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E-governance in emerging economy : development & assessment
Rajan Gupta, Sunil K. Muttoo, Saibal K. Pal, 2017, znanstvena monografija

Opis: E-Governance has proven to be instrumental in the expansion and evolution of how the Governments interact and deliver services to its citizens. India with no exception officially started its campaign in 2006 through NeGP and by now have developed lot of commendable services electronically. With EGDI rankings of India in a report by UN being so low, it makes it mandatory to evaluate the services on a more granular level. This will make it pragmatic for the policy makers to identify the strong and weak areas of the India on E-Governance front and make an inclusive development plan for overall improvement of the development in the country.
Ključne besede: e-governance, EGDI, United Nations, development assessment index
Objavljeno v RUNG: 31.03.2021; Ogledov: 3088; Prenosov: 0
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