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Title:Magični realizem v filmih Wesa Andersona in Emirja Kusturice
Authors:ID Hribernik, Jasna (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Colner, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Nikolić, Mateja (Author)
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Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:AU - School of Arts
Abstract:V diplomskem delu je najprej opredeljen magični realizem, izpostavljeni so njegovi vplivi in pod-žanri. Sledi opis rabe tega žanra v literaturi, televiziji in filmu, nato pa zgodovina neodvisnega filma in pomen filmskega avtorstva ali auteurstva, ki se povezuje z umetniškimi deli režiserja Wesa Andersona. Po kratkem opisu njegove filmske kariere sledi predstavitev Emira Kusturice; njegove avtorske biografije in prakse. Kratka razprava predstavi kako so politični nemiri vplivali na jugoslovanski film in posledično na filmske zgodbe Kusturice. Sledi primerjava dveh filmov obeh avtorjev, kjer so izpostavljene podobnosti v strukturi podajanja zgodbe in njenih elementov na eni ter kadriranja na drugi strani. Po zaključku teoretičnega dela sledi opis procesa nastajanja mojega študentskega filma in kratka kritična analiza tega dela.
Keywords:Film, magični realizem, absurdnost, teatralnost, nadrealizem, Anderson, auteur, Kusturica, Jugoslavija, Balkan, filmografija, stilizacija
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Year of publishing:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-3899-2cdf3581-73e1-ac76-2937-40136adc461b New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5135099 New window
Publication date in RUNG:12.04.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Magical Realism in Films of Wes Anderson and Emir Kusturica
Abstract:The thesis opens with an attempt of defining Magic realism, followed by a presentation of its influence and the sub-genres. After a description of how the genre is used in literature, films and on television, the history of the independent film and the importance of authorship is sketched, which leads to the work of director Wes Anderson. His career in film is briefly presented, upon which the author Emir Kusturica is introduced, his film biography and his practices. To follow is a comparison of two films by the two aforementioned authors; similarities in structure of narration and story elements are shown as well as similarities in framing. The second part of the thesis presents the process behind making of my student film, followed by a short critical analysis of the work.
Keywords:Film, magical realism, absurdity, theatricality, surealism, Anderson, auteur, Kusturica, Yugoslavia, Balkan, filmography, stylization
