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Self-Suspended Nanomesh Scaffold for Ultrafast Flexible Photodetectors Based on Organic Semiconducting Crystals
Gvido Bratina, Egon Pavlica, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: Self-standing nanostructures are of fundamental interest in materials sci- ence and nanoscience and are widely used in (opto-)electronic and photonic devices as well as in micro-electromechanical systems. To date, large-area and self-standing nanoelectrode arrays assembled on flexible substrates have not been reported. Here the fabrication of a hollow nanomesh scaffold on glass and plastic substrates with a large surface area over 1 mm2 and ultralow leakage current density (≈1–10 pA mm−2 @ 2 V) across the empty scaffold is demonstrated. Thanks to the continuous sub-micrometer space formed in between the nanomesh and the bottom electrode, highly crystalline and dendritic domains of 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethinyl)pentacene growing within the hollow cavity can be observed. The high degree of order at the supramolecular level leads to efficient charge and exciton transport; the pho- tovoltaic detector supported on flexible polyethylene terephthalate substrates exhibits an ultrafast photoresponse time as short as 8 ns and a signal-to- noise ratio approaching 105. Such a hollow scaffold holds great potential as a novel device architecture toward flexible (opto-)electronic applications based on self-assembled micro/nanocrystals.
Keywords: nanostrukture, organski polprevodniki, fotonapetostne komponente
Published in RUNG: 22.05.2018; Views: 4610; Downloads: 0
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Visible-light photoactivity of Bi-pyrochlore
Matjaž Valant, Mojca Benčina, 2017, published scientific conference contribution abstract (invited lecture)

Keywords: piroklor, fotokatalizator, nanostrukture
Published in RUNG: 09.11.2017; Views: 4888; Downloads: 0
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Efficient room temperature hydrogen sensor based on UV-activated ZnO nano-network
Matjaž Valant, Mattia Fanetti, 2017, original scientific article

Keywords: plinski senzor, UV aktivacija, ZnO nanostrukture
Published in RUNG: 09.11.2017; Views: 5514; Downloads: 0
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Efficient hydrogen sensor based on Ni-doped ZnO nanostructures byRF sputtering
Matjaž Valant, Mattia Fanetti, 2018, original scientific article

Keywords: ZnO nanostrukture, plinski semsor. dopiranje
Published in RUNG: 09.11.2017; Views: 5496; Downloads: 0
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