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Ona, ki poje, poje tako, kot izvira voda iz skale – čisto, bistro, silovito : o poeziji Barbare Korun
Vita Žerjal-Pavlin, 2023, independent professional component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: slovenska književnost, sodobna slovenska poezija, slovenske pesnice, erotična poezija, dialoškost, vložnica
Published in RUNG: 30.01.2025; Views: 389; Downloads: 1
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The interface between Pt and ▫$Bi_2Se_3$▫ : instability and formation of a new ordered phase
Mattia Fanetti, Katja Ferfolja, Sandra Gardonio, Matjaž Valant, 2024, original scientific article

Keywords: topological insulator, platinum, interface, thin film, TEM, intermetallic
Published in RUNG: 28.01.2025; Views: 421; Downloads: 5
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Poletna šola tvorbenega jezikoslovja EGG : Brašov, Romunija, 22. 7. - 2. 8. 2024
Ema Štarkl, Matija Kristan, 2024, review, book review, critique

Keywords: jezikoslovje, poletna šola, poročilo
Published in RUNG: 27.01.2025; Views: 399; Downloads: 5
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Stimuli -ica experiment
Ema Štarkl, Marko Simonović, 2024, complete scientific database of research data

Keywords: naglasno mesto, izkorenske tvorjenke, izkategorialne tvorjenke, besedotvorna obrazila kot koreni, razpršena morfologija, slovenščina, zbirke podatkov
Published in RUNG: 27.01.2025; Views: 462; Downloads: 11
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Words in -ica from the GIGAFIDA corpus
Ema Štarkl, Marko Simonović, 2024, complete scientific database of research data

Keywords: naglasno mesto, izkorenske tvorjenke, izkategorialne tvorjenke, besedotvorna obrazila kot koreni, razpršena morfologija, slovenščina, zbirke podatkov
Published in RUNG: 27.01.2025; Views: 408; Downloads: 13
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Modeling of solvent role in protein folding experiments : dissertation
Knarik Yeritsyan, 2025, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: The Zimm-Bragg (ZB) model serves as a fundamental framework for elucidating conformational transitions in biopolymers, offering simplicity and efficacy in processing experimental data. This study provides a comprehensive review of the Zimm-Bragg model and its Hamiltonian formulation, with particular emphasis on incorporating water interactions and chain size effects into the computational framework. We propose a modified ZB model that accounts for water-polypeptide interactions, demonstrating its ability to describe phenomena such as cold denaturation and helix-coil transitions. In the realm of NanoBioTechnologies, the manipulation of short polypeptide chains is commonplace. Experimental investigation of these chains in vitro often relies on techniques like Circular Dichroism (CD) and timeresolved infrared spectroscopy. Determining interaction parameters necessitates processing the temperature dependence of the normalized degree of helicity through model fitting. Leveraging recent advancements in the Hamiltonian formulation of the Zimm and Bragg model, we explicitly incorporate chain length and solvent effects into the theoretical description. The resulting expression for helicity degree adeptly fits experimental data, yielding hydrogen bonding energies and nucleation parameter values consistent with field standards. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) stands as a potent tool for measuring the specific heat profile of materials, including proteins. However, relating the measured profile to microscopic properties requires a suitable model for fitting. We propose a novel algorithm for processing DSC experimental data based on the ZB theory of protein folding in water. This approach complements the classical two-state paradigm and provides insights into protein-water and intraprotein hydrogen bonding energies. An analytical expression for heat capacity, considering water interaction, is derived and successfully applied to fit numerous DSC experimental datasets reported in the literature. Additionally, we compare this approach with the classical two-state model, demonstrating its efficacy in fitting DSC data. Furthermore, we have developed and launched a free online tool for processing CD and DSC experimental data related to protein folding, aiming to support scientific research.
Keywords: Zimm-Bragg model, conformational transitions, helix-coil transitions, cold denaturation, circular dichroism, differential scanning calorimetry, protein folding, water-protein interaction, hydrogen bonding energy, degree of helicity, short polypeptide chains, protein heat capacity, protein data analysis, dissertations
Published in RUNG: 27.01.2025; Views: 435; Downloads: 10
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Kristina Glojek: Onesnaženost zraka
2025, radio or television broadcast, podcast, interview, press conference

Abstract: Z dr. Kristino Glojek se pogovarjava o njenem večmesečnem merjenju zraka v idilični slovenski vasi, kamor si sredi zime meščani tako želimo, da bi zadihali s polnimi pljuči. Izkazalo se je, da je zrak prav tako onesnažen. Kako lahko pride do česa takega in kaj lahko storimo, pa v tem podkastu.
Keywords: onesnaženost zraka, podeželje, Slovenija
Published in RUNG: 24.01.2025; Views: 450; Downloads: 6
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Metal oxide interlayers for improved efficiency of solar energy conversion devices
Andraž Mavrič, Nadiia Pastukhova, Yanbo Li, 2024, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: thin films, metal oxide interlayers, solar energy conversion
Published in RUNG: 24.01.2025; Views: 391; Downloads: 2
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Kakšen zrak dihamo? : sodelovanje v oddaji Globus, Televizija Slovenija, 17. 12. 2024
Kristina Glojek, 2024, radio or television event

Abstract: Sedem milijonov ljudi na leto umre zaradi onesnaženega zraka. V Evropi je okoli 239 000 smrti mogoče pripisati posledicam izpostavljenosti delcem PM2,5. Kakšne so razmere v Sloveniji in kateri so glavni vzroki, da je zrak tako močno onesnažen? O tem v tokratnem Globusu.
Keywords: Onesnaženost zraka, Slovenija, Svet
Published in RUNG: 24.01.2025; Views: 418; Downloads: 2
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