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BAT algorithm for improving fuzzy C-means clustering for location allocation of rural kiosks in developing countries under e-governance
Rajan Gupta, Sunil K. Muttoo, Saibal K. Pal, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Rural Kiosks are important infrastructural pillar in rural regions for internet and basic technology facility all around the world. They are also known as Tele-centers or Common Service Centers and are majorly used by government to promote Electronic Governance. The major characteristic of setting up of Rural Kiosk is their appropriate location so that people from rural region can avail the services at minimum travel cost and time. There are lot of traditional schemes used by researchers in past for location allocation but this paper proposes the usage of Fuzzy C-Means clustering and BAT algorithm to optimize the location of Rural Kiosk. The meta-heuristic approach has produced better results as compared to normal graph theories in past. The experiment has been conducted on a random data set of 72 village locations from India and their clusters are formed. It is found that using only Fuzzy C-Means clustering to allocate the center and by using it in combination with BAT algorithm produced up to 25% of efficient results. This can drastically help the key stakeholders in allocation of these Rural Kiosks at right places so as to maximize their utility.
Ključne besede: BAT algorithm, location allocation, rural kiosks, fuzzy C-means, e-governance, tele-centers, common service centers
Objavljeno v RUNG: 01.04.2021; Ogledov: 2942; Prenosov: 0
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A comprehensive review of approaches used for solving tele-centre location allocation problem in geographical plane
Rajan Gupta, Sunil K. Muttoo, Saibal K. Pal, 2021, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: Setup of tele-centre is the worldwide approach for the establishment of information and communication technology infrastructure in rural areas for the overall development of a country. It is a key resource under e-governance plan in any country, but a major problem with their location allocation is the sustainability. Tele-centre establishment require a suitable location to increase the beneficial effect to service seekers. In this research, multi-faceted problems faced by tele-centres are highlighted. This paper presents a comprehensive study on tele-centre’s location allocation problem and all the recent development in multi-facility location problem research area through more than 150 research papers from high ranked peer-reviewed journals. The research survey examines all the important parameters for the facility location problem and an objective function is also formulated for the same. Based on the survey literature, it is found that the new allocation methods based on meta-heuristic algorithms are emerging. This study would be a useful contribution in the field of location science, tele-centre location allocation and application of meta-heuristic algorithms in e-governance.
Ključne besede: tele-centres, location allocation, common service centres, rural kiosks, meta-heuristic algorithms, e-governance, geographical plane
Objavljeno v RUNG: 01.04.2021; Ogledov: 2951; Prenosov: 58
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