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Probing hadronic interactions using the latest data measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory
Caterina Trimarelli, Andrej Filipčič, Jon Paul Lundquist, Shima Ujjani Shivashankara, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, Lukas Zehrer, 2022, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: The Pierre Auger Observatory is the world’s largest ultra-high energy cosmic ray observatory. Its hybrid detection technique combines the observation of the longitudinal development of extensive air showers and the lateral distribution of particles arriving at the ground. In this contribution, a review of the latest results on hadronic interactions using measurements from the Pierre Auger Observatory is given. In particular, we report on the self-consistency tests of the post-LHC models using measurements of the depth of the shower maximum and the main features of the muon component at the ground. The tensions between the model predictions and the data, considering different shower observables, are reviewed.
Keywords: ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, hadronic interactions, extensive air showers, maximum depth, EAS muon content, Pierre Auger Observatory, post-LHC hadronic interaction models
Published in RUNG: 04.10.2024; Views: 694; Downloads: 7
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The solar share : Xcenter, Nova Gorica, 9. maj 2024
2024, exhibition

Abstract: Produced by: GO!2025 (PostMobilnost / PostMobilità / PostMobility) DISNOVATION.ORG THE SOLAR SHARE Kurator / Curatore / Curated by: pETER Purg Conception and realization: / Koncept in izvedba: DISNOVATION.ORG PARTNERS / PARTNERJi: Co-designed with / Sooblikovanje: Katharina Ammann Co-produced with / Koprodukcija: with IFT Paris Co-commissioned by / Sonaročnik: Hac Te Supported by / S podporo: ICFO & STARTS program ( European Union / Evropska unija)
Keywords: umetnost, post-rast, odrast, ekologija, solaren
Published in RUNG: 17.07.2024; Views: 1062; Downloads: 0
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Learn to Resist : New glocal resilience strategies of cultural institutions for a solidary art production
Peter Purg, Birste Sonnenberg, 2023, radio or television broadcast, podcast, interview, press conference

Abstract: Closures of cultural institutions as a result of the Corona pandemic, right-wing populist cultural agendas (and even policies!) that work against independent media and cultural workers, and then the Russian attacks on Ukrainian cultural institutions, attempting to erase a country's cultural identity, and artistic vitality. And then there's an obviously more and more fragile nature -- the waters below and the atmospheres above us in chaos. In times of multiple, overlapping crises, cultural institutions and festivals face the challenge of addressing these grievances through glocal processes of adaptation and learning, to become RESILIENT = prepared for change and emergencies, mastering them as robustly and creatively as possible. What resilience strategies are needed at the regional and global level to enable sustainable (international) cultural production and to establish solidarity-based forms of partnership? What are the most interesting examples -- from here, and there, and beyond? With Serge Klymko (Kyiv Biennale),Ukraine, Mei Shimada (CCBT Tokyo), Japan, Birte Sonnenberg (HELLERAU / Hybrid Biennale), Germany, Moderated by: pETER Purg (Univ. of Nova Gorica / Go!2025), Slovenia Schließungen von Kultureinrichtungen infolge der Corona-Pandemie, rechtspopulistische Kulturpolitik gegen unabhängige Medien und Kulturschaffende und die russischen Angriffe auf ukrainische Kulturinstitutionen, die die kulturelle Identität des Landes auslöschen sollen. In Zeiten multipler, sich überlagernder Krisen haben Kulturinstitutionen und Festivals die Herausforderung, diesen Missständen über glokale Anpassungs- und Lernprozesse zu begegnen. Immer mit dem Ziel, auf Veränderungen und Notfälle eingestellt zu sein und diese möglichst robust und kreativ zu meistern. Welche Resilienzstrategien auf regionaler und globaler Ebene braucht es, um nachhaltig (internationale) Kulturproduktion zu ermöglichen und solidarische Formen der Partnerschaften zu etablieren? Mit Serge Klymko (Kyiv Biennale), Mei Shimada (CCBT Tokyo) und Birte Sonnenberg (HELLERAU / Hybrid Biennale), moderiert von Peter Purg (Universität Nova Gorica)
Keywords: resistance, resilience, fragility, war, post-war, post-covid
Published in RUNG: 11.10.2023; Views: 2488; Downloads: 4
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Covalent organic frameworks for fluorescent imaging of hypoxia
Tina Škorjanc, Dinesh Shetty, Gregor Mali, Damjan Makuc, Martina Bergant Marušič, Matjaž Valant, 2023, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: hypoxia, covalent organic frameworks, imaging, fluorescence, post-synthetic modification
Published in RUNG: 06.06.2023; Views: 2394; Downloads: 3
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Conversing with Ghosts of the Previously Tamed
Martina Caruso, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: In this article I argue that representing animal-human relationality in contemporary video art shows how certain artists are addressing recent philosophical perspectives such as object-oriented ontology within a posthuman and post-anthropocentric paradigm. While the philosophies that treat the posthuman, from object-oriented ontology to speculative realism and vital materialism, imply a utopian refusal of hierarchy between human and non-human existence, artists may be hard-pressed to represent the described new order, which, at the moment, does not exist socially or politically.
Keywords: post-Anthropocene, animal-human relationality, non-human, posthuman, object-oriented ontology, speculative realism, vital materialism, video art, Basma Alsharif, Christoph Keller, Corinne Silva
Published in RUNG: 13.01.2023; Views: 1797; Downloads: 0
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Women in Ruins: Agnes and Dora Bulwer's landscape photographs in Post-Risorgimento Italy
Martina Caruso, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: The British photographers Agnes Bulwer (1856– 1940) and her sister Dora Ellinor Bulwer (1864– 1948) left a legacy of circa 1300 photographs and 890 negatives, date from 1890 to 1913, to the British School at Rome. The photographs are principally of landscapes taken in Rome and the surrounding countryside (the Roman Campagna) but also further afield in Italy and abroad. Many include archaeological and natural sites as well as monuments, art works, and homes and gardens in urban or rural scenes. Their landscape photographs offer a perspective that challenged the existing masculine gaze as developed in landscape photography under the colonial project of the British Empire. Unfettered by the archaeologist’s need for ascetic facts, the Bulwers pioneered an unusual vision of landscape, inspired by the progressive international environment of post-Unification Italy. Agnes and Dora Bulwer often photographed women, whether Italian peasants or travelling companions, presenting a social and gendered gaze that helps to reconsider this period in the light of a dawning international humanitarianism. In spite of their photographic legacy, Agnes and Dora Bulwer remain relatively unknown in the growing field of rediscovered early female photographers connected to archaeology or travel photography. This article reveals their work within a cross-cultural, historical and phenomenological analysis, contributing a new chapter to women’s photographic history, to travel and landscape photography and to the history of British photographers working in Italy.
Keywords: history of photography, landscape photography, archive, gender, archaeology, cultural tourism, travel photography, Italy, Rome, Roman Campagna, Post-Unification, Post-Risorgimento, Britain, British Empire, United Kingdom, colonialism, Victorian, Edwardian, humanitarian socialism, nineteenth century, twentieth century
Published in RUNG: 11.01.2023; Views: 2998; Downloads: 0
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Principles of Postgrowth in Avant-garde and New Media Art
Kristina Pranjić, Peter Purg, unpublished conference contribution

Keywords: Avant-garde art, new media art, degrowth, post-growth
Published in RUNG: 03.11.2022; Views: 1979; Downloads: 0
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Transgressions and transmissions of the New European Bauhaus
Peter Purg, Kristina Pranjić, 2022, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: Bauhaus, New European Bauhaus, historical avant-garde, new media art, radical change, degrowth, post-growth
Published in RUNG: 06.09.2022; Views: 2528; Downloads: 0
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Transformation of modernist memorial sites in the post-Yugoslav context
Gal Kirn, 2012, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: Yugoslav modernism, partisan monuments, Yugoslavia, post-Yugoslavia, damnatio memoriae, return of fascism, historical revisionism, Bakic
Published in RUNG: 05.01.2021; Views: 3318; Downloads: 0
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