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UHECR arrival directions in the latest data from the original Auger and TA surface detectors and nearby galaxies
A. di Matteo, Andrej Filipčič, Jon Paul Lundquist, Samo Stanič, Serguei Vorobiov, Danilo Zavrtanik, Marko Zavrtanik, Lukas Zehrer, 2022, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: The distribution of ultra-high-energy cosmic-ray arrival directions appears to be nearly isotropic except for a dipole moment of order 6×(E/10 EeV) per cent. Nonetheless, at the highest energies, as the number of possible candidate sources within the propagation horizon and the magnetic deflections both shrink, smaller-scale anisotropies might be expected to emerge. On the other hand, the flux suppression reduces the statistics available for searching for such anisotropies. In this work, we consider two different lists of candidate sources: a sample of nearby starburst galaxies and the 2MRS catalog tracing stellar mass within 250 Mpc. We combine surface-detector data collected at the Pierre Auger Observatory until 2020 and the Telescope Array until 2019, and use them to test models in which UHECRs comprise an isotropic background and a foreground originating from the candidate sources and randomly deflected by magnetic fields. The free parameters of these models are the energy threshold, the signal fraction, and the search angular scale. We find a correlation between the arrival directions of 11.8%+5.0%−3.1% of cosmic rays detected with E≥38 EeV by Auger or with E≳49 EeV by TA and the position of nearby starburst galaxies on a 15.5∘+5.3∘−3.2∘ angular scale, with a 4.2σ post-trial significance, as well as a weaker correlation with the overall galaxy distribution.
Keywords: Pierre Auger Observatory, Telescope Array, indirect detection, surface detection, ground array, ultra-high energy, cosmic rays, anisotropy, full-sky, starburst galaxies, source correlations, dipole
Published in RUNG: 04.10.2023; Views: 2098; Downloads: 5
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Effects of Galactic magnetic field on the UHECR anisotropy studies
R. Higuchi, Jon Paul Lundquist, 2022, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Telescope Array (TA) and Auger experiments reported anisotropies in the arrival direction of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). In particular, Auger Collaboration reported a correlation between UHECR events and the flux model of assumed sources and suggested a contribution of starburst galaxies (SBGs) to the anisotropy of UHECRs. However, in their study, the effect of coherent deflections by the galactic magnetic field (GMF) is not taken into account. In this study, we investigated the effect of the GMF on the arrival directions of UHECRs using the cosmic ray propagation code CRPropa3. We used a backtracking technique which consists of propagating antiparticles to map the flux outside the galaxy to at the earth. We estimate the systematic effects caused by GMF in the reported likelihood analysis. We conduct likelihood analysis for mock UHECR datasets based on the flux pattern through the GMF model. We found systematic decrease of (f_ani, �) due to GMF. As prospects for the TAx4 experiment and joint analysis of Auger and TA collaborations, we develop the likelihood analysis method with the convolution of the rigidity spectrum.
Keywords: Telescope Array, TAx4, ultra-high energy, cosmic rays, anisotropy, galactic magnetic field, starburst galaxies
Published in RUNG: 29.09.2023; Views: 1577; Downloads: 6
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Testing a Reported Correlation between Arrival Directions of Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Rays and a Flux Pattern from nearby Starburst Galaxies using Telescope Array Data
R.U. Abbasi, Jon Paul Lundquist, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: The Pierre Auger Collaboration (Auger) recently reported a correlation between the arrival directions of cosmic rays with energies above 39 EeV and the flux pattern of 23 nearby starburst galaxies (SBGs). In this Letter, we tested the same hypothesis using cosmic rays detected by the Telescope Array experiment (TA) in the 9-year period from May 2008 to May 2017. Unlike the Auger analysis, we did not optimize the parameter values but kept them fixed to the best-fit values found by Auger, namely 9.7% for the anisotropic fraction of cosmic rays assumed to originate from the SBGs in the list and 12.9◦ for the angular scale of the correlations. The energy threshold we adopted is 43 EeV, corresponding to 39 EeV in Auger when taking into account the energy-scale difference between two experiments. We find that the TA data is compatible with isotropy to within 1.1σ and with the Auger result to within 1.4σ, meaning that it is not capable to discriminate between these two hypotheses.
Keywords: astroparticle physics, cosmic rays, galaxies: starburst, methods: data analysis
Published in RUNG: 27.04.2020; Views: 4048; Downloads: 154
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