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Title:K-premik iz vprašalnih in osebkovih zvez v slovenščini ter njihove omejitve: Eksperimentalna študija skladenjskih otokov
Authors:ID Stateva, Penka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Mušič, Manca (Author)
Files:.pdf Manca_Music.pdf (2,26 MB)
MD5: 921E0C0F76E28FA0B01996C88F5DFD0D
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FH - Faculty of Humanities
Abstract:Tema diplomske naloge so skladenjski otoki vprašalnih in osebkovih stavčnih zvez v slovenščini, izvedena je bila eksperimentalna študija. Glavni cilj raziskave je bil razjasniti empirično paradigmo skladenjskih otokov vprašalnih in osebkovih stavčnih zvez v slovenskem jeziku z uporabo modela iz eksperimentalne skladnje, t. i. faktorske opredelitve učinka skladenjskih otokov Sprousa in drugih (2012 in 2015). Za raziskavo je bila uporabljena novejša metodologija, t. i. metoda ocene magnitude (Magnitude Estimation), s katero smo preprečili preskriptivne bralce. Analiza pridobljenih rezultatov je pokazala zanimiv vpogled v stanje slovenščine glede na obstoječe teorije skladenjskih otokov, kot so načelo stičnosti, načelo neizraženih prvin in prepoved premeščanja iz nedopolnil. Raziskava odpira tudi nova vprašanja na področju skladenjskih otokov.
Keywords:skladenjski otoki, k-premik, omejitve, eksperimentalna skladnja, slovenščina, metoda ocene magnitude
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2015
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-1980 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:4035067 New window
Publication date in RUNG:23.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Wh-movement out of wh-phrases and subject phrases in Slovenian language: An experimental study on syntax islands
Abstract:The main aim of the research was to clarify the empirical paradigm of wh-islands and subject islands in Slovene, using model techniques in experimental syntax, the so called factorial definition of island effect of Sprouse et al (2012 and 2015). An experimental study was performed. A new method, called magnitude estimation, was used for this research. This helped prevent prescriptive readers. The analysis showed an interesting insight into the status of Slovene in terms of existing theories of syntax islands such as The Subjacency Principle, The Empty Category Principle and Condition on Extraction Domain. This research also raises some new questions in the field of syntactic islands.
Keywords:syntactic islands, wh-movement, constraints, experimental syntax, Slovene, magnitude estimation
