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Promoting the use of open educational resources to improve teaching and learning of science subjects in secondary schools in Tanzania : master's thesis
Lucian Vumilia Ngeze, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: A number of challenges have hindered the integration of Open Educational Resources (OERs) in schools from developing countries. The rate of adoption of OERs in teaching and learning in schools in Tanzania is low. This research focused on capacity of secondary school science teachers on creating and adapting open educational resources to improve the teaching and learning of science subjects. The research used a Design-based Research methodology to achieve research objectives. Results show that challenges such as lack of ICT devices, poor Internet connection, network accessibility issues, unstable power supply and large class sizes hindered the integration of OER in the teaching of science subjects. As teachers created OERs, they stated factors such as levels of the learners, developing engaging content, simple and self-explanatory content, alignment with learning objectives and relevancy of OER as initial considerations they considered when creating OERs. It was important to investigate the change in teachers’ attitude towards the use of OER in teaching science subjects OER creation ability, OER in teaching, teaching improvements, increased teaching resources, and application of skills. It was concluded that regular teacher professional development programmes must be set to support school teachers in using OERs to improve teaching and learning and in creating OER for teaching. Engaging with relevant government bodies is encouraged to ensure that more teachers are involved in such developed online courses.
Keywords: Open Educational Resources, OER in Teaching and Learning, Online Courses, Design Based Research
Published in RUNG: 02.08.2024; Views: 1760; Downloads: 22
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Collaborative lessons in a cross-border space : learning each other's language, literature and history on the basis of the CoBLaLT model
Ivana Zajc, 2023, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: In the paper we propose a new paradigm for teaching literature, language and history in cross-border territories from the point of view of cross-border didactics and cross-curricular collaboration at the higher elementary school level. Based on the CoBLaLT model, we propose interdisciplinar activities for students of two cross-border classes on both sides of the Slovenian-Italian border, who, while studying picture books written in Slovenian, meet via online platforms and live. They get to know each other, learn the languages of other students, experience literature and the art of illustration, and above all experience the complex history of the area where they live.
Keywords: foreign language, CoBlaLT model, border spaces, teaching, literature
Published in RUNG: 02.10.2023; Views: 1873; Downloads: 7
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Teaching literature and foreign language through the CoBlaLT model
Ivana Zajc, 2023, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: foreign language, CoBlaLT model, border spaces, teaching, literature
Published in RUNG: 04.08.2023; Views: 1902; Downloads: 5
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L'importanza della motivazione per lo studio dello sloveno: analisi delle interviste con i docenti
Maja Melinc Mlekuž, 2022, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Prispevek prinaša izvirne rezultate kvalitativne raziskave med pedagoškimi delavci o učenju in poučevanju slovenščine v Italiji, in sicer tam, kjer slovenščina ni niti prvi jezik in niti jezik okolja.
Keywords: Slovenian language, Italy, sociolinguistics, minority language, language study and teaching, Slovenian schools in Italy
Published in RUNG: 22.03.2023; Views: 2167; Downloads: 0
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Presentation of University of Nova Gorica, Career centre and School of Arts
Veronika Piccinini, other performed works

Keywords: adult education, teaching practices, higher education, Slovene education system, quality assurance
Published in RUNG: 18.01.2018; Views: 5009; Downloads: 0
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Under All the Hats of Quality —- from a round table discussion among teachers, students, quality experts, policy makers…
Peter Purg, Potokar Urša B., 2016, scientific film, scientific sound or video publication

Abstract: This 54-minute full feature documentary and research film features, in a unique intermedia manner, the findings of a round table, conceived and moderated by dr. pETER Purg; at the "Quality of University Teaching and Learning" international conference, Brdo pri Kranju in April 6, 2016. This video (directed and shot by P. Purg, and edited by Urša .B. Potokar) presents the issues emerging from a round table discussion among teachers, students, quality experts and policy makers from different disciplines and countries. As a "mixed media publication", It links in with an academic article (to be) published after the conference by P. Purg, discussing the selected utterances as evidence of emerging topics in academic quality, set against a broader theoretical and policy-related argumentation. Such a mixed-media multi-layered interplay of theory and practice, between text and video, may prove that an open discussion, paired with (audio-visual) self-reflection can both articulate and confirm some crucial commitments for increasing the quality of teaching and learning. The round-table participants mostly agreed academic quality is dependent on teaching and learning quality, while academic practice is moving towards student autonomy and agency. For that both the national and the institutional legislative framework should provide a suitable scaffolding, facilitating better progression through education stages and sustainable student-to-teacher ratios. Good contact with the employment sector remains a key challenge that affects education quality, confirming the need for a wider participation of all higher education stakeholders.
Keywords: quality, documentary, research, qualitative, higher education teaching
Published in RUNG: 07.07.2016; Views: 5440; Downloads: 0

IDEATE | Mentor Peter Purg : A videointerview.
Peter Purg, Metod Blejec, Urša, B. Potokar, 2015, scientific film, scientific sound or video publication

Abstract: A mentor's reflection on the teaching (and learning) experience in the IDEATE course, revolving around how did the IDEATE experience affect their personal development, and how it might influence their academic or other work-related opportunities.
Keywords: IDEATE, innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, teaching, methodology
Published in RUNG: 07.07.2016; Views: 5686; Downloads: 0

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