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What kind of man does that: anti-social queer masculinities in Brane Mozetič’s early prose : lecture at the Second International Workshop: Central European Masculinities in a Comparative Perspective, Katowice, Poland, 15. 11. 2024
Darko Ilin, 2024, prispevek na konferenci brez natisa

Opis: This paper explores the representation of anti-social queer masculinities in Brane Mozetič's literary works at the turn of the millennium, focusing on the short story collection Passion (1993) and the novels Angels (1996) and The Lost Story (2001). Situated in post-Yugoslav and post-socialist Slovenia, Mozetič’s narratives are examined to uncover how they interact with and possibly appropriate emerging models of masculinity found in queer transgressive fiction from global literary centers. The study investigates the distinct adaptations and circulations of these models within the semi-peripheral context of Central Europe, with a particular focus on Slovenia. By analyzing the depiction of queer masculinities in relation to themes of anti-social behavior and societal marginalization, drawing from both theoretical frameworks (such as those of Hocquenghem and Bersani) and literary traditions, this paper aims to elucidate how Mozetič’s work reflects and diverges from broader literary and cultural movements during a period of democratization, transition, and Westernization. The analysis seeks to provide a nuanced understanding of the representation of anti-social queer masculinities in a post-socialist Central European context, highlighting the cultural exchanges and influences that shape contemporary queer literature in the region.
Ključne besede: Brane Mozetič, Pasijon, anti-social queer theory, Slovene literature
Objavljeno v RUNG: 26.11.2024; Ogledov: 468; Prenosov: 0
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O treh pasijonih, s tremi režiserji
Rok Andres, 2018, intervju

Ključne besede: Škofjeloški pasijon, uprizoritev, Meta Hočevar, Aleš Jan, Milan Golob, Škofja Loka
Objavljeno v RUNG: 04.04.2018; Ogledov: 4979; Prenosov: 0
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Starejša slovenska književnost (vaje)
Zoran Božič, drugo učno gradivo

Opis: Gradivo za predmet Slovenska književnost I (Fakulteta za humanistiko Univerze v Novi Gorici).
Ključne besede: didaktika, slovenska književnost, Brižinski spomeniki, protestantizem, Primož Trubar, barok, Janez Svetokriški, Škofjeloški pasijon, Žiga Zois, Efeška vdova, Lenora, Anton Tomaž Linhart, Matiček se ženi, Valentin Vodnik, Dramilo, Zadovoljni Kranjec
Objavljeno v RUNG: 11.01.2018; Ogledov: 5738; Prenosov: 198
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