91. Follow-up Search for UHE Photons from Gravitational Wave Sources with the Pierre Auger ObservatoryP. Ruehl, Andrej Filipčič, Jon Paul Lundquist, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, Lukas Zehrer, 2022, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: Multimessenger astronomy has become increasingly important during the past decade. Some astronomical objects have already been successfully observed in the light of multiple messenger signals, allowing for a much deeper understanding of their physical properties. The Pierre Auger Observatory has taken part in multimessenger astronomy with an exhaustive exploration of the ultra-high-energy sky. In this contribution, for the first time, a search for UHE photons from the sources of gravitational waves is presented. Interactions with the cosmic background radiation fields are expected to attenuate any possible flux of ultra-high-energy photons from distant sources and a non-negligible background of air shower events with hadronic origin makes an unambiguous identification of primary photons a challenging task. In the analysis presented here, a selection strategy is applied to both GW sources and air shower events aiming to provide maximum sensitivity to a possible photon signal. At the same time, a window is kept open for hypothetical new-physics processes, which might allow for much larger interaction lengths of photons in the extragalactic medium. Preliminary results on the UHE photon fluence from a selection of GW sources, including the binary neutron star merger GW170817 are presented. Keywords: Pierre Auger Observatory, indirect detection, fluorescence detection, ultra-high energy, photons, cosmic rays, anisotropy, gravitational waves, multimessenger Published in RUNG: 29.09.2023; Views: 1797; Downloads: 7
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92. Outreach activities at the Pierre Auger ObservatoryK.S. Caballero-Mora, Jon Paul Lundquist, 2022, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: The Pierre Auger Observatory, sited in Malargüe, Argentina, is the largest observatory available for measuring ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECR). The Auger Collaboration has measured and analysed an unprecedented number of UHECRs. Along with making important scientific discoveries, for example, the demonstration that cosmic rays above 8 EeV are of extragalactic origin and the observation of a new feature in the energy spectrum at around 13 EeV, outreach work has been carried out across the 18 participating countries and online. This program ranges from talks to a varied audience, to the creation of a local Visitor Center, which attracts 8000 visitors annually, to initiating masterclasses. Permanent and temporary exhibitions have been prepared both in reality and virtually. Science fairs for elementary- and high-school students have been organised, together with activities associated with interesting phenomena such as eclipses. In addition, we participate in international events such as the International Cosmic Day, Frontiers from H2020, and the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Part of the Collaboration website is aimed at the general public. Here the most recent articles published are summarised. Thus the Collaboration informs people about work in our field, which may seem remote from everyday life. Furthermore, the Auger Observatory has been a seed for scientific and technological activities in and around Malargüe. Different outreach ventures that already have been implemented and others which are foreseen will be described. Keywords: Pierre Auger Observatory, indirect detection, ultra-high energy, cosmic rays, outreach, open data Published in RUNG: 26.09.2023; Views: 1680; Downloads: 6
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93. Search for primary photons at tens of PeV with the Pierre Auger ObservatoryNicolás González, Andrej Filipčič, Jon Paul Lundquist, Shima Ujjani Shivashankara, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, 2023, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: The observation of primary photons with energies around 10[sup]16 eV would be particularly interesting after the discovery of Galactic gamma-ray sources with spectra extending into the PeV range. Since photons are connected to the acceleration of charged particles, searches for photons enhance the multi-messenger understanding of cosmic-ray sources as well as of transient astrophysical phenomena, while offering wealthy connections to neutrino astronomy and dark matter. Additionally, diffuse photon fluxes are expected from cosmic-ray interactions with Galactic matter and background radiation fields. Previously, the energy domain between 1 PeV and 200 PeV was only explored from the Northern Hemisphere. The Pierre Auger Observatory is the largest astroparticle experiment in operation and, thanks to its location, has a sizable exposure to the Southern sky,
including the Galactic center region. In this contribution, we present the first search for photons from the Southern hemisphere between 50 and 200 PeV exploiting the Auger data acquired during
∼4 yr of operation. We describe the method to discriminate photons against the dominating hadronic background; it is based on the measurements of air showers taken with the low-energy extension of the Pierre Auger Observatory composed by 19 water-Cherenkov detectors spanning ∼ 2km[sup]2 and an Underground Muon Detector. The search for a diffuse flux of photons is presented and its results are interpreted according to theoretical model predictions. This study extends the range of Auger photon searches to almost four decades in energy. Keywords: Pierre Auger Observatory, cosmic rays, photons, water-Cherenkov detectors, underground muon detectors Published in RUNG: 26.09.2023; Views: 1901; Downloads: 7
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94. Constraints on BSM particles from the absence of upward-going air showers in the Pierre Auger ObservatoryBaobiao Yue, Andrej Filipčič, Jon Paul Lundquist, Shima Ujjani Shivashankara, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, 2023, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: The Fluorescence Detector (FD) of the Pierre Auger Observatory has a large exposure to search for upward-going showers. Constraints have been recently obtained by using 14 years of FD data searching for upward-going showers in the zenith angle range [110◦, 180◦]. In this work, we translate these bounds to upper limits of a possible flux of ultra high energy tau-leptons escaping from the Earth into the atmosphere. Such a mechanism could explain the observation of "anomalous pulses" made by ANITA, that indicated the existence of upward-going air showers with energies above 10[sup]17 eV. As tau neutrinos would be absorbed within the Earth at the deduced
angles and energies, a flux of upward-going taus could only be resulted from an unknown type of ultra high energy Beyond Standard Model particle penetrating the Earth with little attenuation, and then creating tau-leptons through interactions within a maximum depth of about 50 km before exiting. We test classes of such models in a generic way and determine upper flux limits of ultra high energy BSM particles as a function of their unknown cross section with matter. Keywords: ultra-high energy cosmic rays, Pierre Auger Observatory, fluorescence detector, upward-going air showers, Beyond Standard Model particles Published in RUNG: 26.09.2023; Views: 1932; Downloads: 8
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95. The fitting procedure for longitudinal shower profiles observed with the fluorescence detector of the Pierre Auger ObservatoryJ. A. Bellido, Andrej Filipčič, Jon Paul Lundquist, Shima Ujjani Shivashankara, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, 2023, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: The Pierre Auger Observatory uses fluorescence telescopes in conjunction with ground level
particle detectors to measure high-energy cosmic rays and reconstruct, with greater precision,
their arrival direction, their energy and the depth of shower maximum. The depth of shower
maximum is important to infer cosmic ray mass composition. The fluorescence detector is
capable of directly measuring the longitudinal shower development, which is used to reconstruct
the cosmic ray energy and the atmospheric depth of shower maximum. However, given the limited
field of view of the fluorescence detector, the shower profile is not always fully contained within
the detector observation volume. Therefore, considerations need to be taken in order to reconstruct
some events. In this contribution we will describe the method that the Pierre Auger Collaboration
uses to reconstruct the longitudinal profiles of showers and present the details of its performance,
namely its resolution and systematic uncertainties. Keywords: ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, Pierre Auger Observatory, extensive air showers, longitudinal shower profiles Published in RUNG: 20.09.2023; Views: 2119; Downloads: 7
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96. GCOS - The Global Cosmic Ray ObservatoryJoerg R. Hoerandel, Serguei Vorobiov, Danilo Zavrtanik, 2021, published scientific conference contribution (invited lecture) Abstract: Nature is providing particles with energies exceeding 100 EeV. Their existence imposes immediate questions: Are they ordinary particles, accelerated in extreme astrophysical environments, or are they annihilation or decay products of super-heavy dark matter or other exotic objects? If the particles are accelerated in extreme astrophysical environments, are their sources related to those of high-energy neutrinos, gamma rays, and/or gravitational waves, such as the recently observed mergers of compact objects? The particles can also be used to study physics processes at extreme energies; is Lorentz invariance still valid? Are the particles interacting according to the Standard
Model or are there new physics processes? The particles can be used to study hadronic interactions (QCD) in the kinematic forward direction; what is the cross section of protons at center-of-mass energies sqrt(s) > 100 TeV?
These questions are addressed at present by installations like the Telescope Array and the Pierre Auger Observatory. After the year 2030, a next-generation observatory will be needed to study the physics and properties of the highest-energy particles in Nature, building on the knowledge harvested from the existing observatories. It should have an aperture at least an order of magnitude bigger than the existing observatories.
Recently, more than 200 scientists from around the world came together to discuss the future of the
field of multi-messenger astroparticle physics beyond the year 2030. Ideas have been discussed
towards the physics case and possible scenarios for detection concepts of the Global Cosmic Ray
Observatory - GCOS. A synopsis of the key results discussed during the brainstorming workshop
will be presented. Keywords: ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, Pierre Auger Observatory, Telescope Array, Global Cosmic Ray
Observatory (GCOS) project Published in RUNG: 13.09.2023; Views: 1767; Downloads: 7
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97. The UHECR-FR0 radio galaxy connection : a multi-messenger study of energy spectra/composition emission and intergalactic magnetic field propagationJon Paul Lundquist, Lukas Merten, Serguei Vorobiov, Margot Boughelilba, Anita Reimer, Paolo Da Vela, Fabrizio Tavecchio, Giacomo Bonnoli, Chiara Righi, 2023, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: This study investigates low luminosity Fanaroff-Riley Type 0 (FR0) radio galaxies as a potentially
significant source of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). Due to their much higher prevalence
in the local universe compared to more powerful radio galaxies (about five times more than
FR-1s), FR0s may provide a substantial fraction of the total UHECR energy density. To determine
the nucleon composition and energy spectrum of UHECRs emitted by FR0 sources, simulation
results from CRPropa3 are fit to Pierre Auger Observatory data. The resulting emission spectral
indices, rigidity cutoffs, and nucleon fractions are compared to recent Auger results. The FR0 simulations
include the approximately isotropic distribution of FR0 galaxies and various intergalactic
magnetic field configurations (including random and structured fields) and predict the fluxes of
secondary photons and neutrinos produced during UHECR propagation through cosmic photon
backgrounds. This comprehensive simulation allows for investigating the properties of the FR0
sources using observational multi-messenger data. Keywords: ultra-high energy cosmic rays, UHECR propagation, CRPropa, active galactic nuclei, jetted AGN, FR0 radio galaxies, Pierre Auger Observatory, UHECR energy spectrum Published in RUNG: 24.08.2023; Views: 2137; Downloads: 5
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98. Constraining the sources of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays across and above the ankle with the spectrum and composition data measured at the Pierre Auger ObservatoryA. Abdul Halim, Andrej Filipčič, Jon Paul Lundquist, Shima Ujjani Shivashankara, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: In this work we present the interpretation of the energy spectrum and mass composition data as measured by the Pierre Auger Collaboration above 6 × 10[sup]17 eV. We use an astrophysical model with two extragalactic source populations to model the hardening of the cosmic-ray flux at around 5 × 10[sup]18 eV (the so-called "ankle" feature) as a transition between these two components. We find our data to be well reproduced if sources above the ankle emit a mixed composition with a hard spectrum and a low rigidity cutoff. The component below the ankle is required to have a very soft spectrum and a mix of protons and intermediate-mass nuclei. The origin of this intermediate-mass component is not well constrained and it could originate from either Galactic or extragalactic sources. To the aim of evaluating our capability to constrain astrophysical models, we discuss the impact on the fit results of the main experimental systematic uncertainties and of the assumptions about quantities affecting the air shower development as well as the propagation and redshift distribution of injected ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). Keywords: ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, Pierre Auger Observatory, extensive air showers, UHECR propagation, UHECR energy spectrum, UHECR mass composition Published in RUNG: 18.08.2023; Views: 1844; Downloads: 12
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99. Search for photons above ▫$10^19$▫ eV with the surface detector of the Pierre Auger ObservatoryP. Abreu, Andrej Filipčič, Jon Paul Lundquist, Shima Ujjani Shivashankara, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, Lukas Zehrer, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: We use the surface detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory to search for air showers initiated by photons with an energy above 10[sup]19 eV. Photons in the zenith angle range from 30 deg. to 60 deg. can be identified in the overwhelming background of showers initiated by charged cosmic rays through the broader time structure of the signals induced in the water-Cherenkov detectors of the array and the steeper lateral distribution of shower particles reaching ground. Applying the search method to data collected between January 2004 and June 2020, upper limits at 95% CL are set to an E[sup]-2 diffuse flux of ultra-high energy photons above 10[sup]19 eV, 2 × 10[sup]19 eV and 4 × 10[sup]19 eV amounting to 2.11 × 10[sup]-3, 3.12 × 10[sup]-4 and 1.72 × 10[sup]-4 km-2 sr-1 yr-1, respectively. While the sensitivity of the present search around 2 × 10[sup]19 eV approaches expectations of cosmogenic photon fluxes in the case of a pure-proton composition, it is one order of magnitude above those from more realistic mixed-composition models. The inferred limits have also implications for the search of super-heavy dark matter that are discussed and illustrated. Keywords: ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, UHE photons, Pierre Auger Observatory, extensive air showers, water Cherenkov detectors Published in RUNG: 18.08.2023; Views: 1878; Downloads: 20
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