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* old and bologna study programme


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Crossing Art, Science and Technology for Innovations through Maker Culture and Education
Kristina Pranjić, Peter Purg, Jernej Čuček Gerbec, 2022, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: Cross-innovation, art thinking, making, interdisciplinary, embodiment, art practice, crafting, innovation, art-sci-tech
Published in RUNG: 06.03.2023; Views: 2282; Downloads: 0
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The wetlands between art and science
2020, radio or television broadcast, podcast, interview, press conference

Keywords: artistic research, bioart, performance art science, feminism, environmental humanities, posthumanism, skin, complexity, embodiment, unruliness
Published in RUNG: 16.02.2021; Views: 3413; Downloads: 25
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Sonic happenings : the ecology of feedback loops to capture the energy of the moment
2020, radio or television broadcast, podcast, interview, press conference

Keywords: lo tech, feedback loop, multichannel, installation, programming, audio, embodiment
Published in RUNG: 22.01.2021; Views: 3492; Downloads: 40
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Human and machine relationship needs (art for) a new corporeal hybridity
2020, radio or television broadcast, podcast, interview, press conference

Keywords: performance art, dancetheater, somatic, biopolitics, transdisciplinary, posthuman, embodiment, artistic research, bioart, robotics
Published in RUNG: 08.12.2020; Views: 3470; Downloads: 23
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