The role of syntax in stress assignment in Serbo-CroatianBoban Arsenijević,
Marko Simonović, 2013, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph
Abstract: This chapter analyses a set of interface phenomena showing important correlations between certain phonological regularities on the one hand, and a set of syntactic and semantic properties of the respective expressions on the other. Serbo-Croatian deadjectival nominalizations typically exhibit one of two different prosodic patterns: (1) prosody faithful to the base i.e., surface prosody of the lexical adjective (e.g., Ispraavnoost ‘correctness’, derived from Ispraavan ‘correct’); and (2) a rising span over a long closed penultimate syllable and the syllable following it (e.g., isprAAvnOOst ‘correctness’). The chapter formulates a generalization where, all things being equal, nominalized predicational structures correspond to (1), while nominalized stems correspond to (2). It provides a formal model of the syntactic and semantic as well as the phonological reality of these nominalizations, and an attempt at explaining these facts.
Keywords: deadjectival nominalizations, lexical conservatism, syntax-phonology interface, compositionality, Serbo-Croatian
Published in RUNG: 07.02.2018; Views: 4676; Downloads: 0
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