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3. Photocatalytic sol-gel/P25 TiO [sub] 2 coatings for water treatment : degradation of 7 selected pharmaceuticals (CO3:IL02)Lev Matoh, Boštjan Žener, Marin Kovačić, Hrvoje Kušić, Iztok Arčon, Meta Levstek, Urška Lavrenčič Štangar, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The effect of different water matrices on the photocatalytic degradation of dissolved pharmaceuticals was
explored. The focus was on the degradation efficiencies in wastewater effluent from a bioreactor and water
effluent from a central wastewater treatment plant and comparing the results with degradation in deionized H2O.
The compounds tested included: oxytetracycline, marbofloxacin, ibuprofen, diclofenac, phenytoin, ciprofloxacin,
sulfamethoxazole. For the experiments performed in this study, a compact packed-bed photocatalytic reactor was
used in which the hybrid TiO2 photocatalyst (sol-gel/P25) was deposited on ~3 mm glass beads. As expected, the
reactions proceed more slowly in wastewater than in deionized water, yet it is shown that removal of the
compounds from the water is still possible even when other organic molecules are present. Total organic carbon
measurements have shown that complete mineralization takes place albeit at slower rates than the initial
degradation of parent compounds. The results show that an acidic pH can increase the reaction rates and the
adsorption on the photocatalyst surface. Analyses of the degradation intermediates were performed using tandem
liquid chromatography triple-quadrupole mass spectrometry system. Additionally, X-ray absorption spectroscopy
was applied to get insight into the local structure of the photocatalyst before and after use. Understanding the
effects that different wastewater compositions have on photocatalytic reactions will help to refine the potential
applications of the technology. Ključne besede: titanium dioxide, sol-gel processes, functionla applications, water treatment Objavljeno v RUNG: 30.09.2022; Ogledov: 2459; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
4. Soot as a precursor for the low temperature synthesis of organometallic sodium carbideMohanachandran Nair Sindhu Swapna, SARITHA DEVI H V, Sankararaman S, 2019, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The carbonaceous soot finds a wide range of applications in many fields due to the richness of various allotropes of carbon. The present work explores the possibility of least investigated sodium carbide (Na2C2) as a potential semiconducting material for photonic applications. The soot, formed by the
incomplete combustion of gingelly oil is taken as the carbon precursor for the low-temperature synthesis of the industrially significant organometallic Na2C2. The morphological modifications are analyzed using High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope and elemental study is carried out by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy and x-ray dot mapping. The formation of Na2C2 is primarily identified from x-ray powder diffraction pattern and further confirmed by other structural and
thermal analysis techniques such as Fourier Transform Infrared, Raman spectroscopy, and Thermogravimetry. The region of optical absorption, bandgap, as well as its emission properties are
studied by recording the Ultraviolet-Visible and Photoluminescence spectrum. The Tauc plot analysis
suggests its semiconducting nature with direct bandgap energy of 2.08 eV. The analysis with the help of CIE, and power spectrum reveal a prominent blue emission around 440 nm irrespective of
excitation in the UV region. Thus, the major highlights of this work lie in two factors- firstly, the effective utilization of the soot and secondly, easier low-temperature and cost-effective synthesis of semiconducting Na2C2 for photonic applications. Ključne besede: carbonaceous soot, sodium carbide, photonic applications Objavljeno v RUNG: 05.07.2022; Ogledov: 2522; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
5. Technological and analytical review of contact tracing apps for COVID-19 managementRajan Gupta, Gaurav Pandey, Poonam Chaudhary, Saibal K. Pal, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Role of technology is improving for COVID-19 management all around the world. Usage of mobile applications, web applications, cloud computing, and related technologies have helped many public administrators worldwide manage the current pandemic. Contact tracing applications are such mobile app solutions that are used by more than 100 countries today. This study presents a structured research review-based framework related to multiple contact tracing applications. The various components of the framework are related to technological working, design architecture, and feature analysis of the applications, along with the analysis of the acceptance of such applications worldwide. Also, components focusing on the security features and analysis of these applications based on Data Privacy, Security Vetting, and different attacks have been included in the research framework. Many applications are yet to explore the analytical capabilities of the data generated through contact tracing. The various use-cases identified for these applications are detecting positive case probability, identifying a containment zone in the country, finding regional hotspots, monitoring public events & gatherings, identifying sensitive routes, and allocating resources in various regions during the pandemic. This study will act as a guide for the users researching contact tracings applications using the proposed four-layered framework for their app assessment. Ključne besede: novel corona virus, location technology, contact tracing applications, Aarogya Setu App, data science, data analysis Objavljeno v RUNG: 02.04.2021; Ogledov: 3024; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
6. Technology applications for health safety decision making under COVID-19 pandemic managementRajan Gupta, Saibal K. Pal, Aayush Khattar, King Baliyan, 2020, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci Opis: A lot of new technological applications are emerging to combat the deadly novel coronavirus. This research study gives an overview of different applications that are developed by Government Institutions, Private Firms, and Individual Citizens across the world. The applications are reviewed based on their widespread use, effectiveness, availability to the broader audience, cost to implement it, concerns regarding the privacy and information collected by these apps and systems. The major eight areas of technology applications covered in this study are Contact Tracing, Social Distancing & Mask Detection, Live-feeds based Dashboards, Information Searching, Big Data and Robotics, Web-based Disease Surveillance Tools, Patient-level Information, Doctor-Patient interaction, and Informatory Chatbots. More than 100 apps were collected for this research survey to conclude the
different categories in which technology is being used for decision making. This study will be useful for various health
administrators, professionals, researchers, and academicians. Ključne besede: COVID-19, coronavirus, technology applications, contact tracing, social distancing, chatbots, data lakes Objavljeno v RUNG: 02.04.2021; Ogledov: 3725; Prenosov: 83
Povezava na celotno besedilo Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
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8. Determination of Trace Cr(VI) with Diphenylcarbazide by μFIA–Thermal Lens MicroscopyTatyana Gor’kova, Michail Proskurnina, Mingqiang Liu, Mladen Franko, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The optimum reaction parameters for the interaction of hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] with diphenylcarbazide in microfluidic
chips (μFIA) with thermal-lens microscopic detection were selected. The characteristic feature of the applied
flow scheme is the injection of the reagent into the stream containing the test metal, which enables in-field and
real-time monitoring of Cr(VI) simply by flowing the sample continuously through the microchip. The limit of detection
of Cr(VI) under the selected conditions (signal generating wavelength, 514.5 nm; excitation power, 100 mW; detection
position, 10 cm downstream from the mixing zone of the microchip; flow rate 10 μL min–1; injection volume,
1.4 μL) is 15 ng mL–1 (2.9 × 10–7 mol L–1). The linear range is 40 ng mL–1 – 10 μg mL–1 with a relative standard deviation
no higher than 10% in the concentration range 0.1–1 μg mL–1. The online monitoring by this scheme provides the
possibility of up to 360 analyses per hour. Ključne besede: Photothermal lensing, thermal-lens microscopic detection, microfluidic applications, μFIA, hexavalent
chromium, diphenylcarbazide Objavljeno v RUNG: 12.12.2016; Ogledov: 5581; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
9. Thermal lens spectrometry - still a technique on the horizon?Mladen Franko, 2015 Opis: In 1980’s thermal lens spectrometry (TLS) was still considered as a “spectrometric technique on the horizon” as one can also read from one of the textbooks on spectrochemical analysis of that time. Intensive development of thermal lens instrumentation and methods of chemical analysis and material characterisation has however resulted in substantial progress in this field, which is evident from important instrumental innovations and first commercial instruments (i.e. thermal lens microscopes -TLM) designed for lab-on-a-chip chemistry as well as from novel applications of TLS in various areas, where highly sensitive and rapid chemical analysis of complex samples is needed, including food safety and quality control, environmental analysis and biomedical diagnostics.
This presentation is a review of most significant contributions and applications of thermal lens spectrometry, with emphasis on most recent achievements in instrumentation, which culminated into construction of novel optimized TLM instruments, capable of exploiting the tuneability of incoherent light sources and enabled novel applications particularly in micro-fluidics. Based on latest progress relying on bio-analytical assays and micro-fluidic flow injection with TLM detection we have also witnessed firs routine applications of TLS in analytical and diagnostic laboratories, which on wine side actually classifies TLS as a conventional and routine analytical tool, but at the same time opens new horizons for development and applications of this ultrasensitive and rapid spectrometric technique. Ključne besede: Thermal lens spectrometry, applications, Liquid chromatography, flow injection analysis, bioanalytical methods Objavljeno v RUNG: 29.03.2016; Ogledov: 8112; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |