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Monitoring the success of the performance of a travel agency with the Power BI tool : diploma thesis
Riste Ristov, 2022, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: In today’s times, when digitalisation is advancing in all areas, travel agencies need to follow trends to optimise their work as much as possible and stay competitive. Business information systems provide a more detailed insight into business processes and their operation, which helps monitor progress and adapt to possible changes to achieve the best results in the business world. Travel agencies need a quality business information system that helps employees shift from using basic office tools to more modern and effective systems for reporting and monitoring work performance. Data is the basis on which agencies adjust, optimise and build their business. Data is available in huge quantities and a variety of formats. Raw data that is not organised into a meaningful whole cannot bring added value to the company. The thesis aims to use Power BI as a tool for editing and integrating databases in travel agencies, as well as their visualisation and display, which is understandable for the user. With the help of the tool, we will create a report which will help the travel agency improve its business and make critical decisions that are critical for success.
Keywords: Travel agency, business information system, data, database, Power BI, visualisation
Published in RUNG: 30.09.2022; Views: 2403; Downloads: 77
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Business-information system for smart homes based on Z-Wave technology : diploma thesis
David Manchevski, 2021, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: The goal of this thesis is to show how to create a system, that can be implemented in today’s market of smart home modules. This will be done by introducing how the Z-Wave technology works, how it can be implemented in the user’s home. Furthermore, the functionalities of the Z-Wave technology will be presented together with the Z-Wave modules and their everyday uses. In addition, the business-information system can put on display how a smart home company operates, how the data is distributed between the departments of said smart home company. The business-information system is shown with the help of a data flow diagrams, entity relationship diagrams and a database of the data that is stored inside the particular database. This system will be used by a user interested in the buying the smart home technology products, partners, Z-wave certifiers, reclamation department.
Keywords: Z-Waves, smart homes, business-information systems, entity-relationship, processes, data flows, data stores, modules, diploma thesis
Published in RUNG: 24.01.2022; Views: 2719; Downloads: 85
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Cross-sector Innovation Transfer : MAST Business Plan
Andreja Lapuh Maležič, Jurij Krpan, Simon Gmajner, Peter Purg, Nayari Castillo Rutz, Sergi Bermudez di Badia, Dejan Kaligaro, Lea Mohorič, treatise, preliminary study, study

Abstract: The economic analysis showed that the MAST project is justified and represents added value for all users, the financial feasibility of carrying out the MAST project as such was confirmed. The set business model of the MAST project was proved to be sustainable in the long run, as the project from 2022 onwards shows considerable self-sustainability. Not only during its implementation but also at its finish the project may be estimated low-risk also for its possible future developments, as it clearly promotes an innovative idea and features a clear business model based on a professional team in capacity to face all the challenges and risks.
Keywords: business plan, sustainability, financial
Published in RUNG: 10.05.2021; Views: 2659; Downloads: 0
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E-commerce and e-consumer in India : growth & challenges
Rajkumar Prasad, Rajan Gupta, other monographs and other completed works

Keywords: e-commerce, e-business, e-consumer, digital India
Published in RUNG: 05.04.2021; Views: 2409; Downloads: 0
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Data analytics for better branding of e-governance and e-business systems : case of "digital India" campaign
Rajan Gupta, Saibal K. Pal, Sunil K. Muttoo, 2020, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Efficient e-governance leads to stronger democracy which can be achieved through higher trust, visibility, and transparency in the system, which can be acquired through effective branding. Various techniques of data analytics can help in achieving trust and transparency in the system. The objective of the study is to resolve various issues in the public sector through analytics-based improvement of different parameters of branding, namely, communication, consistency, clarity, and competition. The research design of the study is a combination of both qualitative and quantitative techniques like descriptive statistics. The main techniques emerged for data analysis includes rating and ranking analysis of government apps, social media analytics, text and speech analytics, media analytics, statistical analytics and data mining, telecom analytics, and people demographics for government programs. It was found that the “Digital India” campaign under e-governance initiative was highly successful based on different kinds of analytical methods found in the study.
Keywords: e-governance, data analytics, e-business, business systems, information systems, government campaigns, branding
Published in RUNG: 31.03.2021; Views: 2656; Downloads: 14
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Uvedba svetovalne prodaje programa iCenter v izbranem podjetju : Diplomsko delo
Tjaša Živec, 2018, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Svetovalna prodaja se od klasičnega načina najbolj razlikuje po poudarku na dvosmerni komunikaciji, posluhu za kupca in empatiji. Na prodajni oddelek prinese aktivnost, dinamiko ter priložnost za pridobivanje dodatnega znanja in izkušenj. Vsekakor je za današnji čas primernejša od pasivne prodaje, kjer je poudarek na produktu in ima večino besede prodajalec. Podatki so, po zaslugi spleta, dostopni vsakomur. Kupec tako od prodajalca ne pričakuje, da mu bo povedal, zakaj je njihov produkt najboljši, temveč zato, da mu pomaga definirati problem, svetovati in najti pravo rešitev. V diplomskem delu smo se osredotočili na tematiko prodaje med poslovnimi subjekti (t. i. Business to business ali B2B prodaja), svetovalne prodaje in celovitih upravljalskih sistemov (t. i. Enterprise resource planning ali ERP) ter preučili različne vsebine iz teh področij. S pomočjo metod analize in kompilacije dostopne literature smo sestavili teoretični del. V tem delu smo pridobljene podatke podali z deskriptivno metodo. Teoretična izhodišča smo nato s pomočjo študije primera prenesli v prakso. Oblikovali smo postopek svetovalne prodaje in ga uvedli v prodajni proces ERP rešitve iCenter. Tako kot vodstvo izbranega podjetja smo tudi sami zaznali potencial v svetovalni prodaji, zato smo v tem delu želeli potrditi prvotno zastavljeno tezo, da je tak način prodaje primeren za podjetje Saop d. o. o. Za ta namen smo pripravili analizo rezultatov pridobljenih med raziskavo ter uporabili metodo nestrukturiranega intervjuja z zaposlenimi, s katero smo preučili njihov odnos do tega načina prodaje. Rezultati obeh so po pričakovanjih pozitivni. Podjetje je s tem načinom pridobilo nove stranke in ugotovili smo, da zaposleni ta način prodaje sprejemajo in so z njim zadovoljni.
Keywords: Svetovalna prodaja, prodaja, telefonska prodaja, business to business, B2B, upravljalski informacijski sistemi, ERP, iCenter
Published in RUNG: 11.09.2018; Views: 4622; Downloads: 235
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Podpora poslovanja malih in srednjih podjetij z računalništvom v oblaku
Nejc Bat, 2015, master's thesis

Abstract: Računalništvo v oblaku se vse bolj uveljavlja kot primerno tehnološko nadomestilo za tradicionalno računalniško opremo in skupaj z ustreznim poslovnim modelom pridobiva na tržni in tehnološki uspešnosti. V magistrskem delu je predstavljeno področje računalništva v oblaku in njegove poglavitne značilnosti. Opisane so poslovne prednosti in pomanjkljivosti računalništva v oblaku predvsem iz vidika malih in srednjih podjetij. Predstavljeni so rezultati intervjujev, ki smo jih izvedeli med izbranimi računalniškimi podjetij. Na podlagi teh intervjujev smo postavili hipoteze, katerih veljavnost smo preverili za slovensko tržišče. V ta namen smo oblikovali in izvedli spletno anketo, ki raziskuje stopnjo ozaveščenosti o možnostih računalništva v oblaku med izbranimi malimi in srednjimi podjetij. Predstavili smo rezultate ankete in podali ugotovitve glede razmer na trgu slovenskem trgu oblačnega računalništva, ki smo jih razvili iz rezultatov anket. Ugotovili smo, da so slovenska podjetja dobro seznanjena s tehnologijami računalništva v oblaku, vendar tovrstnim tehnologijam še ne zaupajo. Na osnovi analize rezultatov ankete smo oblikovali predlog poslovnega modela na podlagi metode Osterwalder Business Model Canvas. Predlagani poslovni model vključuje vidike, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati pri ponudbi izdelkov ali storitev na trgu. Poslovni model smo uporabili pri načrtovanju uvedbe storitve shranjevanja varnostnih kopij podatkov v oblaku, ki jo bo konkretno podjetje tudi uvedlo na trg.
Keywords: IT tehnologije, varnostno kopiranje, računalništvo v oblaku, virtualizacija, poslovni model, Osterwalder Business Model Canvas
Published in RUNG: 25.05.2015; Views: 6483; Downloads: 315
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