Repozitorij Univerze v Novi Gorici

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Naslov:Anisotropies in the arrival direction distribution of ultra-high energy cosmic rays measured by the Telescope Array surface detector
Avtorji:ID Kim, Jihyun (Avtor)
ID Abbasi, R. U. (Avtor)
ID Abe, Y. (Avtor)
ID Abu-Zayyad, T. (Avtor)
ID Allen, M. (Avtor)
ID Arai, Yasuhiko (Avtor)
ID Arimura, R. (Avtor)
ID Barcikowski, E. (Avtor)
ID Belz, J. W. (Avtor)
ID Bergman, Douglas R. (Avtor)
ID Lundquist, Jon Paul (Avtor), et al.
Datoteke:.pdf ICRC2023_244.pdf (9,49 MB)
MD5: 3CB81E48FF161ECD717EDAA36D2FE40D
Jezik:Angleški jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Neznano
Tipologija:1.08 - Objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci
Organizacija:UNG - Univerza v Novi Gorici
Opis:Ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) are extremely energetic, charged particles with energies greater than 10^18 eV, originating from outer space. We investigate anisotropic patterns in the arrival direction distribution of UHECRs to identify their source locations. The Telescope Array (TA) experiment, the largest UHECR observatory in the northern hemisphere, has observed evidence of two intermediate-scale anisotropies in UHECR arrival direction distributions: the TA Hotspot and the Perseus-Pisces supercluster excess. In this presentation, we will describe an oversampling analysis that we performed to find the excess of events using the data measured by the TA surface detector array. We will report the latest results of the TA Hotspot and Perseus-Pisces supercluster excesses.
Ključne besede:Telescope Array, TALE, low energy extension, indirect detection, hybrid detection
Datum objave:01.01.2023
Leto izida:2023
Št. strani:str. 1-10
PID:20.500.12556/RUNG-8565-74e81bde-0846-e219-f5c3-b7fc4c745248 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:167758851 Novo okno
ISSN pri članku:1824-8039
DOI:10.22323/1.444.0244 Novo okno
Datum objave v RUNG:10.10.2023
Število ogledov:1429
Število prenosov:5
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Skupna ocena:(0 glasov)
Vaša ocena:Ocenjevanje je dovoljeno samo prijavljenim uporabnikom.
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Gradivo je del zbornika

Naslov:38th International Cosmic Ray Conference [also] ICRC2023
COBISS.SI-ID:162195971 Novo okno

Gradivo je del revije

Naslov:Proceedings of science
Skrajšan naslov:Pos proc. sci.
COBISS.SI-ID:20239655 Novo okno


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