1. A European aerosol phenomenology - 9 : light absorption properties of carbonaceous aerosol particles across surface EuropeJordi Rovira, Marjan Savadkoohi, Gang I. Chen, Griša Močnik, Wenche Aas, Lucas Alados-Arboledas, B. Artíñano, Asta Gregorič, Matic Ivančič, Jesús Yus-Díez, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Carbonaceous aerosols (CA), composed of black carbon (BC) and organic matter (OM), significantly impact the climate. Light absorption properties of CA, particularly of BC and brown carbon (BrC), are crucial due to their contribution to global and regional warming. We present the absorption properties of BC (bAbs,BC) and BrC (bAbs,BrC) inferred using Aethalometer data from 44 European sites covering different environments (traffic (TR), urban (UB), suburban (SUB), regional background (RB) and mountain (M)). Absorption coefficients showed a clear relationship with station setting decreasing as follows: TR > UB > SUB > RB > M, with exceptions. The contribution of bAbs,BrC to total absorption (bAbs), i.e. %AbsBrC, was lower at traffic sites (11–20 %), exceeding 30 % at some SUB and RB sites. Low AAE values were observed at TR sites, due to the dominance of internal combustion emissions, and at some remote RB/M sites, likely due to the lack of proximity to BrC sources, insufficient secondary processes generating BrC or the effect of photobleaching during transport. Higher bAbs and AAE were observed in Central/Eastern Europe compared to Western/Northern Europe, due to higher coal and biomass burning emissions in the east. Seasonal analysis showed increased bAbs, bAbs,BC, bAbs,BrC in winter, with stronger %AbsBrC, leading to higher AAE. Diel cycles of bAbs,BC peaked during morning and evening rush hours, whereas bAbs,BrC, %AbsBrC, AAE, and AAEBrC peaked at night when emissions from household activities accumulated. Decade-long trends analyses demonstrated a decrease in bAbs, due to reduction of BC emissions, while bAbs,BrC and AAE increased, suggesting a shift in CA composition, with a relative increase in BrC over BC. This study provides a unique dataset to assess the BrC effects on climate and confirms that BrC can contribute significantly to UV–VIS radiation presenting highly variable absorption properties in Europe. Ključne besede: aerosol absorption, black carbon, brown carbon, climate change, air pollution Objavljeno v RUNG: 10.12.2024; Ogledov: 400; Prenosov: 6
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2. Long-term brown carbon spectral characteristics in a Mediterranean city (Athens)Eleni Liakakou, Dimitris G. Kaskaoutis, Georgios Grivas, Iasonas Stavroulas, M. Tsagkaraki, D. Paraskevopoulou, Aikaterini Bougiatioti, Umesh Chandra Dumka, Evangelos Gerasopoulos, Nikolaos Mihalopoulos, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This study analyses 4-years of continuous 7-λ Aethalometer (AE-33) measurements in an urban-background environment of Athens, to resolve the spectral absorption coefficients (babs) for black carbon (BC) and brown carbon (BrC). An important BrC contribution (23.7 ± 11.6%) to the total babs at 370 nm is estimated for the period May 2015–April 2019, characterized by a remarkable seasonality with winter maximum (33.5 ± 13.6%) and summer minimum (18.5 ± 8.1%), while at longer wavelengths the BrC contribution is significantly reduced (6.8 ± 3.6% at 660 nm). The wavelength dependence of the total babs gives an annual-mean AAE370-880 of 1.31, with higher values in winter night-time. The BrC absorption and its contribution to babs presents a large increase reaching up to 39.1 ± 13.6% during winter nights (370 nm), suggesting residential wood burning (RWB) emissions as a dominant source for BrC. This is supported by strong correlations of the BrC absorption with OC, EC, the fragment ion m/z 60 derived from ACSM and PMF-analyzed organic fractions related to biomass burning (e.g. BBOA). In contrast, BrC absorption decreases significantly during daytime as well as in the warm period, reaching to a minimum during the early-afternoon hours in all seasons due to photo-chemical degradation. Estimated secondary BrC absorption is practically evident only during winter night-time, implying the fast oxidation of BrC species from RWB emissions. Changes in mixing-layer height do not significantly affect the BrC absorption in winter, while they play a major role in summer. Ključne besede: spectral aerosol absorption, brown carbon, wood burning, organic aerosols, chemical composition, Athens Objavljeno v RUNG: 10.05.2024; Ogledov: 1490; Prenosov: 2
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3. Apportionment of black and brown carbon spectral absorption sources in the urban environment of Athens, Greece, during winterDimitris G. Kaskaoutis, Georgios Grivas, Iasonas Stavroulas, Aikaterini Bougiatioti, Eleni Liakakou, Umesh Chandra Dumka, Evangelos Gerasopoulos, Nikolaos Mihalopoulos, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This study examines the spectral properties and source characteristics of absorbing aerosols (BC: Black Carbon; BrC: Brown Carbon, based on aethalometer measurements) in the urban background of Athens during December 2016–February 2017. Using common assumptions regarding the spectral dependence of absorption due to BC (AAEBC = 1) and biomass burning (AAEbb = 2), and calculating an optimal AAEff value for the dataset (1.18), the total spectral absorption was decomposed into five components, corresponding to absorption of BC and BrC from fossil-fuel (ff) combustion and biomass burning (bb), and to secondary BrC estimated using the BC-tracer minimum R-squared (MRS) method. Substantial differences in the contribution of various components to the total absorption were found between day and night, due to differences in emissions and meteorological dynamics, while BrC and biomass burning aerosols presented higher contributions at shorter wavelengths. At 370 nm, the absorption due to BCff contributed 36.3% on average, exhibiting a higher fraction (58.1%) during daytime, while the mean BCbb absorption was estimated at 18.4%. The mean absorption contributions due to BrCff, BrCbb and BrCsec were 6.7%, 32.3% and 4.9%, respectively. The AbsBCff,370 component maximized during the morning traffic hours and was strongly correlated with NOx (R2 = 0.76) and CO (R2 = 0.77), while a similar behavior was seen for the AbsBrCff,370 component. AbsBCbb and AbsBrCbb levels escalated during nighttime and were highly associated with nss-K+ and with the organic aerosol (OA) components related to fresh and fast-oxidized biomass burning (BBOA and SV-OOA) as obtained from ACSM measurements. Multiple linear regression was used to attribute BrC absorption to five OA components and to determine their absorption contributions and efficiencies, revealing maximum contributions of BBOA (33%) and SV-OOA (21%). Sensitivity analysis was performed in view of the methodological uncertainties and supported the reliability of the results, which can have important implications for radiative transfer models. Ključne besede: spectral absorption, black carbon, brown carbon, fossil fuel, biomass burning, source apportionment Objavljeno v RUNG: 10.05.2024; Ogledov: 1169; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
4. Phenomenology of organic aerosols light absorption in Europe based on in situ surface observationsJordi Rovira, Jesús Yus-Díez, Griša Močnik, 2024, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci Opis: Both chamber and field experiments have shown that a fraction of organic aerosols (OA), called brown carbon (BrC), can efficiently absorb UV-VIS radiation with important effects on radiation balance. However, the optical properties of BrC, and its climate effects, remain poorly understood because a variety of chemical compositions are involved and their fractions vary with source and formation process. We present a phenomenology of OA light absorption in Europe using Aethalometer (AE) data. AE data were used to calculate the black carbon (BC) and BrC contribution to the total measured absorption in the UV-VIS spectral range (babs,BC(l), babsBrC(l)). Fig. 1 shows the BrC absorption at 370 nm and shows that the BrC absorption was on average higher in urban than in rural sites.
Figure 1. Map of BrC absorption in rural and urban sites.
At 18 out of 41 sites, simultaneous ACSM (Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor) data were available allowing reporting the mass absorption cross-section (MAC), the imaginary refractive index (k), the k Angström Exponent (w) of OA particles and OA sources. We compared the experimental data the with Saleh’s classification, that groups BrC in four optical classes, namely very weakly (VW-BrC), weakly (W-BrC), moderately (M-BrC) and strongly (S-BrC) absorbing BrC. Preliminary results show that both MAC and k of POA sources were higher compared to SOA sources and that BBOA (biomass burning OA) followed by CCOA (coal combustion OA) and HOA (hydrocarbon-like OA) dominated the absorption by BrC. Data reported indicate a relationship between w and k with higher w associated to less absorbing OA particles.
With this work we provide a robust experimental framework that can be used to better constrain the climate effect of OA particles represented in climate models. In our results we found that most of the measured ambient OA particles present from W to M absorption properties. Variations in OA k and w depend on the relative contribution of POA compared to SOA as also reflected by the higher k observed in winter compared to summer. Our results also demonstrate a strong variation of OA optical properties in Europe thus further confirming the complexity of OA absorption properties.
This work was supported by the FOCI Project (G.A. 101056783) and ARRS P1-0385. Action Cost COLOSSAL. We thank the COLOSSAL Team for providing OA sources and AE33 data.
Chen et al (2022). Env. Int. 166, 107325.
Nakao et al (2013). Atm. Env. 68, 273-277.
Canagaratna et al (2015). Atmos. Chem. Phys. 15, 253-272.
Saleh et al (2020). Curr. Pollution Rep. 6, 90–104. Ključne besede: black carbon, brown carbon, aerosol absorption coefficient Objavljeno v RUNG: 18.03.2024; Ogledov: 2086; Prenosov: 7
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5. Heating rate and energy gradient from the tropics to the North PoleLuca Ferrero, Martin Rigler, Asta Gregorič, Griša Močnik, 2024, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci Opis: Absorbing aerosol species, such as Black (BC) and Brown (BrC) Carbon, are able to warm the atmosphere. The role of aerosols is one of the least clear aspects in the so called “Arctic Amplification” (AA) and up to now this was mostly modelled [1,2]. For this reason, we took part in four scientific cruises (AREX, Arctic-Expedition, summer 2018, 2019, 2021 and EUREC4A, 2020) in the North Atlantic, eastward and south-eastward of Barbados, aiming at the determination of the aerosol chemical composition and properties from the Tropics to the North Pole.
The Heating Rate (HR) was experimentally determined at 1 minute time-resolution along different latitudes by means of an innovative methodology [3], obtained by cumulatively taking into account the aerosol optical properties, i.e. the absorption coefficients (measured by AE33 Aethalometer) and incident radiation (direct, diffuse and reflected) across the entire solar spectrum. The HR computed along AREX and in Milan (in the same period) were used to determine the energy gradient, due to the LAA induced heat storage at mid-latitudes, which contributes to AA through the atmospheric heat transport northward.
Moreover, aerosol chemical composition was achieved by means of sampling via high volume sampler (ECHO-PUF Tecora) and analysis via ion chromatography, TCA08 for Total Carbon content, Aethalometer AE33 (for BC), ICP-OES for elements.
A clear latitudinal behaviour in Black Carbon concentrations, with the highest values at low latitudes (e.g. average BC concentration in Gdansk up to 1507±75 ng/m3) and a progressive decrease moving northwards and away from the big Arctic settlements (Black Carbon concentrations within the 81st parallel: 5±1 ng/m3).
According to the latitudinal behaviour of BC concentrations and solar radiation (decreases towards the north while the diffuse component increases), HR decreases noticeably towards the Arctic: e.g. higher in the harbor of Gdansk (0.290±0.010 K/day) followed by the Baltic Sea (0.04±0.01 K/day), the Norvegian Sea (0.010±0.010 K/day) and finally with the lowest values in the pure Arctic Ocean (0.003±0.001 K/day). Accordingly, the energy density added to the system by the aerosol, a positive forcing that differs by 2 orders of magnitude between mid-latitudes and North Pole was found: 347.3 ± 11.8 J/m3 (Milan), 244.8 ± 12.2 J/m3 (Gdansk) and 2.6 ± 0.2 J/m3 (80°N). These results highlight the presence of a great energy gradient between mid-latitudes and Arctic that can trigger a heat transport towards the Arctic. Moreover this was strengthen by the HR value for EUREC4A in Barbados that was 0.175±0.003 K/day. Finally, preliminary results from Antarctica collected onboard the Italian RV Laura Bassi cruising the Southern Ocean and the Ross Sea will be shown.
Acknoledgements: GEMMA Center, Project TECLA MIUR – Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2023–2027. JPI EUREC4A-OA project. CAIAC (oCean Atmosphere Interactions in the Antarctic regions and Convergence latitude) PNRA project
[1] Navarro, J. C. A. et al. (2016) Nat. Geosci. 9, 277–281.
[2] Shindell, D. and Faluvegi, G. (2009) Nat. Geosci. 2, 294–300.
[3] Ferrero, L. et al. (2018) Environ. Sci. Technol. 52, 3546 3555. Ključne besede: blackcarbon, brown carbon, atmospheric heating rate, climate change Objavljeno v RUNG: 18.03.2024; Ogledov: 1845; Prenosov: 45
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6. A device and a method for complete carbonaceous aerosol analysis in real time : European patent application EP4033242A1, 25. 8. 2021Asta Gregorič, Matic Ivančič, Martin Rigler, 2022, patentna prijava Opis: The present invention belongs to the field of methods and devices for analysing materials by determining their chemical or physical properties by the use of thermos-optical means. The invention relates to a device and a method for complete carbonaceous aerosol analysis in real time, which is essentially a system combining two different instruments, wherein the first instrument measures total carbon (TC) using flash heating of collected aerosol samples and generation of CO2, while the second instrument performs an optical attenuation analysis at 7 wavelengths from near UV (370 nm) to near IR range (950 nm) in order to characterize a Black Carbon (BC/EC) aerosols accumulated on a glass-fiber/PTFE filter tape. The device, i.e., the system of said instruments, collects and processes collected data of both instruments, wherein said processing may be performed by any of the instruments or by a separate processing means, computer or computer application. Ključne besede: carbonaceous aerosol, black carbon, total carbon, brown carbon Objavljeno v RUNG: 02.02.2024; Ogledov: 1853; Prenosov: 12
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7. Highly time-resolved apportionment of carbonaceous aerosols from wildfire using the TC-BC method : camp fire 2018 case studyMatic Ivančič, Martin Rigler, Bálint Alföldy, Gašper Lavrič, Irena Ježek, Asta Gregorič, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: black carbon, brown carbon, carbonaceous aerosol, wildfire, air quality, CASS Objavljeno v RUNG: 06.06.2023; Ogledov: 2213; Prenosov: 16
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8. Two-year-long high-time-resolution apportionment of primary and secondary carbonaceous aerosols in the Los Angeles Basin using an advanced total carbon–black carbon (TC-BC([lambda])) methodMatic Ivančič, Asta Gregorič, Gašper Lavrič Palancsai, Bálint Alföldy, Irena Ježek, Sina Hasheminassab, Payam Pakbin, Faraz Ahangar, Mohammad Sowlat, Steven Boddeker, Martin Rigler, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: carbonaceous aerosols, black carbon, brown carbon, Carbonaceous Aerosol Speciation System Objavljeno v RUNG: 04.08.2022; Ogledov: 2476; Prenosov: 9
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9. Camp Fire 2018: Highly time-resolved study of eOC, eBC and BrC aerosols by the TC-BC (total carbon–black carbon) methodMatic Ivančič, Gašper Lavrič, Asta Gregorič, Balint Alfoldy, Irena Ježek, Jack Connor, Charity Garland, Jonathan P. Bower, Martin Rigler, 2021, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci Ključne besede: total carbon, black carbon, brown carbon Objavljeno v RUNG: 17.11.2021; Ogledov: 3102; Prenosov: 56
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10. Molecular and physical characteristics of aerosol at a remote free troposphere site : implications for atmospheric agingSimeon K. Schum, Bo Zhang, Katja Džepina, Paulo Fialho, Claudio Mazzoleni, Lynn R. Mazzoleni, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Aerosol properties are transformed by atmospheric processes during long-range transport and play a key role in the Earth’s radiative balance. To understand the molecular and physical characteristics of free tropospheric aerosol, we studied samples collected at the Pico Mountain Observatory in the North Atlantic. The observatory is located in the marine free troposphere at 2225m above sea level, on Pico Island in the Azores archipelago. The site is ideal for the study of long-range-transported free tropospheric aerosol with minimal local influence. Three aerosol samples with elevated organic carbon concentrations were selected for detailed analysis. FLEXPART retroplumes indicated that two
of the samples were influenced by North American wildfire
emissions transported in the free troposphere and one by
North American outflow mainly transported within the marine
boundary layer. Ultrahigh-resolution Fourier transform
ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry was used to determine
the detailed molecular composition of the samples.
Thousands of molecular formulas were assigned to each of
the individual samples. On average ~60% of the molecular
formulas contained only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
atoms (CHO), ~ 30% contained nitrogen (CHNO), and
~ 10% contained sulfur (CHOS). The molecular formula
compositions of the two wildfire-influenced aerosol samples
transported mainly in the free troposphere had relatively low
average O=C ratios (0:48 ± 0:13 and 0:45 ± 0:11) despite the
7–10 days of transport time according to FLEXPART. In contrast,
the molecular composition of the North American outflow
transported mainly in the boundary layer had a higher
average O=C ratio (0:57 ± 0:17) with 3 days of transport time.
To better understand the difference between free tropospheric
transport and boundary layer transport, the meteorological
conditions along the FLEXPART simulated transport pathways
were extracted from the Global Forecast System analysis
for the model grids. We used the extracted meteorological
conditions and the observed molecular chemistry to predict
the relative-humidity-dependent glass transition temperatures
(Tg) of the aerosol components. Comparisons of the
Tg to the ambient temperature indicated that a majority of
the organic aerosol components transported in the free troposphere were more viscous and therefore less susceptible to
oxidation than the organic aerosol components transported
in the boundary layer. Although the number of observations
is limited, the results suggest that biomass burning organic
aerosol injected into the free troposphere is more persistent
than organic aerosol in the boundary layer having broader
implications for aerosol aging. Ključne besede: secondary organic aerosols, brown carbon, particle dispersion model, ultrahigh-resolution FT-ICR MS, Pico Mountain Observatory Objavljeno v RUNG: 10.04.2021; Ogledov: 3490; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |