Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici

Izpis gradiva
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Naslov:Inhibition strategies of Listeria monocytogenes biofilms- Current knowledge and future outlooks.
Avtorji:ID Oloketuyi, Sandra (Avtor)
ID Khanna, Fazlurrahman (Avtor)
Datoteke: Gradivo nima datotek, ki so prostodostopne za javnost. Gradivo je morda fizično dosegljivo v knjižnici fakultete, zalogo lahko preverite v COBISS-u. Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Jezik:Angleški jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Delo ni kategorizirano
Tipologija:1.02 - Pregledni znanstveni članek
Organizacija:UNG - Univerza v Novi Gorici
Opis:There is an increasing trend in the food industry on the Listeria monocytogenes biofilm formation and inhibition. This is attributed to its easy survival on contact surfaces, resistance to disinfectants or antibiotics and growth under the stringent condition used for food processing and preservation thereby leading to food contamination products by direct or indirect exposure. Though, there is a lack of conclusive evidences about the mechanism of biofilm formation, in this review, the concept of biofilm formation and various chemical, physical, and green technology approaches to prevent or control the biofilm formed is discussed. State-of-the-art approaches ranging from the application of natural to synthetic molecules with high effectiveness and non-toxicity targeted at the different steps of biofilm formation could positively influence the biofilm inhibition in the future.
Ključne besede:Listeria monocytogenes, biofilm, food industry, inhibition, pathogen
Leto izida:2017
Št. strani:728-743
Številčenje:9, 57
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-6197 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:47101699 Novo okno
DOI:10.1002/jobm.201700071 Novo okno
Datum objave v RUNG:14.01.2021
Število ogledov:2898
Število prenosov:0
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Skupna ocena:(0 glasov)
Vaša ocena:Ocenjevanje je dovoljeno samo prijavljenim uporabnikom.
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Gradivo je del revije

Naslov:Journal of Basic Microbiology
Skrajšan naslov:J Basic Microbiol .
Leto izida:2017


Licenca:CC BY-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva-Brez predelav 4.0 Mednarodna
Opis:Licenca Creative Commons Brez predelav dovoljuje uporabnikom ponovno distribucijo dela, vendar ne v spremenjeni obliki. Zahtevana je navedba avtorstva.
Začetek licenciranja:14.01.2021
