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Narrative assessment in patients with communicative disorders
Sara Andreetta, Andrea Marini, 2014, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Ključne besede: neurolinguistics, discourse analysis, language disorders
Objavljeno v RUNG: 04.11.2021; Ogledov: 2691; Prenosov: 0
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Age-related effects on language production : A combined psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic perspective
Andrea Marini, Sara Andreetta, 2016, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Opis: This chapter focuses on the effects of aging on the process of language production from a psycholinguistic, and neurolinguistic perspective. The first section provides a detailed description of the language production system by outlining the notions of micro- and macrolinguistic processing and introducing to some of the most influential psycholinguistic models of message production. The second part focuses on psycholinguistic investigations assessing age-related variations in the ability to produce a verbal message. A conclusive section outlines the complex interplay between the neural changes induced by aging and the reorganization of the language production system.
Ključne besede: aging, language, neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics
Objavljeno v RUNG: 09.05.2016; Ogledov: 6464; Prenosov: 0

Narrative discourse in anomic aphasia
Sara Andreetta, Anna Cantagallo, Andrea Marini, 2012, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Anomic aphasia is a disturbance affecting lexical retrieval. Nonetheless, persons with this disorder may also experience difficulties in the construction of coherent narratives. Whether this symptom is a sign of a macrolinguistic difficulty per se or reflects the lexical disorder is still an open debate. In order to analyze the effect of the lexical impairment on macrolinguistic processing, we compared the narrative skills of a group of ten participants with chronic anomic aphasia with those of ten healthy control individuals matched for age and educational level. The anomic participants produced narratives with lowered speech rate, reduced mean length of utterance, fewer grammatically well-formed sentences, more semantic paraphasias. The macrolinguistic analysis showed that they also produced more errors of cohesion and global coherence and fewer lexical information units. Interestingly, their levels of thematic selection were normal. A bivariate correlational analysis showed a strong correlation between the production of errors of cohesion and production of complete sentences, and between production of errors of global coherence and lexical information units. These correlations showed that aspects related to lexical retrieval may affect macrolinguistic processing during the construction of a narrative. Indeed, it is suggested that lexical deficits lead to two main consequences: First, patients with anomia frequently interrupt the utterances they are producing and this reduces the levels of sentence completeness and the overall degree of cohesion across the utterances; Second, they use strategies to cope with the lexical impairment and produce a quantity of lexical fillers and repetitions that, clustered in utterances, reduce the levels of global coherence.
Ključne besede: aphasia, neurolinguistics, speech disorders, discourse analysis
Objavljeno v RUNG: 07.03.2016; Ogledov: 5950; Prenosov: 0
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Patterns of impairment of narrative language in mild traumatic brain injury
Valentina Galetto, Sara Andreetta, Marina Zettin, Andrea Marini, 2013, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) represents a condition whose cognitive and behavioral sequelae are often underestimated, even when it exerts a profound impact on the patients’ every-day life. The present study aimed to analyze the features of narrative discourse impairment in a group of adults with mTBI. 10 mTBI non-aphasic speakers (GCS > 13) and 13 neurologically intact participants were recruited for the experiment. Their cognitive, linguistic and narrative skills were thoroughly assessed. The group of mTBIs exhibited normal phonological, lexical and grammatical skills. However, their narratives were characterized by the pres- ence of frequent interruptions of ongoing utterances, derailments and extraneous utterances that at times made their discourse vague and ambiguous. They produced more errors of global coherence [F (1; 21)1⁄424.242; p1⁄4.000; h2p1⁄40. 536] and fewer Lexical Information Units [F (1; 21) 1⁄4 7.068; p 1⁄4 .015; h2p 1⁄4 .252]. The errors of global coherence correlated negatively with non- perseverative errors on the WCST (r 1⁄4 1⁄4.755; p < .012). The mac- rolinguistic problems made their narrative samples less informa- tive than those produced by the group of control participants. These disturbances may reflect a deficit at the interface between cognitive and linguistic processing rather than a specific linguistic disturbance. These findings suggest that also persons with mild forms of TBI may experience linguistic disturbances that may hamper the quality of their every-day life.
Ključne besede: mild traumatic brain injury, narrative analysis, neurolinguistics, neuropsychology
Objavljeno v RUNG: 07.03.2016; Ogledov: 6005; Prenosov: 1
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The effect of lexical deficits on narrative disturbances in fluent aphasia
Sara Andreetta, Andrea Marini, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Background: The label “fluent aphasia” applies to different aphasic syndromes char- acterised by fluent speech with difficulties in lexical retrieval and/or grammatical processing. Aims: This study aims at investigating microlinguistic and macrolinguistic skills in persons with fluent aphasia. We hypothesised that their lexical and syntactic (i.e., microlinguistic) difficulties would affect also their narrative (i.e., macrolinguistic) skills. Methods & Procedures: Growing evidence shows that traditional tests may not be sensitive enough to capture the patterns of the linguistic impairments observed in these persons. Therefore, we used a narrative task to elicit linguistic samples. Spontaneous speech was elicited through a picture description task. The narrative samples were analysed with a multilevel approach that allows clinicians to quantify their productivity levels as well as their lexical, grammatical, and narrative skills. The spontaneous speech produced by a group of 20 persons with fluent aphasia was compared to that of a group of 20 healthy participants. All participants with aphasia were in the phase of neurological stability. The two groups were matched for age and level of formal education. Outcomes & Results: Results showed that the lexical impairment observed in the group of participants with fluent aphasia hampered the ability to produce well-formed sentences that, in turn, lowered the levels of cohesion of their narrative samples. Furthermore, the reduced levels of lexical informativeness were found correlated also to the production of errors of global coherence. Conclusions: These findings support the hypothesis that in these patients, microlin- guistic difficulties might affect macrolinguistic processing. Furthermore, these results stress the importance of a multilevel approach to assess linguistic skills in patients with fluent aphasia, as it assesses both microlinguistic and macrolinguistic dimensions in parallel. Therefore, it allows linguists, psychologists, and clinicians to observe how the linguistic levels interact during natural language processing.
Ključne besede: neurolinguistics, aphasia, discourse analysis, coherence
Objavljeno v RUNG: 07.03.2016; Ogledov: 5851; Prenosov: 0
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