Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici

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Naslov:UHECR mass composition from anisotropy of their arrival directions with the Telescope Array SD
Avtorji:ID Kuznetsov, M. (Avtor)
ID Lundquist, Jon Paul (Avtor), et al.
Datoteke:.pdf ICRC2021_294.pdf (3,02 MB)
MD5: 5592BF706E639D5EB4068686AD693AA3
Jezik:Angleški jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Delo ni kategorizirano
Tipologija:1.08 - Objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci
Organizacija:UNG - Univerza v Novi Gorici
Opis:We propose a new method for the estimation of ultra-high energy cosmic ray (UHECR) mass composition from a distribution of their arrival directions. The method employs a test statistic (TS) based on a characteristic deflection of UHECR events with respect to the distribution of luminous matter in the local Universe modeled with a flux-weighed 2MRS catalog. Making realistic simulations of the mock UHECR sets, we show that this TS is robust to the presence of galactic and non-extreme extra-galactic magnetic fields and sensitive to the mass composition of events in a set. We apply the method to Telescope Array surface detector data for 11 years and derive new independent constraints on fraction of protons and iron in p-Fe mix at E>10 EeV. At 10<E<100 EeV the data favors increase of allowed proton fraction and decrease of allowed iron fraction, while at E>100 EeV --- pure iron or even more massive composition. This result is in tension with Auger composition model inferred from spectrum-Xmax fit at 2.7σ (2.0σ) for PT'11 (JF'12) regular GMF model.
Ključne besede:Telescope Array, indirect detection, surface detection, ground array, ultra-high energy, cosmic rays, composition, anisotropy, magnetic fields, 2MRS
Status publikacije:Objavljeno
Leto izida:2022
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-8528 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:167012611 Novo okno
DOI:10.22323/1.395.0294 Novo okno
Datum objave v RUNG:04.10.2023
Število ogledov:2279
Število prenosov:6
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Skupna ocena:(0 glasov)
Vaša ocena:Ocenjevanje je dovoljeno samo prijavljenim uporabnikom.
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Gradivo je del monografije

Naslov:37th International Cosmic Ray Conference : ICRC2023
Kraj izida:Trieste, Italy
Založnik:Proceedings of Science
Leto izida:2022


Licenca:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva-Nekomercialno-Brez predelav 4.0 Mednarodna
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