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Title:Načrt prenove spletnega mesta izbrane lekarne in razširitev na spletno trgovino : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Pipan, Nika (Author)
ID Cestnik, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Nika_Pipan.pdf (1,77 MB)
MD5: 68EA45EE900DCB2926F858BE68BEA2A7
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PTF - Faculty of Engineering and Management
Abstract:V zadnjih letih se nakupovanje preko speta povečuje, zato je poleg fizične trgovine svojo ponudbo smiselno premakniti tudi na splet. V okviru magistrskega dela smo se ukvarjali s prenovo spletnega mesta lekarne Nova iz Šempetra pri Gorici. Lekarna je imela zastarelo spletno stran, zato so želeli narediti novo funkcionalno spletno stran, ki bo do uporabnika prijazna in na izgled prijetnega videza. Poleg tega so želeli, da bi svojo ponudbo razširili tudi na prodajo na spletu. Naš namen je bil zasnovati novo spletno stran ter ugotoviti, ali smo bili pri tem uspešni. Tako smo z vprašalnikom najprej ugotovili, kakšne so želje in zahteve naše stranke pri prenovi. Sledilo je načrtovanje vmesnika, kjer smo si pomagali z modeliranjem v jeziku UML. Pri tem smo izdelali pet različnih UML diagramov: diagram primerov uporabe, diagram razredov in objektov, diagram aktivnosti, diagram zaporedja in diagram prehajanja stanj. Na podlagi diagramov smo izdelali žične modele postavitve spletnega mesta ter nato z grafičnim oblikovanjem naredili predlogo za spletno mesto. Končni izdelek je delujoče spletno mesto, vendar sama gradnja in postavitev spletnega mesta nista zajeti v magistrsko delo. Ko je bila spletna stran končana, je sledilo še testiranje uporabniške izkušnje, kar smo naredili na dva načina. Najprej smo testiranje izvedeli pri petih udeležencih tako, da smo jih opazovali med izvajanjem nalog. Nato pa smo širši krog ljudi povabili k reševanju spletne ankete. Na podlagi analize testiranja smo ugotovili, da je spletna stran dosegla naš namen, vendar je za dosego najboljše uporabniške izkušnje potrebno nekaj popravkov.
Keywords:prenova, spletne strani, spletne trgovine, zbiranje, uporabniške zahteve, načrtovanje, diagrami UML, testiranja, uporabniške izkušnje, magistrske naloge
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:N. Pipan
Year of publishing:2022
Year of performance:2022
Number of pages:XI, 70 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-6889 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:94121475 New window
Publication date in RUNG:19.01.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Redesigning the website and creating an online store of a chosen pharmacy
Abstract:Online shopping has been increasing year after year. In addition to the stores, it makes sense to extend the offer to online shopping. As a part of our master's thesis, we were involved in the website redesign of the pharmacy Nova from Šempeter pri Gorici. The pharmacy had had an outdated website. They wanted a new functional website that would be user friendly and visually pleasing. In addition, they wanted to add a web-based shop. Our intention was to design a new website and find out if we were successful in doing so. Firstly, we used a questionnaire to determine our client's wishes and requirements. Secondly, we used UML modelling to determine the correct developing structure. We modelled five different UML diagrams: Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram, Sequence Diagram and Statechart diagram. Based on diagrams, we created wireframes and then created a template for the website using graphic design. The finished product is a working website. Building of the site itself is not covered in this master's thesis. When the website was online, we tested the user experience, which we did in two ways. Firstly, we observed five participants while they were performing tasks on the website. Then we invited a wider circle of people to fill out the online survey. Based on testing and analysis we found out that the website has achieved our purpose but some corrections are needed to achieve the best user experience.
Keywords:website redesign, online store, collecting user requirements, design with UML diagrams, user experience testing.
