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3. Ezikov transfer v oblastta na pragmatikata : predavanje na Inštitutu za bolgarski jezik, Sofija, Bolgarija, 28. 1. 2021Penka Stateva, 2021, predavanje na tuji univerzi Opis: n this talk I will present work in progress that aims to explore a previously uncharted area of multilingual language acquisition, which concerns negative linguistic transfer in the domain of pragmatics. The research is part of a larger program in experimental pragmatics which aims to identify points of cross-linguistic diversion that affect meaning. We investigate the impact of language variation on bilingual acquisition of grammatical number in pairs of languages like Lebanese Arabic and French, and Slovenian-Italian, in which the interpretation of plural morphology within each pair is different depending on whether the number paradigm also includes dual number or not. Ključne besede: negative transfer, plural interpretation, anti-duality, pragmatic enrichment Objavljeno v RUNG: 29.01.2021; Ogledov: 3804; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
4. PHOTOGRAPHY AND THE NARRATIVE : How stories are told through the photographic mediumTiziano Biagi, 2020, diplomsko delo Opis: Some of the earliest pieces of evidence in art history show how people told stories
with pictures and, throughout the centuries, this habit developed with the introduction
of new techniques, themes, and tools. Given the value of authenticity that
has often been ascribed to photography since its invention, this medium had to
overcome criticism before its value as fine art was recognised. This diploma thesis
analyses in which ways photography is capable to carry narratives. It also analyses
the roles that the viewer, the photographer, and the image itself play in this process.
To do so, this work examines notable theories on the topic, the intentions
behind the photographers’ creative process, and the visual components of images.
By focusing both on ideas introduced by scholars and on photographic works –
including my diploma project Dune Mosse – the thesis underlines the importance
that social and cultural contexts have in the narration of a story. Ključne besede: Narrative, Storytelling, Interpretation, Context, Intention, Viewer, Image, Photographer, Photographic genres, Personal documentary photography Objavljeno v RUNG: 13.10.2020; Ogledov: 4819; Prenosov: 140
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5. Two “many”-words in Slovenian : Experimental evidence for pragmatic strengtheningPenka Stateva, Arthur Stepanov, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Slovenian features at least two lexical items that are potential semantic counterparts of the
English many, namely "veliko" and "precej", whose meaning appears close to identical. Yet speakers are
certain that the two items are not equivalent, although they find intuitively felt differences hard to pinpoint.
We argue that "precej" and "veliko" are lexically synonymous, but their meanings are pragmatically
strengthened under relevant conditions, which leads to subtle interpretative differences. Specifically, we
extend Krifka’s (2007) analysis of double negatives and propose that "veliko" is assigned the stereotypical
interpretation of a quantity degree word, whereas "precej" is identified with the non-stereotypical one and
consequently relates to moderately big amounts. To support this claim, we report the results of an experiment
involving a sentence-picture verification task, which highlight the similarities and contextually determined
differences in the use of both determiners. Our results suggest that the interpretation of "precej" is not consistent with relations in the upper part of the proportional scale and is dependent on whether or not it is in direct competition with "veliko" in the appropriate contexts. Ključne besede: quantity determiner, Slovenian, pragmatic strengthening, stereotypical interpretation, sentence–picture verification task Objavljeno v RUNG: 25.09.2017; Ogledov: 5890; Prenosov: 0 Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
6. Digital and social ICT in the interpretation of Cultural Heritage: a new paradigm for valorisation?Guendalina Ciancimino, 2016, magistrsko delo Opis: Today it is widely acknowledged by international institutions, national and local
administrations, and the civic society at large, that the whole of Cultural Heritage
(CH), in its tangible and intangible forms, is part of our individual and collective
memory, a marker of cultural identity and at the same time a demonstration of
social heterogeneity and complexity. This has led to a progressive recognition of the
importance of not only protecting, but also valorising CH, through its promotion and
the facilitation of its fruition.
Benefiting from CH depends on what and how is done to promote it and also to create
a competitive advantage for the ‘cultural economy’ which is based on its reproduction.
Tourism is an industry which uses CH and to some extent achieves the objective of
its valorisation, widening the market for its fruition and the significance of heritage
for different ‘publics’, but only to the extent that it is sustainable in its widest sense.
This sets a number of challenges regarding how the heritage is offered, explained, and
made accessible to visitors.
In this sense, the valorisation of CH is at the core of value generation in tourism,
and the use of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) is the channel
through which increasingly cultural resources are experienced in competitive and
sustainable way. New ICT tools restructure the relationship between image and
word, leading to new ways to imagine and interpret CH, and offer great potential
for value creation in tourism whereby perception and visual processing are essential
elements of communication and experience. Interpretation, which can be informative,
inspirational and entertaining, spurs understanding and appreciation, and ultimately
engages visitors in CH. Besides, online social networks have a central place in the
shaping of experience of the contemporary visitor and offer potential for a smart
marketing approach.
This Master thesis aims to demonstrate that managing the flows of information through
the new technologies may indeed enhance CH valorisation, and that the introduction
of digital devices and virtual technologies should follow a visitor-centred approach.
It also intends to acknowledge that the application of ICTs can have a significant return
in terms of economic income, stimulating and generating a stronger understanding
among cultural and public institutions and organizations.
The first section of this work reviews the relationship between CH and its social
dimension, presenting CH as a lever to enhance social and economic development;
it presents ICT and their relation with cultural tourism, illustrating the ongoing
transformation of visitors into active actors in the valorisation of CH.
The second section presents two case studies of digital devices applied to CH
valorisation in different contexts; the impacts of the two projects in relation to heritage
itself, its users and the territory are carefully analised.
The research represents a starting point for more work encased in contemporary studies
on the management of CH, as well as in the developing area of digital interpretation,
towards a more general development of a model of sustainable CH tourism. Ključne besede: CH management, cultural tourism, ICT, interpretation, CH experience Objavljeno v RUNG: 17.03.2017; Ogledov: 6341; Prenosov: 236
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7. The Problem of Interpreting and Receiving Prešeren's Poem To the PoetZoran Božič, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The poem To the Poet represents one of the pinnacles of Prešeren's artistic expression, however, numerous interpreters had difficulties with its extreme pessimism. In accordance with the belief that one should first and foremost recognise “the sharp-sighted eagle” in the first national poet, interpreters tried to revaluate this
pessimism with the cult of poetic mission. Empirical reception test demonstrated that the structure of the poem actually enables diverse, even completely illogical understandings of rhetorical questions, most probably on account of psychological influence of negation. Ključne besede: empirical test, interpretation, Prešeren, reception, To the Poet Objavljeno v RUNG: 31.03.2016; Ogledov: 5944; Prenosov: 254
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8. The Baptism at the Savica by France Prešeren as a Successful Attempt to Outwit Censorship: a Romantic Confession of a Defeated Person, a Member of an Unfree NationZoran Božič, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Baptism at the Savica, an epic about the loss of Slovenian independence, can also be understood as a successful attempt by France Prešeren to outwit censors and use the form of a historic tale as a metaphor for expressing the content which, due to censorship, had to be omitted from his elegy Dem Andenken des Matthias Čop. Such an approach can help us resolve several
apparent contradictions, shown in the interpretative history of the Baptism, such as the problem of Prešeren’s own characterisation of the poem in his letter to Čelakovský, or the question of Črtomir’s conversion at the end of the third part of this epic poem.In the 20th century, several interpretations came into being that understood Črtomir’s conversion to Christianity as an inevitable choice made by Slovenians in favour of a stronger, uniquely prospective Western culture circle, which serves as justification for Črtomir’s renunciation of freedom-loving Slovenianhood. According to the new understanding of The Baptism at the Savica, there are two Črtomirs, one is the hero and the other is the defeated one (the former, as he himself would like to be, is only an illusion by Prešeren, and the latter, as he indeed is, is the one with whom the poet completely
identifies himself), and the final message of the epic poem is understood as a condemnation of national inequality. Ključne besede: Prešeren, Baptism at the Savica, open work, censorship, interpretation, national inequality Objavljeno v RUNG: 31.03.2016; Ogledov: 5973; Prenosov: 302
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