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Political pressure and museums in times of change : lecture at the seminar Managing values: values in management, 6 April 2022, online
Kaja Širok, 2022, unpublished conference contribution

Abstract: What are the values ​​of each cultural organisation? Why should they be defined and publicly acknowledged? How are they expressed? And, most of all, how do cultural organisations identify, cultivate and transmit important values ​​to the communities in which they operate?
Keywords: Museum management, Museums, Politics
Published in RUNG: 14.05.2024; Views: 1141; Downloads: 0
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Whose memory? : new museums and (political) narratives in Slovenia
Kaja Širok, 2023, other scientific articles

Abstract: In March 2021, on the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the independent state of Slovenia, Janez Janša’s government established the (national) Museum of Slovenian Independence. The official reason for its creation was due to criticism from a number right-wing politicians who argued that Slovenian museums neglected the topic of national independence and failed to cultivate the values on which the new country was founded. This was strongly opposed by the historical profession, as at least three Slovenian museums were already dealing with the subject of the twentieth century and created several exhibitions on the subject of independence.
Keywords: Museums, Political narratives, Difficult heritage, National Museum for Contemporary History
Published in RUNG: 08.05.2024; Views: 1113; Downloads: 2
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Embodying data by decolonisation of thinking
2020, radio or television broadcast, podcast, interview, press conference

Keywords: architecture, interior design, museums, exposition design, museography, commoning, science communication
Published in RUNG: 22.01.2021; Views: 3221; Downloads: 22
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