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V zibeli drugega jezika : sodelovanje na Besedni postaji 21. oktobra 2015
Barbara Pregelj, scientific film, scientific sound or video publication

Abstract: okrogla miza o prevajaju v španščino
Keywords: prevajanje, španska književnost, slovenska književnost, španščina, slovenščina
Published in RUNG: 12.09.2016; Views: 5011; Downloads: 151
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LEO, LEO in Španska vas: : priročnik motiviranja za branje v šolskem letu 2015/2016
Barbara Pregelj, 2015, professional monograph

Abstract: Priročnik ponuja osem predlogov za branje, ki so podprti z nazornim opisom dela ter ustvarjalno rabo bralnomotivacijskih strategij. Te branje povezujejo z nekaterimi drugimi oblikami izražanja, predvsem pa z drugačnim razumevanjem njegove uporabe v razredu, saj glavni cilj priročnika ni uspešno dešifriranje posameznih besed, pač pa uživanje v branju.
Keywords: motiviranje za branje, uživanje v branju, branje literarnih besedil
Published in RUNG: 12.09.2016; Views: 4198; Downloads: 0

Večjezično branje ob dnevu knjige na knjižnem sejmu v Donostii/San Sebastianu
Barbara Pregelj, artistic performance

Abstract: Branje slovenskega prevoda Mariasun Lande, Krokodil pod posteljo.
Keywords: prevajanje, mladinska književnost, Mariasun Landa, slovenščina
Published in RUNG: 12.09.2016; Views: 6344; Downloads: 0

Štiri prevajalke študirajo euskero
Barbara Pregelj, radio or television event

Abstract: Intervju za TVE.
Keywords: prevajanje, slovenščina, euskara, kulturni kontekst
Published in RUNG: 12.09.2016; Views: 4290; Downloads: 0

Srečanje s prevajalkami v projektu Itzulzaile berriak na Univerzi Baskovske dežele 10. maja 2016
Barbara Pregelj, invited lecture at foreign university

Abstract: Predavanje o prevajanju v Sloveniji
Keywords: prevajanje, slovenščina, manjšinske literature
Published in RUNG: 09.09.2016; Views: 4119; Downloads: 0

Slovenska mladinska literatura z ekološko tematiko
Anja Vogrinc, 2016, master's thesis

Abstract: Glavni cilj mojega magistrskega dela je bil pripraviti pregleden seznam literarnih besedil z ekološko tematiko, izdelati tipologijo izvirnih slovenskih besedil ter predstaviti značilnosti korpusa teh besedil. V svojem magistrskem delu najprej predstavljam povezavo mladinske književnosti z ekologijo, okoljsko vzgojo in ekokritiko, v nadaljevanju pa se posvečam vprašanju vrednotenja mladinskih besedil z ekološko tematiko. Naredila sem tipologijo pravljic z ekološko tematiko ter analizirala in ovrednotila 22 besedil. Izoblikovala sem lasten model vrednotenja, pri tem pa uporabila spoznanja znanih slovenskih literarnih znanstvenikov (razmerje med spoznavno, etično in estetsko funkcijo po Janku Kosu) ter raziskovalcev mladinske književnosti (jezikovni, vsebinski, likovni, recepcijski, bralno-razvojni kriterij po Igorju Saksidi). Upoštevala sem tudi spoznanja vodilnih ekokritkov (Cheryll Glotfelty, Ursule K. Heise). Sklep svoje magistrske naloge sem zapisala v obliki krajšega pregleda infrastrukture mladinske književnosti, kjer sem predstavila naslednje dejavnike: literarnega proizvajalca (avtorje: Alenko Klopčič, Toma Kočarja, Mojicejo Podgoršek, Jernejo Pavček ter Heleno Kraljič), literarnega sprejemnika (mladi in odrasli bralci), literarne institucije (knjižnice, univerze), literarni trg (založbe: Eko knjigo, Založbo Tolovaj, Založbo Epistola ter Založbo Morfem), literarni repertoar (vsa izdana besedila, zbirke, priporočilni seznami) ter literarni produkt (mladinska književnost, spremljevalni projekti, literarne delavnice).
Keywords: Mladinska književnost, besedila z ekološko tematiko, ekologija, okoljska vzgoja, literarno vrednotenje, ekokritika.
Published in RUNG: 30.08.2016; Views: 6775; Downloads: 326
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Alenka Blažič, 2016, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: V diplomskem delu z literarnovednega vidika in queer teorije analiziram mladinska besedila, ki tematizirajo iskanje spolne identitete. Feministična literarna veda že od začetka ločuje družbeni spol od biološkega. Judith Butler nadgradi feministično teorijo z idejo o maškaradi spolne identitete, ki pravi, da je družbeni spol performans, ki ga delamo v kulturnem kontekstu. Vsebina diplomskega dela temelji na interpretaciji besedil, v katerih se pojavlja raznolikost spolnih identitet. V besedilih poskušam ugotoviti, kako literarni liki iščejo svojo spolno identiteto in kako se na iskanje spolne identitete odziva družbena resničnost. Izbrana besedila predstavljajo tudi kritiko sodobni družbi, saj se ta v svojem zavračanju drugačnosti neprimerno odziva na nekonvencionalne spolne identitete. Namen obravnavanih besedil je torej dekonstrukcija meja identitet in preseganje binarizma.
Keywords: iskanje spolne identitete, mladinski realistični roman, slikanica, queer teorija
Published in RUNG: 29.08.2016; Views: 5274; Downloads: 294
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Depression between biomedicine and Ayurvedic medicine : a case of patient experiences in Slovenia
Maja Kolarević, 2015, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: The present work explores the "major depression", which falls in a psychiatric categorization of mental disorders in the spectrum of mood disorders. The subject of the research was the (de)construction of scientific knowledge of depression in terms of Indian medicine: Ayurveda and biomedicine /psychiatry, and the understanding of treatment, accompanied by an example of these two medical systems from the points of view of the patients in Slovenia, diagnosed with major depression. This dissertation represents multi-layered content analysis highly relevant to the field of mental health – to cope and deal with the depressive mood disorder, as one of the most common forms of mental health problems. To this end the following was conducted: (1) a comparison between the conceptualization and treatment of major depressive disorder in psychiatric and Ayurvedic theory, (2) an examination of Ayurveda practice transferred to a different cultural environment, i.e. in Slovenia, in comparison with the environment from which it comes, i.e. in India, (3) an identification of key factors that prompt them to undergo Ayurvedic or psychiatric practice, (4) an analysis and a comparison of the course and the outcome of the treatment using both approaches, and (5) a comparison of participants understandings of depression from the psychiatric and the Ayurvedic aspects using narrative approach. The purpose of this research was to examine the differences between the two approaches of treatment for depression arising from the different concepts of understanding its causes, its course and consequently its therapeutic intervention. The main focus lies on the advantages / disadvantages of compared practices as experienced by patients with depression. This issue is particularly important because, according to health statistics, depression today ranks among one of the most common forms of mental disorders, and its incidence is on the rise. This is not necessarily a reflection of the increased cases as such, but might also be attributed to the better recognition and greater awareness of depression by healthcare professionals and the general public. The effects of Ayurvedic practice as treatment of mental disorders are still relatively poorly examined, as well as the transfer of Ayurvedic medicine into a different cultural environment. Studies on the treatment of mental disorders with Ayurvedic medicine from the perspective of a European patient experience are few and there is a major gap in this research field. In my opinion, the dissertation would immensely contribute to the enormous research gap on the treatment of major depressive disorders with Ayurvedic practice in Slovenian territory. From the scientific point of view, the results of this research represent a significant development in our current understanding of the still prevailing concepts of medical theories and practices in the field of mental health.
Keywords: major depression, psychiatry, Ayurvedic medicine, medicalization, paramedicalization
Published in RUNG: 15.12.2015; Views: 5561; Downloads: 327
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