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Poti do književne raznolikosti : motiviranje za branje v projektih Leo, leo in Španska vas 2022/2023
Barbara Pregelj, Katarina Kogej, Polona Konjedic, Ema Cerar, 2022, professional monograph

Published in RUNG: 30.08.2024; Views: 204; Downloads: 0
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Poti do književne raznolikosti : motiviranje za branje v projektih Leo, leo in Španska vas 2023/2024
Barbara Pregelj, Polona Konjedic, Katarina Kogej, 2023, professional monograph

Published in RUNG: 30.08.2024; Views: 212; Downloads: 0
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Internationalization of smaller literatures through EU projects : Round table on Frankfurt Book Fair at October 19th 2024
Barbara Pregelj, 2024, unpublished conference contribution

Abstract: Presentation of EU projects GG4A, Bidiland, LIT-UP, LETS, KUP, and LITPRAX, emphasizing their contributions to cultural diversity, literature promotion, and publisher training.
Keywords: project, EU collaboration, Malinc
Published in RUNG: 30.08.2024; Views: 233; Downloads: 1
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LITPRAX project presentation at the Frankfurt Book Fair : Frankfrut, 22. 10. 2023
Barbara Pregelj, 2023, other performed works

Abstract: Slovenia was the guest of honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair, which took place from 18th to 22nd October 2023. Representatives of the LITPRAX consortium, namely Bojana Kovačević Petrović, Ivana Živančević Sekeruš (Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Novi Sad), Barbara Pregelj, Aleš Cigale, Katarina Kogej and Polona Konjedic (Malinc publishing house), presented the LITPRAX project several times: two face-to-face and one virtual round table, two stands (the LITPRAX stand and the stand at the Slovenian national stand) and numerous meetings with publishers, agents, editors, translators, illustrators and other interested public from all over the world, as well as with high representatives of the Slovenian state (the President of the State, the Minister of Culture, the President of the Republic of Slovenia, representatives of the Office for Slovenes around the World, the Croatian and Romanian Ministries of Culture), representatives of cultural institutes and publishers’ associations (Association of Spanish Publishers, Association of Valencian Publishers, Association of Basque Publishers, Association of Galician Publishers, Institut Ramón Llul, Institut d’estudis Balearics). The project was thus presented to more than 170 professionals in person and to more than 190 online viewers.
Keywords: Frankfurt Book fair, Slovenia guest of honour, Litprax
Published in RUNG: 30.08.2024; Views: 219; Downloads: 1
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Zapiski za oris recepcije špansko pišočih avtoric in avtorjev v Sloveniji, Srbiji in Romuniji : predavanje na Mednarodnem prevajalskem simpoziju Društva slovenskih književnih prevajalcev, Celje, 6.-8. oktober 2023
Barbara Pregelj, 2023, unpublished conference contribution

Abstract: Barbara Pregelj (Založba Malinc) se je udeležila simpozija Društva slovenskih književnih prevajalcev s prispevkom Zapiski za oris recepcije špansko pišočih avtoric in avtorjev v Sloveniji, Srbiji in Romuniji, ki je potekal od 6. do 8. oktobra 2023 v Mestni knjižnici Celje. Pregelj je predstavila podatkovno bazo, ki je nastala v okvriu projekta LITPRAX, in prevajalce in prevajalke povabila k aktivnemu sodelovanju pri zbiranju podatkov. Simpozija Društva slovenskih književnih prevajalcev, ki je bil posebej posvečen prevajanju španščine in španskega jezika, se je udeležilo okoli 30 književnih prevajalcev.
Keywords: prevajanje, podatkovne baze, recepcija, španska literatura
Published in RUNG: 30.08.2024; Views: 226; Downloads: 1
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La traddución como una herramienta para agrandar las lenguas con número reducido de hablantes : predavanje na Tutti i libri del mondo, IV. forum nazionale sull'editoria regionale, 21. e 22. settembre 2023
Barbara Pregelj, 2023, unpublished conference contribution

Abstract: Sobre la importancia de la traducción para las lenguas pequenas y minoritaria y la importancia de los proyectos Europeos.
Keywords: traducción, lenguas pequenas, proyectos europeos
Published in RUNG: 30.08.2024; Views: 206; Downloads: 1
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Analiza ekonomiĉnosti sonĉnih elektrarn za energetsko samooskrbo v Goriški in Obalno-kraški regiji : magistrsko delo
Katarina Jovanović, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: Danes je veliko pozornosti namenjeno ohranjanju našega okolja, zato je trenutno ena najatraktivnejših tem vlaganje v izgradnjo sončne elektrarne. Zanimajo nas podrobnosti te investicije in koliko dejansko pripomore k ohranjanju okolja. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela so bolj temeljito opredeljeni pojmi priključna moč, trajnost, odjemalci električne energije ter samooskrba, pri samooskrbi je predstavljena tudi nova uredba, ki je v veljavi od 1. 1. 2024 in s seboj prinaša nekaj novosti. V teoretičnem delu se nahaja tudi predstavitev delovanja sončnih elektrarn in njihova sestava, opis različnih vrst solarnih modulov in razsmernikov, predstavljene so prednosti in slabosti sončnih elektrarn, opisan postopek in zmožnost namestitve solarnih panelov ter predstavljena njihova življenjska doba, načini, kako življenjsko dobo podaljšati, pa tudi kako se solarne panele ob koncu njihovega delovanja reciklira. Nazadnje so predstavljeni tudi obračun električne energije po uredbi iz leta 2023 ter novi uredbi, subvencije, izračun porabe električne energije in donosnost. V analitičnem delu so predstavljeni prejeti podatki iz podjetja Elektro Primorska d. d. o oddani in prevzeti energiji, količini dokupa pri posamezni elektrarni, količini neuporabljenega viška, izračunanih v primeru vgradnje sončne elektrarne in brez njene vgradnje, nazadnje pa je prikazan tudi prihranek, ki je prisoten v primeru vgradnje sončne elektrarne. Potrjeno je bilo, da se naložba v izgradnjo elektrarne večinoma izplača, nas pa je zanimalo, v katerih razmerah se najbolj izplača. Izbrani so bili trije tipi elektrarn, in sicer 6 kW in 13 kW individualna samooskrba ter 30 kW skupnostna samooskrba, med katerimi se je kot najučinkovitejša izkazala 30 kW elektrarna.
Keywords: samooskrba, toplotne črpalke, fotovoltaika, sončne elektrarne, Elektro Primorska, analiza tveganj, DEXi, magistrske naloge
Published in RUNG: 30.08.2024; Views: 253; Downloads: 4
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For better or worse, we need to talk about -š
Madeleine Butschety, Petra Mišmaš, 2024, published scientific conference contribution abstract

Keywords: Slovenian, BCMS, comparative adjectives, verbs, adjectives, suffix
Published in RUNG: 30.08.2024; Views: 219; Downloads: 2
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Can you imagine a teenager with a book?!? : round table at the Conference "We love reading", Bologna, 10. April 2024
Barbara Pregelj, 2024, other performed works

Abstract: In recent time we are witnessing a sharp decline in leisure reading – reading in youth has an effect on reading in later life, and this round table will look at the question of how to attract teenagers, a key group in reading promotion, to reading and encourage them to keep the habit. A few successful projects in Slovenia will be discussed, demonstrating the positive effect of reading during teenage years. Together with authors of YA literature, we will also examine what teenagers need and expect within the context of literature – in short, what contributes to them becoming and remaining lifelong readers.
Keywords: YA litrature, reading projects, GG4A
Published in RUNG: 30.08.2024; Views: 203; Downloads: 1
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Los actores de la distribución de la literatura : lecture at Taller en Litprax 2 en la Universidad Oeste de Timisoara, 27 de octubre 2023
Barbara Pregelj, Francisco Tomsich, 2023, unpublished conference contribution

Abstract: Delavnica na Zahodni univerzi v Temišvarju.
Keywords: agentes literarios, distribución, campo literario
Published in RUNG: 29.08.2024; Views: 243; Downloads: 1
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