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Structure and population of complex ionic species in FeCl[sub]2 aqueous solution by X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Uroš Luin, Iztok Arčon, Matjaž Valant, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Technologies for mass production require cheap and abundant materials such as ferrous chloride (FeCl2). The literature survey shows the lack of experimental studies to validate theoretical conclusions related to the population of ionic Fe-species in the aqueous FeCl2 solution. Here, we present an in situ X-ray absorption study of the structure of the ionic species in the FeCl2 aqueous solution at different concentrations (1–4 molL−1) and temperatures (25–80 ◦C). We found that at low temperature and low FeCl2 concentration, the octahedral first coordination sphere around Fe is occupied by one Cl ion at a distance of 2.33 (±0.02) Å and five water molecules at a distance of 2.095 (±0.005) Å. The structure of the ionic complex gradually changes with an increase in temperature and/or concentration. The apical water molecule is substituted by a chlorine ion to yield a neutral Fe[Cl2(H2O)4]0. The observed substitutional mechanism is facilitated by the presence of the intramolecular hydrogen bonds as well as entropic reasons. The transition from the single charged Fe[Cl(H2O)5]+ to the neutral Fe[Cl2(H2O)4]0 causes a significant drop in the solution conductivity, which well correlates with the existing conductivity models.
Keywords: structure, population, ionic species, aqueous ferrous chloride, in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Published in RUNG: 24.01.2022; Views: 2425; Downloads: 43  (1 vote)
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Photoexcitation processes in atoms
Alojz Kodre, Iztok Arčon, Jana Padežnik Gomilšek, 2021, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Abstract: Photoelectric absorption is characterized by a smooth power-law decrease of the cross section with photon energy. Absorption edges reveal rich structure, which continues into the high-energy side. The quasiperiodic signal, superposed onto the smooth basis, due to scattering of the photoelectron on the neighbours of the target atom provides the basis for the structural (XAFS) analysis of the material. Irregular tiny resonances and edges that appear over the same general range as XAFS are recognized as intra-atomic effects: multielectron excitations (MEE) owing to correlated motion in the electronic cloud. The systematic study of MEE began on noble gases and metallic vapours, both of which are gases of free atoms. With some extremely strong MEE, mostly coexcitations of the subvalence d and f electrons, the structural XAFS analysis may be compromised; hence, there is a need to independently determine the MEE signal, the atomic absorption background (AAB) for the analyzed element, and remove it prior to analysis. In view of the scarcity of elements which can practically be prepared in a free-atom gas state, several approaches to approximate the AAB have been developed: analysis of disordered compounds, where the weak and simple XAFS signal can be modelled and removed, and correlation analysis of the absorption spectra of several independent samples, where the AAB is extracted in an iterative procedure.
Keywords: photoexcitation, XAFS, multielectron excitations, atomic absorption background
Published in RUNG: 15.12.2021; Views: 2183; Downloads: 0
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Monitoring of chemical processes at the atomic level by X-ray absorption spectrometry using extremely bright synchrotron radiation sources
Iztok Arčon, unpublished invited conference lecture

Abstract: X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is a powerful tool for characterisation of local structure and chemical state of selected elements in different new functional materials and biological or environmental samples. The XAS spectroscopy is based on extremely bright synchrotron radiation X-rays sources, which allow precise characterisation of bulk, nanostructured or highly diluted samples. The rapid development of extremely bright synchrotron sources of X-ray and ultraviolet light in recent years has opened new possibilities for research of matter at the atomic or molecular level, indispensable in the development of new functional nanostructured materials with desired properties. The lecture will present the possibilities offered by X-ray absorption spectroscopy with synchrotron light for ex-situ and in-situ or operando characterization of various functional porous and other nanomaterials before, after and during their operation. With the operando micro-XANES and EXAFS methods it is possible to track changes in the valence states and local structures of selected elements in different energy storage materials or in various (photo)catalysts, during chemical reactions under controlled reaction conditions, thus gaining insight into the dynamic functional properties and reaction mechanisms of these materials. New synchrotron light sources also opened the possibility of combining X-ray absorption or emission spectroscopy and microscopy with a resolution of up to a few tens of nanometres, crucial for analysis of environmental and biological samples on sub-cellular level, to understand the mechanisms of uptake, transport, accumulation, and complexation of metal cations on subcellular level in various plant tissues or accumulation in environment, to develop effective remediation approaches.
Keywords: X-ray absorption spectroscopy, EXAFS, XANES, synchrotron radiation sources, operando
Published in RUNG: 15.12.2021; Views: 2390; Downloads: 0
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Resolving the dilemma of Fe-N-C catalysts by the selective synthesis of tetrapyrrolic active sites via an imprinting strategy
Davide Menga, Jian Liang Low, Yan-Sheng Li, Iztok Arčon, Burak Koyutürk, Friedrich Wagner, Francisco Ruiz-Zepeda, Miran Gaberšček, Beate Paulus, Tim-Patrick Fellinger, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Combining the abundance and inexpensiveness of their constituent elements with their atomic dispersion, atomically dispersed Fe−N−C catalysts represent the most promising alternative to precious-metal-based materials in proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells. Due to the high temperatures involved in their synthesis and the sensitivity of Fe ions toward carbothermal reduction, current synthetic methods are intrinsically limited in type and amount of the desired, catalytically active Fe− N4 sites, and high active site densities have been out of reach (dilemma of Fe−N−C catalysts). We herein identify a paradigm change in the synthesis of Fe−N−C catalysts arising from the developments of other M−N−C single-atom catalysts. Supported by DFT calculations we propose fundamental principles for the synthesis of M−N−C materials. We further exploit the proposed principles in a novel synthetic strategy to surpass the dilemma of Fe−N−C catalysts. The selective formation of tetrapyrrolic Zn−N4 sites in a tailor-made Zn−N−C material is utilized as an active-site imprint for the preparation of a corresponding Fe−N−C catalyst. By successive low- and high-temperature ion exchange reactions, we obtain a phase-pure Fe−N−C catalyst, with a high loading of atomically dispersed Fe (>3 wt %). Moreover, the catalyst is entirely composed of tetrapyrrolic Fe−N4 sites. The density of tetrapyrrolic Fe−N4 sites is more than six times as high as for previously reported tetrapyrrolic single-site Fe−N−C fuel cell catalysts
Keywords: Fe-N-C catalysts, selective synthesis, tetrapyrrolic active sites, EXAFS, XANES, single atom, DFT
Published in RUNG: 25.10.2021; Views: 2640; Downloads: 55
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Analiza vinskega turizma kot priložnost za vinarje vinorodnega okoliša slovenska Istra : diplomsko delo
Matej Zaro, 2021, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Vinski turizem je hitro rastoča ekonomska panoga, ki bi jo glede na geografske danosti slovenske regije in kakovost pridelanega vina bilo vredno ne samo izkoristiti, temveč tudi poglobiti. V diplomski nalogi predstavljamo in preučujemo vinarstvo ter vinogradništvo v povezavi s turizmom v Sloveniji, s poudarkom na okolišu slovenska Istra. Pod drobnogled vzamemo konzorcij Vin Istre in društvo Vinol, kjer izpostavljamo tako dobre prakse, kakor pomankljivosti. Osredotočimo se na vinske festivale, njihov pomen, s poudarkom na festival maceriranih belih vin Orange Wine Festival Izola. Dotaknemo se tudi svetovnih trendov vinske panoge ter kakšen je bil vpliv pandemije Covid-19 na vinski turizem. V diplomski nalogi predstavljamo podjetje Vina Zaro, njegove začetke in možnosti razvoja za prihodnost. Rdeča nit diplomske naloge je iskanje že delujočih dobrih praks in trendov, ki bodo pripomogle k spremembi odnosa do vinskega turizma in odkrivanju novih aktivnosti za razvoj le-tega. Zavedamo se potrebe po mednarodnosti in zgledovanju po tujih uveljavljenih praksah, vendar prepoznamo jedro razvoja tudi v odnosu do mednarodnih potrošnikov, v lokalnih sortah grozdja, reinterpretaciji tradicionalnih pridelovalnih tehnikah, vrednotenju lastne kulturne dediščine, razširitvi ekološke pridelave in spodbujanju interakcije med različni turističnimi panogami.
Keywords: diplomske naloge, vinski turizem, slovenska Istra, vinski festivali, blagovne znamke, Slovenija, vinarstvo Zaro, udomačene sorte
Published in RUNG: 07.10.2021; Views: 2936; Downloads: 165
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1,8-dihydroxy naphthalene (DHN) - melanin confers tolerance to cadmium in isolates of melanised dark septate endophytes
Mateja Potisek, Matevž Likar, Katarina Vogel-Mikuš, Iztok Arčon, Jože Grdadolnik, Marjana Regvar, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The contribution of 1,8-dihydroxy naphthalene (DHN) melanin to cadmium (Cd) tolerance in two dark septate endophytes (DSE) of the genus Cadophora with different melanin content was investigated in vitro. The DSE isolate Cad#148 with higher melanin content showed higher tolerance to Cd than the less melanised Cad#149. Melanin synthesis was significantly reduced by Cd in both isolates with uninhibited melanin synthesis, in a dosedependent manner. Inhibition of melanin synthesis by tricyclazole reduced the relative growth of Cad#148 exposed to Cd and did not affect Cad#149. Cd accumulation was not altered by tricyclazole in the two isolates, but it increased catalase and reduced glutathione reductase activity in more melanised Cad#148, indicating higher stress levels. In contrast, in Cad#149 the enzyme activity was less affected by tricyclazole, indicating a more pronounced role of melanin-independent Cd tolerance mechanisms. Cd ligand environment in fungal mycelia was analysed by extended EXAFS (X-ray absorption fine structure). It revealed that Cd was mainly bound to O- and S-ligands, including hydroxyl, carboxyl, phosphate and thiol groups. A similar proportion of S- and Oligands (~35% and ~65%) were found in both isolates with uninhibited melanin synthesis. Among O-ligands two types with Cd-O-C- and Cd-O-P- coordination were identified. Tricyclazole altered Cd-O- ligand environment in both fungal isolates by reducing the proportion of Cd-O-C- and increasing the proportion of Cd-O-P coordination. DHN-melanin, among other tolerance mechanisms, significantly contributes to Cd tolerance in more melanised DSE fungi by immobilising Cd to hydroxyl groups and maintaining the integrity of the fungal cell wall.
Keywords: DSE, melanin, Cd tolerance, inhibitor tricyclazole, antioxidant enzymes, EXAFS
Published in RUNG: 13.07.2021; Views: 2706; Downloads: 0
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Improved photocatalytic activity of SnO[sub]2-TiO[sub]2 nanocomposite thin films prepared by low-temperature sol-gel method
Ksenija Maver, Iztok Arčon, Mattia Fanetti, Samar Al Jitan, Giovanni Palmisano, Matjaž Valant, Urška Lavrenčič Štangar, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The objective of this research was to investigate how the photocatalytic activity of pure TiO2 can be improved by SnO2 modification. Different molar ratios of tin to titanium were prepared. The correlation between tin concentration and structural properties was investigated to explain the mechanism of photocatalytic efficiency and to optimize the synthesis conditions to obtain enhanced activity of the SnO2-modified TiO2 photocatalysts under UV-irradiation. The SnO2-modified TiO2 photocatalysts were prepared by a low-temperature sol-gel method based on organic tin and titanium precursors. The precursors underwent sol-gel reactions separately to form SnO2-TiO2 sol. The sol-gels were deposited on a glass substrate by a dip-coating technique and dried at 150 ◦C to obtain the photocatalysts in the form of a thin film. To test the thermal stability of the material, an additional set of photocatalysts was prepared by calcining the dried samples in air at 500 ◦C. The photocatalytic activity of the samples was determined by measuring the degradation rate of an azo dye. An increase of up to 30% in the photocatalytic activity of the air-dried samples was obtained when the TiO2 was modified with the SnO2 in a concentration range of 0.1–1 mol.%. At higher SnO2 loadings, the photocatalytic activity of the photocatalyst was reduced compared to the unmodified TiO2. The calcined samples showed an overall reduced photocatalytic activity compared to the air-dried samples. Various characterization techniques (UV-Vis, XRD, N2-physisorption, TEM, EDX, SEM, XAS and photoelectrochemical characterization) were used to explain the mechanism for the enhanced and hindered photocatalytic performances of the SnO2-modified TiO2 photocatalysts. The results showed that the nanocrystalline cassiterite SnO2 is attached to the TiO2 nanocrystallites through the Sn-O-Ti bonds. In this way, the coupling of two semiconductors, SnO2 and TiO2, was demonstrated. Compared to single-phase photocatalysts, the coupling of semiconductors has a beneficial effect on the separation of charge carriers, which prolongs their lifetime for accessibility to participate in the redox reactions. The maximum increase in activity of the thin films was achieved in the low concentration range (0.1–1 mol.%), which means that an optimal ratio and contact of the two phases is achieved for the given physical parameters such as particle size, shape and specific surface area of the catalyst.
Keywords: photocatalytic activity, Sn-modified TiO2, low-temperature, thin films, XAS analysis
Published in RUNG: 05.07.2021; Views: 3312; Downloads: 0
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Sn-modified TiO[sub]2 thin film photocatalysts prepared by low-temperature sol-gel processing : dissertation
Ksenija Maver, 2021, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: Due to many advantageous physiochemical properties, titanium dioxide (TiO2) is the most widely used photocatalyst in numerous applications, such as wastewater treatment and air purification, self-cleaning surfaces and energy conversion (H2 generation). However, one of its disadvantages is the high electron-hole recombination rate, and coupling with other semiconductors is one of the strategies to improve it. The objective of this dissertation was to investigate how the photocatalytic activity of pure TiO2 can be improved by tin modification and to explain the mechanism of increased or hindered photoactivity in correlation with the structural properties of the modified TiO2 photocatalysts. A new low-temperature sol-gel synthesis route was developed to prepare Sn- or SnO2-modified TiO2 photocatalysts. In both cases, organic tin and titanium precursors were used. Tin in the form of Sn cations was used to prepare Sn-modified TiO2. In this case, the precursors went through the sol-gel reaction together to form a Sn-TiO2 sol. In the case of SnO2 modification, the SnO2 sol was prepared separately and additionally mixed with the TiO2 sol to form a TiO2/SnO2 bicomponent semiconductor system. Different molar ratios of tin to titanium were prepared to investigate the correlation between the tin concentration and the photocatalytic properties of the photocatalysts in the form of thin films. The results were used to optimize the synthesis conditions to obtain an improved activity of the modified TiO2 photocatalysts under UV-irradiation. The photocatalytic activity of the thin films was determined by measuring the degradation rate of an azo dye. An increase of up to 40 % in the photocatalytic activity of the dried samples (at 150 °C) was achieved when the TiO2 was modified with the Sn or SnO2 in a concentration range of 0.1 to 1 mol.%. At higher Sn or SnO2 loadings and after calcination of the samples at 500 °C, the photocatalytic activity of the photocatalyst was reduced compared to the unmodified TiO2. Different characterization techniques (UV-Vis, XRD, nitrogen physisorption, TEM, SEM and XAS) were employed to clarify the mechanism responsible for the enhanced and hindered photocatalytic performance of the Sn- and SnO2-modified TiO2 photocatalysts. The results showed that a nanocrystalline structure is already achieved in the samples by the low-temperature film treatment (drying at 150 °C) and that the photocatalytic efficiency is mainly influenced by the crystalline phase composition: anatase/rutile in the case of Sn-modified and TiO2/SnO2 in the case of SnO2-modified TiO2. The crystal size and specific surface area differ insignificantly between the equally thermally treated samples and partly explain the differences in photoefficiency of the calcined samples compared to the dried samples. The structural study at the atomic level, using the Sn K-edge EXAFS, revealed that Sn cations act as nucleation sites for the anatase to rutile transformation in the Sn-modified TiO2 photocatalysts, while in the SnO2-modified TiO2 samples the nanocrystalline cassiterite SnO2 is bound to the TiO2 nanocrystallites via the Sn-O-Ti bond. In both cases, the advantage of coupling the two semiconductors was achieved by separating the charge carriers and thus prolonging their lifetime for accessibility to participate in the redox reactions. The maximum activity enhancement was achieved in the low concentration range (0.1–1 mol.%), which means that an optimal ratio and contact of the two phases are obtained for the given physical parameters, such as particle size, shape and specific surface area of the catalyst.
Keywords: Sn-modified TiO2, SnO2-modified TiO2, low-temperature sol-gel, thin films, photocatalytic activity, anatase/rutile system, Sn K-edge EXAFS, dissertations
Published in RUNG: 09.06.2021; Views: 5652; Downloads: 170
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Removal of copper from aqueous solutions with zeolites and possible treatment of exhaust materials
Nataša Zabukovec Logar, Iztok Arčon, Janez Kovač, Margarita Popova, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The mechanism of Cu2+ loading into commercially available natural HEU-type and synthetic LTA-type zeolites for their possible use in environmental processes, such as water and air treatment applications, was studied. Elemental analysis, SEM/EDXS, XRD, XAS and XPS analyses revealed 4-fold coordination of Cu2+ cations with oxygen atoms in the pores, a predominant location of copper atoms on the surface of crystallites and retained crystallinity of zeolites throughout the processes. The post-treatment of Cu2+-loaded samples with HCl and/or NaCl solutions confirmed the predominantly reversible sorption of copper on zeolites from aqueous solutions by ion-exchange mechanism and, therefore, excellent regeneration possibilities for both types of zeolites. Furthermore, with the calcination of exhaust metal-loaded zeolites, catalysts for total toluene oxidation reaction, as a model VOC pollutant, were obtained.
Keywords: Cu2+ ion exchange, Total toluene oxidation, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Zeolite
Published in RUNG: 03.06.2021; Views: 2483; Downloads: 154
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Photo-Chemically-Deposited and Industrial Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 Catalyst Material Surface Structures During CO2 Hydrogenation to Methanol: EXAFS, XANES and XPS Analyses of Phases After Oxidation, Reduction, and Reaction
Maja Pori, Iztok Arčon, Venkata Dasireddy, Blaž Likozar, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Industrial Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 or novel rate catalysts, prepared with a photochemical deposition method, were studied under functional CH3OH synthesis conditions at the set temperature (T) range of 240–350 °C, 20 bar pressure, and stoichiometric carbon dioxide/hydrogen composition. Analytical scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray adsorption near edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) methods were systematically utilized to investigate the interfaces, measured local geometry, and chemical state electronics around the structured active sites of commercially available Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 material or synthesized Cu/ZnO. Processed Cu K-edge EXAFS analysis suggested that various Cu atom species, clusters, metallic fcc Cu, Cu oxides (Cu2O or CuO) and the Cu0.7Zn2 alloy with hexagonal crystalline particles are contained after testing. It was proposed that in addition to the model’s Cu surface area, the amount, ratio and dispersion of the mentioned bonded Cu compounds significantly influenced activity. Additionally, XPS revealed that carbon may be deposited on the commercial Cu/ZnO/Al2O3, forming the inactive carbide coating with Cu or/and Zn, which may be the cause of basicity’s severe deactivation during reactions. The selectivity to methanol decreased with increasing T, whereas more Cu0.7Zn2 inhibited the CO formation through reverse water–gas shift (RWGS) CO2 reduction.
Keywords: CH3OH synthesis, Cu/ZnO-based catalyst, XPS, XANES, EXAFS analyses, Catalyst selectivity and activity
Published in RUNG: 03.06.2021; Views: 2933; Downloads: 0
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