1. Strategy for rural heritage regeneration in China : integrating community and government in governance: a case study of traditional villages in Luoning county :Wendi Wang, 2024, doctoral dissertation Abstract: The Chinese countryside has long been associated with cultural continuity, albeit in contradictory ways. It has been marginalized for several decades, while all development efforts have focused on urbanization. However, as the tensions and paradoxes of modern urban life become increasingly obvious, the countryside is once again recognized as an enduring symbol of authentic national values. Chinese traditional cultural heritage is rooted in Chinese traditional villages. In fact, being built before the coming of the Republic of China, those villages nowadays still possess a great deal of very important material and immaterial forms of cultural heritage, as a historical record of the Chinese nation development.
Through the examination and study of traditional villages in Luoning, and the perspective of theories of architectural conservation theory, community co-construction, and private-public partnership, the dissertation proposes a hybrid county governance model to maximize the stakeholder's functions roles, and operational procedures in the preservation and development of the traditional villages. Thus, through the integration of three stability perspectives—cultural, economic, and social —the dissertation provides the government's optimization strategy for heritage preservation.
In the first case study, the governance of Zhangzhuang's traditional village is examined. The village's residents share responsibility for one another and are frequently connected by strong family ties and regular community organization in decision-making. Unfortunately, this thriving community-led government is insufficiently prepared to deal with the expanding tourism industry, it fails when it comes to overarching development objectives, and it lacks substantial experience in the preservation of historic structures.
The Second case study investigates the government-led traditional types of villages. These are characterized by low public and community participation, and underdeveloped commodity economies, but being usually of outstanding importance, they result rich in traditional material and intangible cultural resources and have great potential for developing a tourism sector. Government-led efforts to reactivate the development of these villages have the advantages of credibility and authority, preferential policy formulation, and government short-term funding. However, these villages face severe problems in terms of community involvement, complementary market economies, and insufficient long-term government funding. This condition is investigated in the second case of the government's conception and promotion of the "Hou Shangzhuang Village Traditional Village Restoration" project. Despite some initial success, the project came to a standstill due to the competing interests of businesses, the government, and the community.
The third case study looks into traditional villages where the primary development component is driven by businesses, creating conditions for the growth of a market economy. The analysis demonstrates that enterprise investments benefit from complementary capital input, resource integration, and effective management. However, the issue of uneven income and benefit distribution, as well as excessive consumption of public resources, pose a serious threat to both: the authenticity and integrity of cultural heritage, as well as the fair and sustainable development of local communities. This situation is examined in the case study of Qianhe Village, where the tourism industry has grown through multiple investment operations by private enterprises.
The dissertation examines diverse hybrid governance models for each of these three different cultural, social, and economic heritage contexts. In specific it points to the role of government to efficiently design, validate, and promote responsive solutions for the resilience of cultural heritage of traditional villages in China. Keywords: Heritage, Traditional Chinese village preservation, planning and management, Government, Governance, Participation, Community Co-construction Published in RUNG: 11.03.2024; Views: 2010; Downloads: 32
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3. The non-dominant hand perseveration and movement in SZJ locative constructionsMatic Pavlič, 2018, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: In sign languages, signers habitually encode the relations between locative arguments with a complex predicate consisting of several independent morphemes, as shown by Pfau and Aboh (2012) for Sign Language of the Netherlands. In this study, I examine perseverations and movements of the non-dominant hand (H2) in Slovenian Sign Language (SZJ) locative constructions. In SZJ, the H2may be persevered after producing the two-handed Ground in locative constructions. This is shown by the data collected from seven first language SZJ informants, using a Picture Description Task. The referential location as well as the orientation and the handshape of this perseveration may change at the sign-boundary when the one-handed Figure has just been articulated and the one-handed predicate is about to be signed. Before this sign-boundary, the handshape of the persevered H2 refers to the Ground – and is therefore a Ground classifier. After that boundary, the handshape of the persevered H2 refers to the part of the Ground that is relevant for localizing the Figure – and is therefore an axial part classifier that projects aMeasure Phrase. Keywords: locative construction, non-dominant hand perseveration, measure phrase, Slovenian Sign Language Published in RUNG: 20.03.2018; Views: 5102; Downloads: 175
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4. The dominant and non-dominant hand movement in Slovenian Sign Language locative constructionsMatic Pavlič, 2017, published scientific conference contribution abstract Abstract: In sign languages, signers habitually encode the relations between locative arguments with a complex predicate consisting of several independent morphemes, as shown by Pfau and Aboh (2012) for Sign Language of the Netherlands. In this study, I discuss the direction and composition of locative movement in Slovenian Sign Language (SZJ), distinguishing it from the movement of non-locative predicates in this language. This distinction gives support to the original distinction between agreeing and spatially agreeing predicates that was first suggested for American Sign Language (ASL) by Padden (1983). Keywords: Slovenian Sign Language, locative construction, prepositional phrase, hand movement, non-dominant hand perseveration Published in RUNG: 07.11.2017; Views: 5198; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
5. Sign order in Slovenian Sign Language locative constructionsMatic Pavlič, 2016, original scientific article Abstract: In both sign and spoken languages, locative relations tend to be encoded within constructions that display the non-basic word/sign order. In addition, in such an environment, sign languages habitually use a distinct predicate type – a classifier predicate – which may independently affect the order of constituents in the sentence. In this paper, I present Slovenian Sign Language (SZJ) locative constructions, in which (i) the argument that enables spatial anchoring (“ground”) precedes both the argument that requires spatial anchoring (“figure”) and the predicate. At the same time, (ii) the relative order of the figure with respect to the predicate depends on the type of predicate employed: a non-classifier predicate precedes the figure, while a classifier predicate only comes after the figure. Keywords: locative construction, locative adposition, figure and ground, classifier predicate, Slovenian Sign Language Published in RUNG: 06.11.2017; Views: 5264; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
6. Explicit Feature Construction and Manipulation for Covering Rule Learning AlgorithmsNada Lavrač, Johannes Fuernkranz, Dragan Gamberger, 2010, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Abstract: Features are the main rule building blocks for rule learning algorithms. They can be simple tests for attribute values or complex logical terms representing available domain knowledge. In contrast to common practice in classification rule learning, we argue that separation of the feature construction and rule construction processes has theoretical and practical justification. Explicit usage of features enables a unifying framework of both propositional and relational rule learning and we present and analyze procedures for feature construction in both types of domains. It is demonstrated that the presented procedure for constructing a set of simple features has the property that the resulting set enables construction of complete and consistent rules whenever it is possible, and that the set does not include obviously irrelevant features. Additionally, the concept of feature relevancy is important for the effectiveness of rule learning. It this work, we illustrate the concept in the coverage space and
prove that the relative relevancy has the quality-preserving property in respect to the resulting rules. Moreover, we show that the transformation from the attribute to the feature space enables a novel, theoretically justified way of handling unknown attribute values. The same approach
enables that estimated imprecision of continuous attributes can be taken into account, resulting in construction of robust features in respect to this imprecision. Keywords: Machine learning, Feature construction, Rule learning, Unknown attribute values Published in RUNG: 14.07.2017; Views: 5323; Downloads: 0 This document has many files! More... |
7. Earthen architecture, tradition and modernity: Local self construction through building tradition and technological innovation opportunities in Chiapas, MexicoKarla Sánchez Torres, 2015, doctoral dissertation Abstract: Earthen architecture represents a long building tradition of numerous indigenous communities in Mexico, in particular in the state of Chiapas, where a significant number of examples represent a rich historical tradition of earthen architecture and a valuable source of information, hence a fertile ground for a deeper investigation on its potential significance and, more broadly, for a greater understanding of sustainable building today.
Despite the fact that the relevance of earthen architecture is widespread all over the world, traditional earthen architecture in Chiapas is scarcely documented, it lacks systematic research projects aimed at preserving this important tradition of these indigenous groups who often live in precarious conditions. Hence, this research highlights not only the widespread employment of earth as a traditional building material for the indigenous groups of Chiapas, but also its additional function as being an authentic expression of the architectural legacy of indigenous culture and thus a key potential factor for the development of the self construction.
The first part of the dissertation introduces a general overview and prevailing knowledge on earthen architecture, mainly through investigating the bibliographic, historical and technical sources as well as the particular studies on earthen architecture in Mexico. The second part discusses the results of the field studies related to the specific conditions of earthen architecture in Chiapas through sampling, testing, photographic reference and interviews.
On analysing the results of the field studies it can be established that the local population has shown a particular interest in the continuity of the earthen building tradition, in spite of this period of far-reaching globalisation building trends.
For this reason the final part of dissertation propooses the manual. The main objective of the manual is to improve the traditional earthen building system by introducing a number of minor variations to the building technologies and new sustainable suggestions for the management of the living space, without sacrificing the flair and simplicity found within the local building tradition, thus giving new opportunities for the development of local populations through the preservation of the earthen building tradition. Keywords: earthen architecture, indigenous, self-construction, manual, tradition, local communities Published in RUNG: 01.12.2015; Views: 5854; Downloads: 155
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