Title: | Solar Cycle Modulation of Cosmic Rays Observed with the Low Energy Modes of the Pierre Auger Observatory |
Authors: | ID Masías-Meza, Jimmy (Author) ID Filipčič, Andrej (Author) ID Kukec Mezek, Gašper (Author) ID Saleh, Ahmed (Author) ID Stanič, Samo (Author) ID Trini, Marta (Author) ID Veberič, Darko (Author) ID Vorobiov, Serguei (Author) ID Yang, Lili (Author) ID Zavrtanik, Danilo (Author) ID Zavrtanik, Marko (Author), et al. |
Files: | ICRC2015_074(1).pdf (533,18 KB) MD5: 21667876E49CA1727D17AF30FC7EE2A8
Language: | English |
Work type: | Not categorized |
Typology: | 1.08 - Published Scientific Conference Contribution |
Organization: | UNG - University of Nova Gorica
Abstract: | The low energy modes of the surface detector array of the
Pierre Auger Observatory record variations in the flux of low
energy secondary particles with extreme detail. These two modes
consist of recording (1) the rate of signals for energies
between ∼15 MeV and ∼100 MeV (the Scaler mode) and (2) the
calibration charge histograms of the individual pulses detected
by each water-Cherenkov station, covering different energy
channels up to ∼1 GeV (the Histogram mode). Previous work has
studied the flux of galactic cosmic rays on short and
intermediate time scales (i.e. from minutes to weeks) using
these low energy modes. In this work, after including a long-
term correction to the response of the detectors, we present
the first long-term analysis of the flux of cosmic rays using
scalers and two energy bands of the calibration histograms.
We show its sensitivity to the solar cycle variation and its
relation to the solar modulation of cosmic rays for an 8-year
period. |
Keywords: | Pierre Auger Observatory, Surface Detector, secondary cosmic rays, scaler mode, charge histogram mode, solar cycle modulation |
Publication status: | Published |
Year of publishing: | 2015 |
PID: | 20.500.12556/RUNG-2144 |
COBISS.SI-ID: | 4153339 |
Publication date in RUNG: | 03.03.2016 |
Views: | 5437 |
Downloads: | 206 |
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