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CityFlux perfluorocarbon tracer experiments
Fredrik K Petersson, Damien Martin, Iain R. White, Stephen J Henshaw, Graham Nickless, Ian Longley, Carl J Percival, Martin Gallagher, Dudley E. Shallcross, 2010, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In June 2006, two perfluorocarbon tracer experiments were conducted in central Manchester UK as part of the CityFlux campaign. The main aim was to investigate vertical dispersion in an urban area during convective conditions, but dispersion mechanisms within the street network were also studied. Paired receptors were used in most cases where one receptor was located at ground level and one at roof level. One receptor was located on the roof of Portland Tower which is an 80m high building in central Manchester. Source receptor distances in the two experiments varied between 120 and 600 m. The results reveal that maximum concentration was sometimes found at roof level rather than at ground level implying the effectiveness of convective forces on dispersion. The degree of vertical dispersion was found to be dependent on source receptor distance as well as on building height in proximity to the release site. Evidence of flow channelling in a street canyon was also found. Both a Gaussian profile and a street network model were applied and the results show that the urban topography may lead to highly effective flow channelling which therefore may be a very important dispersion mechanism should the right meteorological conditions prevail. The experimental results from this campaign have also been compared with a simple urban dispersion model that was developed during the DAPPLE framework and show good agreement with this. The results presented here are some of the first published regarding vertical dispersion. More tracer experiments are needed in order to further characterise vertical concentration profiles and their dependence on, for instance, atmospheric stability. The impact of urban topography on pollutant dispersion is important to focus on in future tracer experiments in order to improve performance of models as well as for our understanding of the relationship between air quality and public health.
Ključne besede: air quality, atmospheric chemistry, concentration (composition), convective system, dispersion, public health, street canyon, tracer, urban area
Objavljeno v RUNG: 18.07.2019; Ogledov: 4048; Prenosov: 0
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Urban Conservation System in China and Its Improvement by Using Historic Urban Landscape Approach
Chen Shujie, 2018, doktorska disertacija

Opis: In the last few decades, the Modern Conservation Movement has developed from European-limited practices into a global movement with universal common views and practical measures for managing heritage resources in different cultural contexts. As an innovative idea of this movement, the Historic Urban Landscape approach aims to protect and manage historic urban environments with respect to both the fundamental principles in the international doctrines and the local social/cultural/historical contexts. It recommends local authorities to use the HUL toolkit to identify, conserve and manage the overall landscape of their historic cities. In the case of China, who is an old civilization, a modern nation and a socialist country at the same time, the conservation practice needs to follow the basic and common conservation principles in the international doctrines, and meanwhile, it shall make its initiatives based on the actual social, cultural and political situations. The establishment of Historically and Culturally Famous City (HCF City in short) system is a positive attempt for such a purpose. The system manages various urban elements relating to the city’s historical and cultural features under a comprehensive notion of HCF City. However, the system is not prefect because it depends excessively on the top-down management of local governments, and also because it overlooks the spatial and spiritual relationships among the protected elements... The thesis provides a big picture of architectural and urban conservation practices in China. It introduces the forming process and the characteristics of historic urban fabric, as well as the history of urban conservation. Then, it takes a deep look at the existing HCF City system, including its basic ideas, structures and mechanism. It analyses the system’s initiatives and deficiencies. Finally, it provides feasible advices to improve the current system by using the HUL toolkit.
Ključne besede: Urban, History, Heritage, Conservation, Management International Principles, Modern Conservation Movement, Globalization, Localization Historic Urban Area, Historically and Culturally Famous Cities, Conservation System, Historic Urban Landscape Chinese Architecture, Chinese Urban Planning, Conservation History, Policy
Objavljeno v RUNG: 11.02.2019; Ogledov: 6993; Prenosov: 56
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