Primorska region. At first glance, Prešeren’s poetry of high Romanticism and Bevk’s supposedly trivial work have nothing in common apart from the topic of paganism and Christianity. However, they both convey a hidden message that could not be stated outright due to the censorship policies of the authorities at the time, to condemnation of aggressive foreign rulers, to appeals to national unity, to heightened patriotic consciousness, and to a relationship with nature that establishes the here and now as the highest value, and not the hereafter. The comparison and interpretation presented here sees in Bevk’s work a direct connection to Prešeren’s poem, its thematic continuation, temporal adaptation, and interpretation.
Keywords: Christianization, France Prešeren, France Bevk, national awareness, paganism, Christianity, romantic poem, historical story, censorship, The Baptism on the Savica, The Dying God Triglav, Bled, Bohinj, Kobarid
Published in RUNG: 18.02.2019; Views: 4305; Downloads: 118
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Pokristjanjevanje pri Prešernu in Bevku : Cikel oddaj Osti Jarej (Staroverstvo na Slovenskem)
Zoran Božič, radio or television event

Abstract: Primerjava Prešernove romantične pesnitve Krst pri Savici in Bevkove zgodovinske povesti Umirajoči bog Triglav. Bevkova povest kot nadaljevanje, preobrazba in razlaga Krsta.
Keywords: poganstvo, krščanstvo, Kobarid, Bled, Bohinj, pokristjanjevanje, Črtomir, Bogomila, Gorazd, Volkica, Primož, domoljubje
Published in RUNG: 21.12.2017; Views: 4488; Downloads: 81
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Pokristjanjevanje pri Prešernu in Bevku : Domoljubne prvine in vrednote v Prešernovi pesnitvi Krst pri Savici in Bevkovi povesti Umirajoči bog Triglav
Zoran Božič, unpublished invited conference lecture

Abstract: Obe besedili sta nastali v prelomnih trenutkih slovenske zgodovine: Prešernova pesnitev v času nemške politične, gospodarske in kulturne nadvlade in porajanja zahtev po združeni Sloveniji, Bevkova povest pa v času italijanskega fašizma in okupacije Primorske. Na prvi pogled Prešernova visoka romantična poezija in Bevkova prejkone trivialna povest razen tematike poganstva in krščanstva nimata nič skupnega, vendar pa gre v obeh primerih za prikrito sporočilo, pogojeno s cenzurnimi postopki tedanje oblasti, za obsodbo nasilnih tujih oblastnikov, za pozive k narodni enotnosti, za poudarjanje domoljubne zavesti in za odnos do narave, ki kot najvišjo vrednoto vzpostavlja tostranstvo in ne onostranstvo. Pokristjanjevanje pri Prešernu in Bevku: Domoljubne prvine in vrednote v Prešernovi pesnitvi Krst pri Savici in Bevkovi povesti Umirajoči bog Triglav. Available from: [accessed Aug 14, 2017].
Keywords: slovenska literatura, poezija, proza, romantika, socialni realizem, France Prešeren, France Bevk, krščanstvo, poganstvo, pokristjanjevanje, Kobarid, Bohinj, cenzura, prikrito sporočilo, Metternichov absolutizem, italijanski fašizem, domoljubje
Published in RUNG: 17.08.2017; Views: 5466; Downloads: 233
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