1. ASSESSMENT OF CORTISOL AND DHEA CONCENTRATIONS IN THE GRIFFON VULTURE (Gyps fulvus) FEATHERS TO EVALUATE ITS HEALTH CONDITIONGian Nicola Frongia, Tanja Peric, Marco Muzzeddu, Fiammetta Berlinguer, Giovanni Leoni, Valentina Satta, Cristina Bergamin, Marcello Franchini, Antonella Comin, Salvatore Naitana, Alberto Prandi, 2018, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci Opis: During their life, birds face several challenges which can threaten the stability of physiological functions. These situations typically trigger a cascade of endocrine secretions involving the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, and resulting in the release of both cortisol and corticosterone also in birds. The use of a non-invasive approach to collect samples of biological material derived from natural populations represents a greatly combination for an improvement of knowledge avoiding handling animals. Steroid concentrations in feathers are mainly acquired from the capillary around the follicle during the long period of feather grown reflecting their bloodstream concentrations. Accordingly, a chronic HPA axis activation could be assessed using molted feathers cortisol concentrations. Another hormone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), is secreted by adrenals and it could be assessed in molted feathers. This study was aimed to evaluate the feasibility of using feathers cortisol and DHEA concentrations to provide a retrospective assessment of the activity of the HPA axis in griffon vulture acquired for health monitoring purposes. For this, we introduced two groups of
animals with a known health condition: one group composed by griffons that have experienced a long-term physiologically compromised period (PC group; n=8) and the other group composed by griffons physiologically not compromised (CTRL group; n=9). The feathers cortisol and DHEA analyses were carried out using RIA [1,2] adapted for feathers. The results revealed different feather hormone concentrations between the two groups of animals. The feathers cortisol had a median value higher in the PC group than in the CTRL group, with cortisol concentrations showing a central value 1.6 times higher in those animals that suffered a long-term physiological impairment. The PC group showed also (Kruskal-
Wallis test) higher feather concentrations of DHEA (P=0.01) than the CTRL group. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were used to examine the associations between cortisol and DHEA, showing no correlation between cortisol and DHEA feather concentrations in the PC group (r=0.18, P=0.34) and a moderate positive correlation in the CTRL group (r=0.51, P=0.011). In conclusion, our study reveals that molted feathers can be an interesting way to evaluate the physiological status of wild animals by using a non-invasive approach. Our analyses reveal that in addition to cortisol also DHEA could be evaluated to better understand the relationships between these hormones and to determine the resilience condition of wild species. Ključne besede: CORTISOL, DHEA, GRIFFON VULTURE, Gyps fulvus, FEATHER Objavljeno v RUNG: 09.04.2019; Ogledov: 4134; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
2. DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERONE SULFATE CLAWS CONCENTRATIONS IN DOGS FROM BIRTH TO 30 DAYS OF AGE: PRELIMINARY RESULTS.Jasmine Fusi, Marta Montillo, Barbara Bolis, Alessandro Rota, Tanja Peric, Maria Cristina Veronesi, 2017, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci Opis: Similarly to all other species, also in the dog improvements in the knowledge on perinatology are mandatory for a better management of newborns, mainly aimed to reduce the impact of perinatal mortality. However, until recently, the study of canine perinatology was limited mainly because of the invasiveness of many investigation procedures, such as repeated blood sampling. In recent times, the claws/nails were proved to be a useful, non invasive, matrix for long time-frame retrospective hormone concentrations analysis also in babies and puppies [1,2], providing a suitable matrix for perinatal long-term hormonal changes studies. The last intrauterine foetal stage of development and the neonatal period represent the most challenging phases for the mammals offspring. It was demonstrated that the activation of the fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis leads to dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and DHEA sulfate (DHEA-S) secretion, the major fetal steroids. Thus, DHEA-S measured at birth in newborns could be considered as a marker of offspring HPA axis activity, under the maternal influence. This study was aimed to assess the DHEA-S concentrations in newborn puppies claws, collected at birth and at 30 days of age, and to evaluate the possible influence of age, gender and type of birth on DHEA-S claws accumulation. The study was performed on 58 large purebred, normal, healthy, viable (Apgar≥7) puppies, 31 males and 27 females, born by vaginal spontaneous (N=22) or caesarean (N=36) parturition. DHEA-S was analysed by RIA. The mean ± SD DHEA-S claws concentration significantly (p<0.01) decreased from birth (210±152.00 pg/mg) to 30 days (91±72.63 pg/mg), evidencing the higher fetal DHEA-S secretion in the last fetal stage of pregnancy in comparison to the first postnatal month of age. According to the type of parturition, higher (p<0.001) DHEA-S claws concentrations were found at birth in puppies born by spontaneous than caesarean parturition (300±167.05 vs 154±112.23 pg/mg, respectively); this finding deserves further investigations. No influence of newborn gender was found. Claws DHEA-S values at birth were a bit higher, but with a lower SD, in comparison to data reported for babies 1-3 weeks old [1]. The trend of decrease is in agreement with data reported for cortisol [2] in dead puppies, and suggests, beside the role of cortisol, the important effects of DHEA-S around the time of birth, also in puppies, as reported for babies [1].
[1] Tegethoff et al. Dehydroepindrosterone in nails of infants: a potential biomarker of intrauterine responses to maternal stress. Biological psychology, 87: 414-420, 2011. [2] Veronesi et al. Coat and claws as new matrices for noninvasive long-term cortisol assessment in dogs from birth up to 30 days of age. Theriogenology, 84: 791-796, 2015. Ključne besede: DHEA-S, claw, dog Objavljeno v RUNG: 22.08.2017; Ogledov: 5223; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
3. Cortisol and DHEA concentrations in the hair of dairy cows managed indoor or on pastureTanja Peric, Mirco Corazzin, Alberto Romanzin, Stefano Bovolenta, Alberto Prandi, M. Montillo, Antonella Comin, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This study was conducted in order to assess the changes of cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) concentrations in hair of Italian Simmental dairy cows managed indoor in tie-stall barns or grazing on high mountain pasture. In experiment I, animals were kept in tie-stalls throughout the year (n = 27). In experiment II, animals remained on mountain pastures during summer (from 20th June to 20th September) and then kept indoors in tie-stalls for the rest of the year (n = 18). At the end of July, following vertical transhumance, dairy cows were moved to a pasture located at a higher altitude. In the two studies, hair samples, obtained using clippers from the animal's forehead, were collected on the 20th June (P1), 20th July (P2), 20th August (P3), 20th September (P4) and 20th October (P5) and analysed for cortisol and DHEA. In experiment I, DHEA concentration was unaffected by sampling time (P > 0.05), whereas, cortisol/DHEA ratio was similar between P1 and P2 (P > 0.05) and then increased during the experimental period reaching the highest value at P5 (P < 0.05). In experiment II, dairy cows had higher concentration of DHEA during grazing compared to cows kept indoors (P < 0.05), conversely cortisol/DHEA ratio decreased from P1 to P2 (P < 0.05), remained constant from P2 to P3 (P > 0.05) and then increased from P3 to P4 (P < 0.05), the highest value was recorded at P5. In conclusion, cortisol and DHEA concentrations and their ratio measured in the hair of dairy cows can be useful to evaluate the allostatic load in animals managed indoor in tie-stall barn or grazing on mountain pasture. Ključne besede: Dairy cow, Mountain pasture, Hair, Cortisol, DHEA Objavljeno v RUNG: 28.05.2017; Ogledov: 5814; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
4. EFFECT OF DIET ON HAIR CORTISOL AND DHEA CONCENTRATIONS IN MOUSEAntonella Comin, Marta Montillo, Tanja Peric, Silvia Gazzin, Mirco Corazzin, Alberto Prandi, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci Opis: Obesity and MetS (Metabolic Syndrome) are both linked to persistent long-term hormonal
and metabolic changes. In most of the studies, cortisol (C) and dehydroepiandrosterone
(DHEA) concentrations have been measured in obese and normal-weight subjects,
obtaining heterogeneous results. Plasma, saliva and urine, matrices that represent timepoint
or short-term steroids exposure, were used for these studies. The aim was to study
C, DHEA and C/DHEA ratio of mice pups in the hair, matrix capable of providing
cumulative hormonal exposure. Sixty C57Bl/6 mice pups (30 males and 30 females)
were housed in a temperature-controlled environment (22±2°C) and on a 12h light/dark
schedule, under ad-libitum access to food and water for 16 weeks (welfare: Italian Law
Decree 116-92 and EC Directive 86-609-EEC). Control and experimental diets were
offered immediately after weaning (3 weeks old pups), for 16 weeks. Four experimental
checkpoints were established (T1: 4 weeks, T2: 8 weeks, T3: 12 weeks and T4: 16 weeks
of diet). T3 and T4 showed the hormonal concentrations of pubertal animals. Twentyseven
pups (13 females and 14 males) were randomly group-housed in cages (6 for T1, 5
for T2, 6 for T3, 10 for T4) and assigned to control diet (CTRL: D12328, Research Diets,
New Brunswick, NJ). 33 pups (17 females and 16 males) were randomly group-housed in
cages (5 for T1, 6 for T2 and T3, 16 for T4) and assigned to the HFHC diet (HFHC: D12331, Research Diets, New Brunswick, NJ - plus 42g/L fructose/sucrose in drinking
water). At each experimental checkpoint, all the animals of one cage for each
experimental group were suppressed. Hair strands were carefully cut with scissors as
close as possible to the skin from the back of the mice, paying attention to not to wound
the animals. Hair was stored in an envelope at RT in a dry room until use. C and DHEA
hair concentrations was measured by a solid-phase microtiter RIA assay (Peric et al., 2016 adapted in the mouse). Only at 8 weeks the HFHC group showed significantly
higher C concentrations than the CTRL group (1.56±0.06 vs 1.92±0.130 pg/mg; P<0.05).
DHEA concentrations were significantly reduced in the HFHC group than the CTRL
group at 4 (114.64±13.93 vs 69.08±5.33 pg/mg; P<0.05), 8 (71.67±7.08 vs 50.38±4.74
pg/mg; P<0.05), 12 (73.27±8.29 vs 41.59±1.60 pg/mg; P<0.01) and 16 weeks
(65.26±3.35 vs 55.05±1.84 pg/mg; P<0.05). The C/DHEA ratio was significantly
increased in the HFHC than the CTRL group, at 8 (0.023±0.002 vs 0.040±0.005; P<0.01),
12 (0.024±0.003 vs 0.036±0.004; P<0.05) and 16 weeks (0.019±0.001 vs 0.025±0.002;
P<0.01). The gender effect was not significant. Taking into account the lag time required
for the hair emersion from the skin (about 1 week), the significant stimulation of the C at
8 weeks in the HFHC group refers to its chronic elevation from 5 to 7 weeks of treatment
when the animals were not pubertal. Conversely, DHEA shows a chronic reduction in
obese mice leading to consider an independent adrenal regulation of C and DHEA, both
stimulated by ACTH.
Research was supported by the Project CBM (MIUR DM60643).
Peric et al. 2016 J Appl Anim Welf Sci 18:1-8. Ključne besede: DIET, HAIR, CORTISOL, DHEA, MOUSE Objavljeno v RUNG: 21.07.2016; Ogledov: 6135; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |